Chapter 85

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At breakfast, Tetsuya remained quiet. Nakbin eyed her worriedly. "Aniue? Is something bothering you?"
Kuroko looked back at his sister and smiled. "Nothing's bothering me imoto-chan. I was only tired of yesterday's game."
"Oh. Okay."
Nakbin still felt guilty about yesterday. She is at sixes and sevens whether she will tell him about Akashi's confession last night.
"Nakbin." Yoon called her attention.
"Are you okay?"
"Uhm, yeah."
"The majestic lobster did not do anything to you, did he?"
"What? No! He only took me somewhere to eat and watch fireworks!"
"Heh? Why are you shaking?"
"I'm not!"
"H-hai?!" Nakbin froze up instantly upon hearing her brother's stern voice. This caused Yoon to raise an eyebrow. His light definitely hides something.
"Momoi-san volunteered to buy the things we need for the upcoming activity. Would you like to help her?"
"Hai! I would love to."
Kuroko smiled at his sister gently and pats her head.
"I will leave you at Touou school. You will meet her there."
"Of course."

Tyelko dropped Nakbin at Touou's gates. She has everything in her satchel- her cape, toiletries, comb, lots of hairpins, a bottle of water, a cup of milkshake, Yoon's vanilla cookies, a novel, a map, a shopping list and and a list of do's and don't's that needs to be strictly followed as instructed by Tetsuya.
Nakbin sighed deeply. She knows her brother wants her to be independent but every time she steps in a new place she can't stop being anxious.
She walked inside the campus and walked straight towards the gymnasium as said in the map drawn by her brother. It is readable despite her brother's poor quality of drawing, not that she's going to tell it to him. She won't risk another deduction of milkshake quota.
She bumped in Sakurai who immediately bowed down and apologized.
Sakurai recognized her voice and looked up.
"Good morning!" Nakbin chirped happily.
G-good morning..." Sakurai stuttered with a light blush on his cheeks.
"I'm glad I bumped on you. I was getting anxious by a second!"
"You're still not used to walk around alone?"
"Uh, well sometimes..."
"What are you doing in our school, by the way?"
"Oh! I came to meet Satsuki-sama. I want to accompany her to buy more supplies for the next activity."
"Is that so?"
"I I heard Momoi-San will come to school at noon."
"Really? Aniue did not inform me about it. I think I came too early."
"Don't worry about it! You could come at the rooftop with me! I brought some bento."
Sakurai unconsciously pulled her hand and rushed towards the rooftop excitedly.
They arrived at the rooftop as Sakurai scanned the area and found a perfect spot. "Here we are!"
"'s beautiful out here."
"I know, right?!"
Nakbin smiled at Sakurai as she noticed his sudden change in personality.
"Come! I will show you one of my best creations."
Sakurai opened his bento box, revealing a girl that resembles Nakbin.
Sakurai blushed deep red and snatched the bento out of her hands.
"Aaahhh! My mistake! No that one! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"
"But I want to see it Ryou-sama!"
Sakurai gulped and blushed even more when he looked into her pleasing eyes.
"Uh, here..."
Sakurai looked down, his bangs shadowed his eyes. Nakbin looked at the bento with awe.
"You are really artistic Ryou-sama. I love it!"
"Uh, th-thank you." Sakurai shifted uncomfortably. He made a huge mistake not checking the container first.
"Ano, why is it you made a bento in my image?"
Sakurai started stuttering. "You're cute..." He muttered.
"Ah! I mean! I truly admire you, I mean, you are great in archery and good in basketball! That's all!"
"I'm glad to hear that, Ryou-sama." Nakbin smiled brightly causing Sakurai to blush again.
"I wasn't supposed to show it to you, thinking you might get angry."
"Why should I? You are very talented. You know? You should make one of Yoon's, the one that looks like when he is angry and give it to him."
Sakurai blanched at the thought. "Uh...he will definitely kill me."
Nakbin laughed out loud, Sakurai joined her afterwards.
"Can I try it?"
"Of course." Sakurai smiled at her gently.
"'s delicious! As expected of you."
"Really? You should try this." Sakurai picked up an onigiri with his chopsticks and putting it near Nakbin's lips.
All of a sudden a huge mouth gobbled his onigiri, causing Sakurai to freak out.
"You got some guts Sakurai." Aomine mumbled with his mouth full.
"Hmm, this tastes great!"
Nakbin slapped his hand away.
"Tsk! Oi Sakurai, you really got some guts. Tetsu will kill you once he finds out."
"What? Please don't tell him! I'm sorry!"
"Tell Aniue what?"
"Moe Aomine, stop scaring Sakurai. The kid's growing up." Imayoshi punched Sakurai lightly on his arm. "I didn't know you had it in you."
Sakurai blushed and apologized again.
"What are you guys talking about?" Nakbin asked confusingly.
"Hmm, Kuroko Tetsuya's sister. Fancy seeing you here, have you finally made up your mind and picked up Touou as your school? Because that will be great having a lovely lady such as yourself here." Imayoshi sneered at her.
"Oi Imayoshi!" Aomine exclaimed.
"I still did not make up my mind about that yet. I only came here to meet Satsuki-sama."
"Satsuki? That woman is always late." Aomine lazily told her.
"Don't be a hypocrite, bastard." Wakamatsu arrived and approached the group, Susa following him behind.
"Oi who are you calling bastard?! Who even told you to come here?!"
"I can go wherever I want, teme!"
"Hmph! Whatever. I'll just take this from here." Aomine snatched Nakbin's bento.
"Hey! That's mine!"
"Hehe, this will be better if Sakurai displayed your boo-"
Someone hit him with a bag on head and before he can protest he saw Momoi with a deadly aura and gulped in fear. "Don't even try to finish that sentence Aomine-kun..."

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