Chapter 57

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"Why did you ask me to come here, Sei?"
"You ask too many questions." Akashi sternly replied.
"You know? I think Yoon's grumpiness is brushing off on you."
"Don't compare me with that talkative cousin of yours." Akashi irked.

Akashi led Nakbin to his huge garden since she suggested for a picnic together.
She pulled out the prawn katsu and tofu dish of Akashi and some berries for her and set them on the mat.
"Tell me about your secrets," Akashi told her. Nakbin paused for a while and gave Akashi a questioning look.
"I said tell me about your secrets and don't think it's a request. It's an order."
Nakbin looked at him suspiciously. Her face is too close to his, making Akashi slightly uncomfortable.
"I don't trust you."
The corners of Akashi's lips curved downwards.
"You wound me. I thought we have settled this already yesterday."
Nakbin crossed her arms. "You're going to hold it against me."
"I won't tell anyone."
"You swear?"
"I swear."
"Cross your heart?"
"Cross my heart."
"Now, cross it!" Nakbin demanded. Akashi rolled his eyes and did as he was told.
Nakbin took a deep sigh. "I am scared of mirrors."
Akashi almost choked in his drink. "What?"
Nakbin looked at him teary eyed. "Mirrors are scary."
"I'm not referring to a childish secret." Akashi chided.
"But mirrors are really scary." Nakbin's voice turns shaky, her arms wrapped around herself. She looks terrified as she imagines herself looking into the mirror. "I always imagine myself staring at the mirror and then my reflection will look at me menacingly and then stab me and then ah-!" Akashi covered her mouth immediately before she lets out a terrifying scream and create a scene.
"I wasn't asking about that though I am glad to know you have such fear."
Nakbin frowned at him. "I knew you were planning to hold it against me."
"I already gave me your word, aren't I? I'm actually asking for your other secrets like how did you stop it."
Nakbin looked at him confusingly. "Stop what?"
Akashi pushed her down lightly. He moved atop of her, entrapping her in between. When she opened her eyes, she finds herself staring at his mismatched eyes again.
"How did you stop my emperor eye?"
"I don't know what you mean."
"Stop playing dumb with me!" Akashi irked.
"Yesterday, when you were having your secret little meeting, I saw you-"
"Oh that!"
Akashi looked at her in annoyance. He doesn't like anyone cutting him off while he's having his speech.
"You think I didn't notice your little scheme, oh great emperor?"
Akashi's eye twitched. Now she's starting to call me names.
"I knew you were eavesdropping."
If he is someone like Aomine, he already gaped and kept his jaw hung open. What?
"I knew you boys will be curious about our conversation so I told Aniue and Chihiro-sama to do sign language instead and I happened to be right as I heard whispers from the bushes. And if by emperor eye you mean eavesdropping, hai, I did stop it."
Akashi doesn't know whether to laugh or not. The conversation is getting ridiculous. He got off her and sat up straight. He feels like rubbing his temples.
Whether she's aware of the emperor eye or not, he is never going to get the answer.
Why did he invite her to his home again?

"So, do you talk with your father more often?" Nakbin asked him out of the blue. Akashi grimaced, he doesn't really want to talk to anyone about family matters.
"Yes." Came his reply.
"What do you usually talk about?"
"Business, school, basketball."
"That sounds boring."
"What?" He sent her cold stare, feeling half-insulted.
"That's boring because he probably knows the answer. If I can talk to my parents, I will tell them things they don't know or they won't expect about me."
Akashi remained serious. "You don't talk to them?"
Nakbin shook her head. "Never had the chance. Probably Aniue but that was sometime when he was still that very young. He even thought of disowning them once."
Akashi was shocked about the revelation although he didn't show it. He can't imagine Tetsuya, disowning his parents.
"They were always out the country ever since the title of the phantom queen has been passed to me."
Nakbin suddenly turned sober. Although Akashi didn't like the atmosphere, he can't help but be curious.
"Phantom queen? I remember you telling me that yesterday. You also mentioned to my father about the Silk Palace."
"Female phantoms such as my mother and myself are rarely born in our family. We can also control our misdirection better than boys, making us that special, as they say. I am the fifth one being born and third one being alive. Silk palace is just the place where I was born and raised."
Akashi eyed her curiously. "You can control it better, huh?"
"Yes! For example..."
Akashi widened his eyes when Nakbin vanished from his sight, right in front of him. Suddenly he felt someone poking him in the cheek.
Akashi has to hide his own surprise and retained his composure. "Why don't you use it often?"
Nakbin shrugged her shoulders. "I don't feel I need to, I am still unnoticed most of the time. Now back to the subject, you should talk to your father about other things. You don't know how lucky you are having him close by even though he is usually busy. Talk to him Seiju, tell him other things that will spark his interest like..." Nakbin grinned mischievously. " how I hit your head with a basketball."
"Ugh! You little!"
Akashi finally lost it and chased after her. Nakbin ran as fast as she could.
"Come back here, woman!"

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