Chapter 77

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"So archery is her forte, huh? How come she's into basketball now?" Haizaki asked Kuroko. The latter gave him a blank look, smiling a bit to himself.
"She wants to try something that involves team play and have fun."
Hanamiya twitched. Team play. Fun?That sounds like Kiyoshi. He glanced at Ironheart who has a stupid smile on his face.
"Mounted Archery is her favorite but it is more of an individual play, not unless you involve the horse with it." Yoon pointed out.

"I'm excited! We will be playing together, my prince!" Mibuchi exclaimed as he tackled the blue haired boy. Tyelko nodded back in return making Mibuchi squeal in happiness. Nebuya and Kotaro groaned at their vice captain's antics.

"So you will be in our team, huh? I never played with a phantom before." Imayoshi told Mayuzumi.

"And so we will be playing on the same court." Akashi told Yoon.
"I can see that. Our showdown will remain on hold."
"I think so too."
"I pity Tetsuya though."
Yoon and Akashi spare Kuroko a glance. He happened to be in between the bickering aces of Touou and Seirin, looking pissed despite his emotionless orbs. Kise glomped Kuroko, who is now brimming with happiness for he finally gets the chance to play with his Kurokochii.

"I'm more interested how those girls will play the game." Seto said with a smile.
Yamazaki grinned. "They are pretty cute too."

On the other side...
"Alex and I will be teaching you the basics although I know you girls, already know them. Starting today we will be practicing some drills, then..." Masako tapped her sword against her hand. "...then you may apply your own styles. This is just a friendly tournament. I want you to make it more interesting. Understood?"
"Yes Ma'am!"

Riko brought the girls to their gym back home. Her father won't be around so they are free to practice on their own. Masako showed them some videos of last Winter Cup and Interhigh matches. All girls, Nakbin especially, looked at the videos with awe. She's so excited that she finally gets to play against her brother for the first time.
Masako watered down the drills that she used to give to her team. Training menu should compliment with women's stamina despite the fact that she used to play the game with boys before, thus receiving the same menu.
The positions have been designated. Alex will be the center, since she is the tallest. Nakbin will be the shooting guard, Tamara will be the power forward, Riko will be the point guard and Momoi will be the small forward.

After the drills, Momoi showed them the data she has gathered from the boys. Riko discussed what kind of coordination and formation plans that they should be having. They had a short game afterwards to improve their team play. Coach Araki is beyond satisfied. Girls learn faster and they are easier to teach.

"Alright. Rest, have a shower then prepare yourselves."
"What are we going to do next, Coach?"
Masako smiled. "What else? Shopping of course."
The girls gasped and jumped in excitement. You got it. Shopping is every girl's hobby.

Right after they freshen up. They packed up and headed straight to the mall. This is Nakbin's first time to go there without her brother or Yoon. She feels a bit anxious. Riko, being a keen observant that she is noticed this and gently held her hand.
"You'll be alright."
Nakbin smiled back at Riko, who is now her teammate.
All eyes are set into their group. Masako heard whispers, saying how attractive the girls are. She gave them a deadly glare, especially the boys. She feels like a mother protecting her daughters.
After Masako treated them to shopping they all headed to Maji, Alex's treat this time.
All pairs of eyes glanced at their direction. The girls recognized the familiar faces and ran to meet them.
"You boys are also here?"
"Most of us are famished. You might be as well, Alex." Himuro told the blonde.
"You girls went shopping? I thought you were supposed to practice!" Takao asked surprisingly as he noticed all the shopping bags they have on hand.
Otsuubo face palmed. "Girls. Typical."
"Aniki!" Tamara ran to him a wide grin plastered on her face.
"Eh?! Nakbin? What's on your head?" Koganei asked when he spotted the said girl with three boxes stop of her head while carrying a novel in her hands.
"Oh! This? They are shoeboxes."
The boys sweatdropped.
"We can see that. Why do you have shoeboxes on your head?" Takao asked.
"Well, as you can see I am currently reading this novel and it is too troublesome to carry them. Besides it is better this way. People clearly see me, saving me from bumping into anyone."
Because you look so weird, they all thought.
She has good balance. Kasamatsu thought, seeing she carries the boxes on top of her head without dropping them.
"I didn't know you are in need of shoes imoto-chan." Kuroko asked.
"Don't worry Aniue. I still wear the shoes that you bought me. I only need extra shoes for practice, and dancing and rubber ones for the game."
Yoon got the shoeboxes from her head as he muttered troublesome.
"You look so into that book Nakbin." Mayuzumi spoke.
"Oh yes! It is a very nice novel. Did you know Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children?"
"Oh that! I heard they will also have it a movie." Kotaro said.
"They also have an invisible kid here. This book just gave me an idea how we can stand out Aniue, Chihiro-sama."
"Whatever it is just keep it to yourself Nakbin! You will just start suggesting ridiculous things again!" Yoon yelled, causing her to sulk again.

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