Chapter 51

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During their mini tournament in the afternoon, Rakuzan takes the lead during first and second quarter. The Seirin starting players seem to be very exhausted since they just had two games straight.
"Maybe we should just have let the Kaijo win this morning. Your bodies are starting to give up any second." Koganei said worriedly while handing them their towels. He received a karate chop on the head from an enraged Hyuuga.
"What are you saying, dumbass! Eventhough this is only a practice game, we still have to take this seriously!"
"Ah sorry Hyuuga but..."
Nakbin eyed the two worriedly. She gave Yoon a suggestive look and the latter nodded in return.
"Uhm, excuse me Shinji-sama, Junpei-sama, but I think I just got an idea. Will you hear me out, please?"
"What is it, Nakbin-chan?" Riko asked.
They gathered themselves around her to listen to her suggestion.
Several gasps filled the gym, catching the attention of the opponent team and those at the bleachers.
"Looks like they are discussing a new plan, Dai-chan."
"Knowing Tetsu and his team, they never give up even if it's only a practice game," Aomine replied. He squinted his eyes at the girl who's talking at the team, giving them all a bright smile. Just what are you planning to do?

"But Nak-chan, are you sure about this?" Koganei asked worriedly.
"I know you are pretty good in archery but shooting a ball in a hoop is different." Hyuuga said, furrowing his brows.
Tetsuya gives his sister an encouraging smile.
"Don't worry Captain, Coach. I will continue playing the game so I can watch imoto-chan."
"I will cheer for you, Nakbin!" Ogiwara exclaimed.
"I want to play too." Kiyoshi said with a goofy smile.
"Are you sure about this, Teppei?" Riko asked.
"Hmm! Got to watch about our little girls here."
"I'm a handsome boy!" Yoon yelled, clearly annoyed.
"I'll stay too." Kagami stood up. He immediately blushed when Nakbin gave her a soft smile. He looked away and scratched the back of his head. "Not that I care about anything, I simply want to watch you two before you can get into trouble."
"Hah?" Hyuuga turned to Kagami and looked at him surprisingly.
"You sound just like Midorima-kun," Kuroko said in his monotone voice.
"Teme! Don't compare me with that idiot!"
Nakbin laughed softly, hands on her lips, causing Kagami to blush more.

Meanwhile at the bleachers, Midorima flinched.
"What's wrong Shin-chan?"
"I have a bad feeling someone is talking about me," Midorima said, emerald eyes narrowed at Seirin.

Break time is over and the players went back to the court. The new line-up of Seirin surprised everyone at the court, including their coaches.
Kagami and Kuroko remains at the game, with Kiyoshi as now their center. Nakbin and Yoon replaced Hyuuga and Izuki.

"Those two are going to play?" Miyaji asked.
"Forget that, but one of their players is a girl." Kimura pointed at Nakbin.
She has a cute pink jersey on, revealing more of her skin. Her hair tied up in an elegant bun, making her ears more obvious. Yoon has a matching jersey, except that his is baby blue.

"Nakbin-chan is going to play! She is so cute!" Okamura exclaimed.
"Keep dreaming, Captain. She will not fall for someone like you." Fukui chided, causing Okamura to cry again.

"What are they thinking, letting that girl play?!" Aomine scowled.
"She must be their new trump card. Seirin is full of surprises after all." Imayoshi said with a smile, although underneath he seems to be worried for a girl playing such rough game against tall guys.
"But she is a girl!" Wakamatsu argued.
"She just won against Hanamiya, remember?"
"But! She is going to face Akashi!"
Momoi clutched her clipboard tighter and eyed the girl worriedly. "Nak-chan..."

"How could they allow a beautiful flower play such rough sport?!" Moriyama exclaimed from afar.
"Nakbinchii!" Kise wailed.

"Oh Nak-chan! You play?" Mibuchi asked the girl in front of her.
"Not much, but I know the basics." Nakbin bowed at him and smiled widely. "Please don't go easy on us."
"Don't worry, Nakbin, we won't!" Kotaro cheerfully said then gave her a serious look. "After all, I don't like losing as well."

"Good to see you back!" Nebuya patted Kiyoshi on the back.
Akashi narrowed his eyes, not liking the scenario at all. What is Seirin thinking letting a girl play against him? He may have lost the Winter Cup but he isn't going to lose against a girl.

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