Chapter 23

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The game ended with 89-87, with Seirin leading but it was really a good game.
"I won't lose to Kurokochii and Kagamichii next time!"
"Don't call me Kagamichii!"
Everyone were gathered around a long table as Riko helps Nakbin and Yoon settle the lunch they prepared for everyone.
They started digging in. "Oohhhh!!! So delicious!"
Nakbin opened the lid of her bento. Kagami peered in and looked at it confusingly. "Are those flowers?"
"They're stuffed milkweed pods. Do you want some, Taiga-sama?"
"Huh? No thanks! You Kuroko family have a weird appetite."
"Says the one who eats a bazillion of burgers." Yoon deadpanned.
"Nakbinchii is a vegetarian?" Kise asked.
"I am now."
"You were not before?"Kagami asked, frowning.
"No but as I get used to with my surroundings, I felt so attached with nature that I came to understand every animal."
"And I'm sure not all of them wanted to be eaten, right Nigou-chan?"
"Arf!" They all flinched while Kagami choked.
"Nigou." Tetsuya called his puppy and patted him.
"What is that mutt doing here?!"
"We went to fetch him before coming here." Nakbin explained.
"Aahh!Don't come any closer to me!!"
"I can't believe a giant buffoon like you is afraid of a cute puppy."
"I said stop calling me that! And he's not even cute!"
"Don't say that Kagami-kun." Kuroko said with pleading eyes, Nigou atop of his head, whining.
"Argh! Don't look at me with those eyes! Ah! No! Kuroko! I'll kill you! Stay away from me!" Kagami sprinted as Kuroko and Nigou chased him.
Nakbin giggled at them. "Taiga-sama is a tsundere. Denying his secret liking to Nigou-chan." The company sweatdropped.

"By the way Nakbin, that was a very nice catch, however... How dare you call me Cookie Monster..." Hyuuga said getting into clutch mode, the young teen didn't even flinch. Her attention was stolen by Kise who was praising her like a master.
"Ne ne, Nakbinchii knows how to play basketball?" Nakbin simply shook her head.
"Do you play any sport? You have good reflexes." Kobori asked.
"Mounted archery, young sir."
"Mounted archery? You mean like shooting arrows while riding a horse?" Tsuchida asked earning interested looks from the others.
"Yes, I enjoy it the most! The thrill when I shoot my arrows and the triumphant feeling when I hit the bull's eye! Although I also play simple archery and horseback riding individually."
"That is so cool Nakbinchii!"
"Would you like me to show you?" "Huh?"
"Please wait here."
Minutes later, she came back with a bow and a quiver filled with arrows, all with roses as fletching.
"Where did you get those?!"
"I brought these with me Junpei-sama."
"But Nakbinchii I didn't see you carrying them."
"I made Yoon carry them."
"I didn't see him carrying those either!" Hyuuga countered.
"You backstabbing slave-driver herbivore! Next time you let me carry your things again, I'll bury you!" Yoon yelled but was ignored by super excited Nakbin.
She requested Tyelko to stand by the backboard and place an apple on top of his head while she stays on the other side of the court, preparing her arrow for release.
"Wah! Nakbinchii! What are you doing?!"
"Do not worry Kise-kun, as far as I know she never missed." Kuroko assured his friend.
All gave her nervous looks as she loosened the arrow. It hit the apple right in the middle, causing the juice to drip down Tyelko's head but the blue-haired remained impassive as usual, not moving an inch.
"Sugoi! Nakbinchii that was breathtaking!"
Kasamatsu and Hyuuga both sighed in relief.
"That was dangerous."
"Right. I felt like my oxygen supply was cut off for 60 damn seconds." The Kaijo captain told Hyuuga.
Nakbin dropped her bow. She stared at the basketball ring, unmoving.
"Nakbin, you okay?" Kagami asked.
"I think I... I want to be a shooting guard."

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