Hanamiya Route

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The day when Nakbin finally returned his feelings was the day Hanamiya, Makoto changed. Some say that Hanamiya died and came back to life with new soul inside him. Kirisaki Daichii basketball team was once famous for its dirty play. Now, it is one of the famous teams to strictly follow game rules, which makes the game tougher because all players now train harder.
Hanamiya is still a tsundere, as Hara would term it. He takes Nakbin to school and walks her home but he never holds her hand in public. In private, he would kiss her and whisper sweet things to her. Makoto, being the genius that he was, is very careful. This made his teammates and some of Seirin members to be very curious.
One day, they decided to spy on their date.
Makoto took her to Maji's to buy her favorite drink.
"Eh? That seems normal. They don't look like a couple at all!" Koganei whined.
"Be quiet! This is Makoto we are talking about." Seto scoldingly told him.
They hushed themselves when they saw Makoto whispered something to her. They then shared a passionate kiss, causing the onlookers to blush deeply. Things seem to be starting to heat up that most of them wanted to run.

Several years later, Makoto was a successful business man and a writer, whilst Nakbin endulged herself in music. They got married and later on are expecting a child.
It was Makoto's day off and it made him happy that he gets to spend time with his wife and unborn child.
Hanamiya kissed Nakbin's huge bump. Nakbin giggled softly, "Stop it Mako-chan! It tickles!"
Makoto smirked playfully. "What makes you think I care?"
Nakbin pouted back. Makoto showered her belly with many kisses when he felt a hard kick on his face, causing Nakbin to laugh.
"The hell?!"
"Ahw, he must be angry. You are so mean to me, that's why."
"Too bad little guy, your mother belongs to me." Makoto nuzzled his nose in her Nakbin's navel, feeling another kick.
"What the?!"
Nakbin laughed when she suddenly felt pain and something weird. She gasped in realization.
"My water broke!"
Hanamiya carried her immediately and drove them to hospital. Her brother, their friends and even his former rivals went to the hospital and waited patiently at the waiting area.
Kuroko patted him in assurance. "It will be alright, Makoto-kun."
The former basketball captain nodded. He seems to be so nervous especially when he heard her screams. After hours of agony, he was called to meet his son.
Once he got inside he was met with a baby with dark tuft of hair. He has pale skin and the face of his mother. The baby cried when he was in his arms but calmed down and cooed when placed on top of his mother's chest. The same greyish brown eyes met Makoto's. The baby boy seemed to be threatening him, saying that Nakbin is his. This did not go unnoticed by Nakbin. She finds it so amusing that both father and son are having a glaring contest.

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