Chapter 54

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Akashi struggled to get up. He felt like having a light concussion. He can't believe that girl just humiliated him. Twice. In front of everybody. It was her fault he tripped this morning.
Mibuchi helped him to stand up. He kept his regal composure and stoic face the best that he could. He glanced at Kagami who has a bemused look and glared at him.
"I didn't know you want to die so early, Taiga."
Kagami paled at the moment.
Akashi faced Kuroko and despite the total deadpan, he looks angry. Akashi sighed deeply and closed his eyes.
Akashi opened them, revealing his original red-maroon eyes.
"I apologize Tetsuya. I didn't mean to upset your sister."
"Then go and talk to her, Majestic Lobster." Yoon sternly said. Akashi didn't give him a death glare this time but bowed down at his new rival instead.
"Please excuse me." Akashi stood straight and walked towards Nakbin's direction. Several pairs of eyes followed the red head's retreating form.
"How troublesome. They're like married couple having a silly fight." Yoon muttered to himself.

Kagami, Aomine and Kise laughed out loud after Akashi left the inside gym. Takao snickered as well but received a scolding from Midorima.
"Stop it Takao. Akashi will come and haunt you if he learned about this."
Takao sneered at his partner.
"Are you worried about me Shin-chan?"
"Of course not. I just don't want our school to lose one of the starting players."
"Tsundere." Takao mumbled.
"Nothing." Takao smirked as Midorima huffed and crossed his arms.

"Hahaha! Akashichii just kissed the floor!" Kise laughed louder.
"I know right. I never seen that guy embarrassed before." Kagami agreed.
"This is the best day of my life!" Aomine laughed along. "Oi Satsuki, give me that photo later!"
"You value your lives so little." Kuroko told the three, causing them to jump in fright.
"Teme! I told you to appear normally!"

Akashi waits patiently in front of the girls bathroom. Nakbin changed back to her dress, her hair hanging loosely down past her knees, fastened by a hair clip on the side.
Nakbin saw Akashi waiting outside. But her pride was hurt badly and she chose to snob at him instead. She is a kind girl but she won't let it slide this time.
She passed by him, her head held high, walking elegantly like she used to. Akashi was clearly annoyed by the fact that Nakbin is now ignoring him.
"Stay." Akashi sternly told her. She paused for a moment but continued walking afterwards.
Akashi struggled to retain his composure. This girl!
Feeling half-insulted, Akashi allowed himself to swallow his pride.
"I'm sorry. Please stay."
Nakbin turned around and gave him a serious look. She still looks so beautiful despite her disdainful scorn.
"I'm sorry about a while ago." Akashi repeated his words. Truly, apologizing more than twice feels like stabbing his own heart with a knife.
Nakbin eyed the captain warily. "Do you mean that?"
"Yes, I'm truly sorry, my lady. I was out of line." Akashi knelt on one knee and kissed her hand gently. Nakbin, despite her proud and elegant bearing, gave him a soft genuine smile.
"Apology accepted."
Akashi stood up and bowed at her. "I am glad. Thank you."
He started walking away but Nakbin feels unsatisfied with the short exchange. She pulled his hand gently causing him to halt.
"Please wait Seijuro-sama."
"Is there anything else you need?"
"I'm sorry too."
"There's nothing to apologize my lady."
"I'm glad to hear that but... I actually wanted to know if I offended you in any way?"
Akashi gave out a small sigh. "Just like I said, there's nothing forgive. I was only tired."
Nakbin blocked his path. "I don't believe you."
Akashi gave her a stern look. This girl is starting to get in his nerves again.
"Your eyes are all back to red."
Akashi inwardly sigh. Not this again. For Kuroko's sister, she's too nosy and stubborn.
"Is it magic?"
"I'm sorry but I have to get back to my team."
Nakbin keeps on blocking his path which irritates him.
"There are two of you perhaps?"
Akashi looked at her surprisingly. Tetsuya surely didn't tell her about him otherwise she will not be this too nosy. But how did she figure out?
"I have read this book when I was a child. There is this character with two personalities. His eye color changes whenever he switches back to another. So, I'm right, aren't I? There's two of you."
She winced in pain as she finds herself pressed against the wall, Akashi's hands on her sides, trapping her. When she opened her eyes, she finds his heterochromatic eyes staring back at her, his aura murderous as always. His other self hates it when she doesn't feel intimidated at all.
"What if I am, Nakbin? Aren't you scared of me?"
"No..." She reached up to touch his face causing him to flinch a little.
"Is this supposed to be a secret?"
"My teammates and your brother have known about this already."
"Then perhaps I can call you in two names?"
"I will call you Seiju while I will call your other half Sei. Will that be okay with you?"
The heterochromic Seijuro chuckled. "You're unbelievable."
"You're not answering my question." Nakbin told him. She sounds like getting annoyed again.
Akashi looked back at her, this time with his two crimson eyes. He smiles back at her and offered a hand.
"Of course, you may my lady. Now shall we go back to the gym? They're probably waiting for us."
Nakbin placed her hand into his and laughed softly. "I would love to Sei."

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