Chapter 27

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The Seirin team gathered themselves at Kagami's apartment, bringing along all materials they will be using for the festival.
"So Kuroko and his sister will go on a date, huh?"
He winced in pain when Riko hit him with her huge fan. "Just let them be Bakagami!"
"It is their first time spending time together, isn't it? I wonder what they are doing now." Kiyoshi asked Hyuuga. "Tetsuya is surely spoiling her to the bone." Yoon chided.
"Nakbin said you've been together since childhood. Does this mean you don't get a chance to go outside your village too? I mean except for the tiger incident and moments as such." Koganei asked.
"Tiger incident? Ah! A tiger-!" Izuki was hit by Hyuuga before he could finish his sentence.
"What's this about the tiger?" Kagami asked curiously.
"It's complicated. I don't want to hear myself explaining it too you, a giant buffoon like you will hardly understand." "Why you lil-!"
"As for your question Shinji-san, yes I am allowed to go outside for two reasons. First, I came from the branch family and the second fact is that I am a male."
"I don't think we understand Yoon-kun."
Yoon sat himself beside Furihata and decided to help them with the confetti and decorations.
"Both Tetsuya and Nakbin came from the main family of phantoms, in other terms, they belong to the high class family. While Tyelko and I belong to the branch family, their distant cousins and it is our duty to protect those from the main family."
"And what does your gender has anything to do with it?" Kagami asked, still confused.
"You see, we take pride with our lack of presence. We consider it a very rare and special skill. All females born in our clan can control it better than males and they are more likely able to conceive more phantoms than women married to male phantoms. However, a girl isn't always born in our family. Nakbin is the fifth one so far."
Kagami scratched his head. "I still don't understand why do you have to keep that girl from so many things."
"It is accustomed that the girl born in a phantom clan or the 'Phantom Queen' as she is entitled, shall be protected from all harm and should be raised in the Silk Palace alone. She shall be taught all the necessary things in life before she will be allowed to set foot outside and live a normal life."
"Phantom Queen? You know what? I don't even want to know. Besides, how can you make sure she will be fine on her own? That girl is too innocent for her own good." Kagami argued.
"There's nothing to worry. Nakbin learns fast and unlike you, she is a prodigy in many things. So please do not compare us with the likes of you." Yoon countered.
"Ah Nakbin said Yoon is also a genius. Is it true that you can memorize a book right after reading it once?" Kawahara asked.
"Yes, I like reading medical books in particular. Aside from that I can cook, I bake, I sew, I knit, I hunt, I can build tents, I do landscapes, I can cut hair, I play the flute and I always win at shogi." Yoon proudly said while counting the many things he knows. "Sugoi..."
"The only flaw that I have is that I am very handsome." The company sweatdropped at his last statement.

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