Chapter 25

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Tsugawa whined as he lost sight of the two. He blamed his misfortune over Nakbin's overprotective brother.
"Why are we running away, Aniue?"
"I only want to get at the mall fast." Kuroko felt his vein throbbing. He did not quite enjoy the movie as he was having a glaring contest with Tsugawa.
"I enjoyed the movie Aniue. Let's do it again some time." Kuroko felt smiling at her statement.
Meanwhile outside the streets of Tokyo...
"Tsk! Ugh! Shin-chan! We've been doing this for hours. Can we stop for a while?" Takao asked, panting.
"Be quiet Takao, we need to find my lucky item for the day otherwise we will lose at the practice game, nanodayo."
"I really admire your tenacity and focus but at times like this you seem to be an idiot," Takao mumbled exasperatedly.
"Nothing. My sincere apologies. But where are we going to find the right item? We've been going around the city already, you know?"
"There has to be something I overlooked. I need to find something with long silky hair and cute round blue eyes, nanodayo."
They heard some clanking sound below the rear of the rickshaw that Takao is pulling. Suddenly screws began loosening causing The green haired male to fall on the curb of the streets.
"..."Midorima groaned in despair as he struggled to get up. "We need to find my lucky item fast, nanodayo! My life here is at stake."
Takao scratched his head while inspecting the rickshaw. "How did it happen? I checked everything before i left the house."
"This is why we need to find my lucky item pronto, nanodayo." Takao picked up the screws scattered on streets and started fixing the cart. Suddenly they heard a beeping sound coming fast towards their direction.
"Shin-chan, look out!" Midorima felt himself being pulled by someone. A screeching sound was heard as the car drove past them.
"Man, that was dangerous! Shin-chan, you okay?"
"..." Midorima didn't reply as he tries to find his savior, to take him at least.
"Meh, what are you looking for?"
"I need to thank the person who saved me."
"Huh? But I don't see anyone."
Suddenly Midorima felt someone tugging on his shirt. He absolutely did not jump when he saw the girl that suddenly popped out of nowhere.
"Are you alright, my lord?"
"Eh? My lord?" Takao peered behind Midorima who remained speechless.
"Are you the one who pulled him?" Takao asked. Nakbin gave him a soft smile and looked back at Midorima,
"You're not hurt, are you?"
Midorima blinked twice and recovered from his statue-like state. He pushed back his glasses as he regained his composure.
"Thank you for saving my life." Midorima bowed at the young lady in front who curtsied back in return.

Because of her short stature, it is easy for the two strangers to assess her. Snow white skin, red lips, pointy ears and... "Long silky hair." Midorima mumbled.
"I beg your pardon?"
"You have long silky hair." Midorima pointed out. He suddenly pulled her hand without giving her a chance to protest. "Please come with us."
"Shin-chan! What are you doing?!"
"Shut up Takao. She is coming with us."
"But Shin-chan I don't want to be blamed for kidnapping! Besides her eyes aren't blue."
Nakbin wrestled with her thoughts, this must be what Yoon has warned her about people here in the city. She began to panic, if only she listened to her brother.

Moments ago...
"Please stay here imoto-chan, I will be back." Tetsuya went to look for something in the shop when a group of people suddenly barged in pushing the poor girl away. She panicked when she lost sight of brother and went out to look for him, instead of doing what she was told. That is how she ended up outside the streets feeling like a lost deer. She feels tears stinging her eyes. All of a sudden she saw a guy with green hair rolled down the street. She heard an incoming vehicle heading towards the direction of that person. It's coming fast and he will not be able to make it. This must be what Yoon means by cars hitting people. So being a good samaritan that she is,she rushed to help him.
But now that person is trying to kidnap her. Nakbin tried to free herself from his grip.
"Please let me go!" She whimpered.
"Shin-chan this is too much! You have to let her go!"
"Please let me go! I need to get back to my Aniue!" She struggled, having the sudden urge to kick the said guy on his crotch when...
"Nakbin!" The girl recognized the voice and gasped in relief to find her brother who just came in running. He is panting with his hands on his knees. Midorima released the frightened girl.
"Aniue!" She ran towards her brother and hugged him desperately, whimpering.
"Kuroko!" Midorima finally recognizing the boy, approached the two, feeling guilty for his actions. Takao followed, still eying the girl with worry.
"Midorima-kun? Takao-kun?"
She looked up to her brother and glanced back at the two strangers, not releasing her brother. "You know each other Aniue?"
"Hai." He patted her hand as she released him from the crushing hug.
"Aniue?" Takao asked.
"Midorima-kun here is my former teammate back in Teiko and that is Takao-kun. They both go to Shuutoku high.
"They're not the bad guys?"
"No, what makes you say that?"
"Sorry Kuroko but Shin-chan here tried to kidnap her because of her hair."
"Midorima-kun..." Kuroko gave him a deadpanned glare.
Midorima flinched. "I did not! Stop making up stories Takao!" He turned to Kuroko. "I'm very sorry Kuroko, I simply asked her a favour to come with us nanodayo."
"That's not what actually happened."
"Shut up Takao!"
Nakbin watched the exchange and stepped up. "Excuse me Aniue," she curtsied at the two.
"My name is Nakbin and I am Kuroko Tetsuya's sister. I am sorry I mistook you for bad guys." Midorima coughed. "I am sorry too, I was out of line. That was very disrespectful of me."
"You're forgiven." She curtsied back with a soft smile. Midorima opened his mouth and was cut off when Takao with his usual hyper self dashed towards the girl, holding her by the waist with his other hand holding her right hand.
"Oi Takao!"
"Mah aren't you cute? My name's Takao Kazunari." He gently released the girl who didn't show any discomfort from the touch. "Ne why don't you call me Kazu-chan?"
"I'm very sorry Kazunari-sama but I am not used to be addressing people casually."
"Heh?" Takao smirked. "Well that's fine by me. Anyway, this one here is my friend Shin-chan but you can call him Nanodayo instead."
"Oi Takao! What are you saying?!" Nakbin curtsied at Midorima.
"It is nice to meet you, Nanodayo-sama."
This caused Takao to roll down on the floor, helplessly laughing. Nakbin stared at him confusingly.
"Takao!" Midorima yelled indignantly while blushing heavily but was ignored by Takao who keeps on laughing. He turned back to the said girl.
"I'm sorry about that. That idiot is simply fooling around. Please don't listen to everything he says, nanodayo." "Oi Shin-chan!"
"My name's Midorima Shintaro." He assessed the girl carefully. "So you are a Kuroko. How come I never heard about you?"
"Did you ask Aniue?"
Kuroko decided to interfere. "Excuse me, Midorima-kun. But what are you guys doing here?"
"We are actually heading to our practice game. Coach decided to have it before we get busy for the festival," Takao explained.
"Ah. I see, we must be taking a lot of your time. We'll be on our way the ."
"Wait Kuroko!"
"Cute round blue eyes."
"You two will come with us." Midorima pulled the two and asked them to hop in the rickshaw.
"What?! You can't be serious!" Takao protested .
"Hurry up Takao, we'll be late for our game."
"As if I have a choice!" Takao grunted as he started pedalling. "You are heavy, you know?!"
"Quit whining Takao."
Nakbin looks blissful sitting on the cart. "It's so nice Aniue! It's like having your own mini carriage! Does Shintaro-sama always ride this?"
"Yes," he said, fixing his glasses. "Sugoi! Aniue, let's make our own too!" "No, let's not..."
"Why not?"
"Because I said so." Nakbin pouted back. "Please do not pout like that imoto-chan. It is unbecoming for a lady."
Takao peered at the two but didn't say anything while Midorima is looking closely at the two. They don't look exactly alike, even their personalities are different. However they both share similar aura.
After scrutinizing them, he decided to break the silence.
"Did you tell Akashi about...this?"
"I actually did not tell any of the Generation of Miracles about the arrival of my family. However you are the third person to find out. Kise-kun met them yesterday and Aomine-kun found out last week."
"Family? You mean, you have more relatives with you?"
"Just two more cousins. Besides I don't feel like explaining myself to Akashi-kun."
"He will find out soon enough anyway."
Midorima frowned at his reply but did not press the subject any further.

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