Chapter 83

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Akashi puts Nakbin down when they reached the Central Park of Tokyo. The girl has an unnerving look on her face.
"We wait for my butler Kyoya."
"You didn't have to carry me all the way here." Nakbin argues, her arms crossed.
"You would slow us down."
Nakbin gasped and was suddenly cut off by Akashi.
"Here he comes."
A black limo arrived and stopped in front of them, a long screeching sound was heard.
"I'm sorry I'm late young master."
"You're just in time Kyoya."
Akashi pulled Nakbin with him inside the car.
"Where are you taking me? And you didn't even tell my brother about any of this."
"Fret not. Tetsuya has already been informed."
"He was?"

Back at the gym, in the middle of the ruckus that is going on, Tetsuya's phone rang.
"What is it Tetsuya?" Yoon asked.
Kuroko showed him his phone.

I'll be taking Nakbin with me. She will be home before midnight.

"What the hell?! Who do you think is he, kidnapping Nakbin like that? He didn't even say where they are going!"
Tetsuya remained impassive but he is obviously unamused with the current situation.
"Aren't you going to say something? Tetsuya!"
Yoon stopped yelling when he noticed his cousin gripping his phone.

"Did he say something back?" Nakbin asked Akashi worriedly.
Akashi eyed the girl. "Do not worry. Leave everything to me."

An hour later, Nakbin noticed that they are now in a place she isn't familiar with.
"Uhm, Seijuro? What exactly is this place?"
"We are in Kyoto."
"Please do not yell at me. That is unbecoming of you." Akashi said in a reprimanding tone while keeping his casual face.
Akashi pressed his lips against her forehead, silencing her.
He smiled down at her. "Everything will be alright, my empress."
"You promise?"
"I promise."

"What are we going to do now? We left our things back in Tokyo."
"Kotaro will take care of it."
"Ah, we're here."

They arrived at Akashi's mansion at Kyoto. It is bigger and looks more elegant than what he owns in Tokyo.
The maids and butlers immediately attended to their master and to his new guest. Everyone has their eyes on the new face which they didn't notice at first. It is the first time that their young master has brought home a girl.

The maids lead Nakbin to the guest suite.
"The shower is over here Nakbin-sama." The maid showed her the bathroom and showed her a yukata that Akashi chose for her. "Please wear this after, Nakbin-sama. The young master requests it."
"Uh, oh. Thank you."
"Please call when you need something."
When the maid closed the door, Nakbin picked up the yukata and scrutinized it. It is made of white fabric and the embroidery is so beautiful. She pursed her lips and thought deeply. Is this part of the bet? She doesn't understand Akashi, Seijuro sometimes. Feeling quite tired, she decided to take a shower and relax in a tub filled with scented water and rose petals. Akashi must have prepared everything. It irked her how he was sure he was going to win. Now she understands how Yoon feels about losing.
When she thought she had enough, she left the tub and dried herself up. She was dressing up when she heard a knock on the door. The person did not wait for her reply and went in.
Akashi is now wearing his yukata, matched with hers. He slowly approached the half dressed Nakbin and pulled the hems of her kimono.
"You are not wearing it properly." Akashi told her in a casual tone while fixing her yukata.
He keeps himself composed despite having disturbed thoughts. He knew she was dressing up and he shouldn't be barging in knowing she will be partially naked. The touch of her skin sends shivers to his spine and he is trying his best not to blush. He makes it sure not to touch her inappropriately.  He wasn't sure what's gotten into him, not even his other half understands this. He only felt like wanting to do a bold move and he reacted based on his instincts. He hopes Tetsuya won't hear any of these.
Akashi tied her obi last. Nakbin smiled up to him innocently.
"Thank you but you know I am capable of doing it myself, right?"
"Of course. But it will take you so long."
Nakbin pouted then suddenly beamed at something.
"Then, help me do my hair!"
Akashi sighed in resignation. He actually feels slightly nervous. He doesn't know how to fix a girl's hair alone!
"Just help me hold it. I will do the rest."
Nakbin guided his hands. Her soft hair feels good in his hands and how he loves to touch it all the time!
"There. See? It's easy. Thank you very much!"
"I just want to remind you, I am not your servant. In fact, it is the other way around since you lost." Akashi seriously replied, trying his best to hide his blush, although Nakbin is oblivious to it.

The two arrived at the streets of Kyoto where festivities are held. Nakbin stared at her surroundings with awe while clutching on Akashi's arm. They actually look like a very cute couple.
"Come, my empress, I have somewhere else in mind."
Akashi led her to a cherry blossom tree on top of a hill. Up there, they can see everything that is happening downtown.
"It's so beautiful Seijuro. But I don't get it?"
"Should you be really treating me even if I lost the bet?"
"Do you want me to do otherwise?"
Akashi laughed at her reaction. Her cheeks are now dusted with pink blush.
Akashi moved closer to her, heterochromatic eyes met her kaleidoscopic ones.
"I wanted to ask you something."
"What is it?"
"Come with me to Rakuzan."
"...I don't know Seiju."
"It's an order." Akashi sternly replied.
"You know I don't take orders." Nakbin retorted back.
"How can you be so dense?!" An angry Akashi seized her arms and pressed his lips against hers. Nakbin's eyes widened, unable to move.
Akashi was also surprised by his actions but nonetheless there are no regrets.
"I'm sorry, I can't help myself."
Nakbin remained silent.
"Are you angry?"
"Are you angry that I kissed you?"
Nakbin shook her head, no.
"Then why don't you look at me?"
Nakbin clutched on his yukata.
"Baba told me a kiss on lips is the most sacred of them all and that I cannot simply give mine away. I don't know why but-"
Akashi silenced her by kissing her again.
"I'll tell you why."
Nakbin looked up to him with a very confused look.
Akashi embraced her softly and whispered something to her ear. Her eyes widened when she heard those words.
I love you.

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