Chapter 32

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The following day, Nakbin accompanied Yoon to buy more spices and ingredients since they will be starting to run their cafe near Seirin High. They are wearing their hooded capes again so that it will be easy for them to spot each other if they will get lost in the crowd.
While Yoon is busy picking spices and bargaining with the vendor, Nakbin was entranced with an azure butterfly that perched on her nose. And being an innocent and nature-loving girl that she is, she followed the butterfly as it fly away. She came back into her senses when she realized she has gone so far and lost Yoon. She began to panic when she heard someone crying.
She hid herself behind a tree and saw a huge man with wide jawline and weird hairstyle crying a lot of crocodile tears. She saw a group of tall men wearing the same uniform as him, talking to each other, a few meters away from him, all backs turned.
She slowly approached the crying man and poked him on his side. "Why are you crying big guy?" Okamura flinched on the soft voice beside him and saw probably, a girl, as she is wearing a dress per say. She has a hooded cape on her face hidden under her cloak. She carries a woven basket on her left.
"Why are you crying? Did someone hurt you?"
Okamura was touched with her voice. So gentle, he thought. He sniffed and wiped his tears with his long sleeves.
"My teammates told me I will not get a girlfriend ever, and I will not receive anything this Valentines. They say I have an ugly hairstyle and jawbone." He felt like crying again but is feels a slight tingling in his stomach as he is in fact, talking to a girl right now.
"I don't think so you're ugly."
Okamura felt euphoric, for the first time in his life a girl said that to him.
"What is Valentines?" Nakbin suddenly asked out of blue. Okamura stared at her surprisingly half amused.
He noted that she is actually serious as she remained silent. He's actually expecting her to laugh maybe, thinking she just made a joke. But no, she really doesn't know about Valentines but really?
He scratched the back of his head.
"Uhm... You know chocolates and stuff?"
Nakbin moved closer to him, hands under her chin, watches him closely, waiting for his answer. Okamura feels awkward for having her too close.
"What about them?"
"It's a special day when girls give chocolates to the people they like."
"Uhm people they are in love with?"
"Hmm, I don't think I can celebrate Valentines too. I don't have a lover."
Okamura chuckled causing his teammates to turn around them.
"Hey! Who is captain talking to?" Fukui asked, trying to recognize the hooded person.
"They are not only for lovers, kid. You can also give some to family and friends." Okamura finally feel comfortable, not noticing the curious states on them.
"Oh! And when will that be?"
"Seriously? Haha, well some time next week."
Nakbin became silent for a moment. Okamura heard her soft sigh.
"Well I think I will already be very busy next week. Maybe I should just celebrate it in advance."
"What's your name, sir?"
"Uh... Okamura, Okamura Kenichi."
Nakbin stood up in front of him earning puzzled looks from his teammates and Okamura himself. She curtsied and removed her hood, earning several gasps and astonishing looks from the group, even Okamura is at loss for words. "I am called Nakbin, Kenichi-sama and as for Valentines, I think I shall give this to you." She took something from her basket. It is small and covered in a cute pink wrapper, ties with a ribbon. "From this day on, we are now friends. I hope you'll like it!" She beamed at him. Okamura is at bliss, no, he actually feels his soul fled to heaven. He just received a valentine chocolate. From a girl and a cute one at that. His teammates felt their jaws drop. Murasakibara dropped his bag of potato chips. They rushed to them and soon both were surrounded by very tall guys. Nakbin suddenly feels intimidated by strangers.
"Why?! How can you fall for someone like him?!" Fukui grabbed her arms and shook her.
"I don't understand what you are saying, young lord and I demand to be released at once. You are hurting me."
The boys were taken aback by her words. Himuro arched his eyebrows at the strange girl. Okamura is still at Lala la land.
"Oh, sorry." Fukui put her down gently. Suddenly a huge hand snaked behind her and grabbed something from her basket. She gasped in surprise, pulling her basket closer and stared at the culprit. Murasakibara ignored her burning eyes and ate the chocolate. He licked his fingers and looked back at her.
"Pardon?" She blinked at him in confusion.
"Are there any more? I want more." He demanded. His eyes bored into her, both filled with hunger.
She pressed the basket to her chest. "No."
Murasakibara growled at her. "What did you say, Red Riding Hood? Do you want me to crush you?"
Nakbin looks so defiant, not showing any sign of fear and Murasakibara did not like it at all. Himuro stepped up and broke their glaring contest.
"Well well Atsushi, don't be so rude to the lady. Hi, sorry. I'm Himuro Tatsuya and this are my teammates. We came from Yosen of Akita." Himuro bent down and gave her a smile that will make any fangirl squeal. Nakbin looked impassive and looked up to him closer.
"You are beautiful."
"Eh?" Himuro caught off guard by her words.
"Nakbin, why didn't you tell me that to me earlier?" Okamura finally snapped out of his thoughts and asked dramatically.
"That is because thy has ugly jawbone and lame hairstyle." Liu Wei told his captain causing him to cry in tears again.
"How rude you are, young lord?! You are making him Kenichi-sama cry." Nakbin patted his head and gave him another chocolate. "There, there...I just told you you're not ugly, right?"
Fukui gaped at this. "Impossible," he muttered not believing his eyes.
"Besides they are your friends, right? Please don't mind them. Maybe they are just tsundere like Yoon-kun and Shintaro-sama. Maybe it's just their way of saying I Love You." Nakbin said to calm him down.
"Hah? What are you saying, Miss?!" Fukui asked her confusingly.
Murasakibara arched an eyebrow. "Midochin?" He only knows one Shintaro who is a tsundere. If he's guessing right, Midochin never mentioned about Red Riding Hood.
Himuro decided to interfere although he's starting to find the conversation amusing.
"By the way you speak, are you a transfer student? A royal from England, perhaps?"
"Iceland." She corrected him.
"What are you doing here in Tokyo?"
"I decided to join the festival so I can be with my Aniue. We are actually on our way collecting goods but somehow I lost my companion." Nakbin looked around with worried look.
"Perhaps we could help?"
"Uh, no thank you. I want to try on my own. By the way, maybe you can visit our cafe beside Seirin High then perhaps we'll see each other again, Kenichi-sama." Okamura widened his eyes and blushed hard. "Uh, hai..."He started playing with his fingers like a preteen girl with a crush.
"What if we won't?" Murasakibara countered in a challenging tone.
Nakbin got one of her chocolates and waved it to him. "Then you won't have any of this!"
Murasakibara tried to snatch it but her tiny hand is too quick. "Red Riding Hood!"

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