Chapter 19

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The three of them remained quiet while heading towards Seirin's designated room. Kise kept on glancing at Nakbin. He abruptly looked away when she caught his eyes at her direction.
"I'm sorry about what happened a while ago, young lord."
Yoon scowled as he was listening. Why is she apologizing to the hungry wolf.
"Uhm it's alright. Uhm, miss? Why do you speak like that?"
"Like what?"
"That. You know? My lord thing?"
"Oh." Nakbin laughed softly, slightly changing the tense aura around them.
"I'm sorry. It's simply a habit."
"Right. So Aniue? You have a big brother from Seirin? And he plays basketball?"
Nakbin nodded.
"I think I met everyone from Seirin. What's his name?" Kise asked curiously.
Yoon tensed, suddenly feeling uncomfortable with their conversation.
"Kuroko Tetsuya."                                        Kise froze at her reply.
"Hmm?" Nakbin gave him a puzzled look. Kise gaped at her and spluttered.
"Ku-Kurokochii?! You're Kurokochii's imoto?! Since when?!"
"Since she was born, baka! And why are you adding -chii to his name?!"
Yoon stepped between them, looking somewhat shielding Nakbin from Kise. "But I didn't know!"
"You don't need to know!" Yoon yelled back.
Kise went to tackle the poor girl. "Waahhh!!! Nice to meet you! You're name's Nakbin, right?! Nice to meet you Nakbinchii! My name's Kise Ryota!" He shook her hand vigorously.
Yoon enraged and very annoyed, separated the two. "Get you're hands off her!"
"Why do you always interrupt? Who are you anyway?"
"Please forgive him Ryota-sama, he is our cousin, Yoon."
"Tsk! Enough with the pleasantries! Just take us there, will you?! And Nakbin, Tetsuya will not be very pleased if we came in so late!" Yoon reasoned.
"Oh right." The three of them hurried themselves.
When they arrived at Seirin's locker they were greeted by astonished faces.
"What are you doing here Kise?!" Kagami abruptly asked, annoyed to see the copycat's face.

"Kurokochii!!!" Kuroko avoided Kise causing him to fall face flat on the floor.
"That was so mean Kurokochii! And you are just cruel! You did not tell me you have a sister! I'm your best friend!"
"I never said we are best friends." Kuroko deadpanned. Imaginary tears streamed down Kise's face. The others look visibly annoyed by the said blonde. Both coach and captain started to crack their knuckles.
"Enough!" All turned faces at enraged Yoon. Yoon pulled Kise out of the locker room. "Get out here you annoying minion! We really appreciate your help, so thank you very much!"
"But wait!"
"Good bye and I hope i will not see your face again, up close!" Yoon slammed the door on his face and panted.
"Uhm did something happen?" Koganei asked Yoon.
Riko and Hyuuga both approached him and patted him both on head and shoulder. Both looking in a clutch mode and smiling darkly.
"Way to go Yoon." Hyuuga praised him darkly.
"Yes, welcome to the club." Riko added.
"What the hell just happened?" Kagami asked.
"That Kise Ryota tried to manhandle Nakbin." Yoon pointed at the door. "What?" Kuroko asked darkly.
Kagami noticed this and smirked evilly.
"No, he did not Yoon." Nakbin argued. "That was just a handshake."
"He did not do it gently. I thought your arms were about to break!"
"But I'm fine!"
"Still. That pervert can do something worse, right Kuroko?" Kagami added.
"Coach, when is the game starting?" Kuroko grimly asked.
Kagami grinned at this. This is getting good. He is so fired up for the game.

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