Chapter 40

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Nakbin and Yoon arrived at home before Tetsuya does. They rushed to Nakbin's bedroom and hid their stuff under her bed. They did a quick shower after that, forgetting that they actually missed dinner. They heard several footsteps coming and hopped on her bed, pretending to be asleep.
Tetsuya stepped in and smiled at the sight. He doesn't mind Yoon being close to his sister since the two are used to be sleeping together.
Tetsuya pulled the blanket and tucked them both in. He planted a kiss on each forehead and turned on the lamp before leaving the room. The two scoundrels sighed in relief after they heard the door clicked.
"I will not do that again!"
"But admit it, it was fun!" Nakbin grinned, poking him on his sides.
"I don't know why I always agree with you."
"Well, you love me Yoon, that's why."
Yoon scoffed. "Whatever. Let's just go to sleep. I felt tired all of a sudden."
Nakbin cuddled closer to Yoon. "Good night, Yoon."
"Night." He draped an arm around her protectively as darkness took him.

The two did not wake up early as they used to. It is extremely rare for them to oversleep. They are the ones who make breakfast everyday but now the table remains empty. Perhaps they were tired from yesterday? They sure did a lot of work at the cafe but neither of the two has became this exhausted before. Nakbin and Yoon just have too much energy and enthusiasm to start with. Tetsuya can't help but sigh in disappointment. He really loves their cooking.
Tyelko volunteered to wake up the two. He knocked at the door several times but no answer came. Well, that's weird. Neither of the two were heavy sleeper. It is only Tetsuya that is.
"I think we better open the door." Tetsuya suddenly popped up beside him. Tyelko nodded back and twisted the doorknob open.
They were greeted by the most ridiculous sight ever. Yoon is on the floor, face flat. Nakbin is dangled on the bed with her head down. Their messy bed hair are obviously sticking out. Tetsuya bit his lip hard while Tyelko turned his back around. His shoulders are obviously shaking. Tetsuya got Nakbin's camera and took the picture. Score.
The two did not even flinch and Tetsuya is starting to get impatient. He is already very hungry. Even Tyelko's stomach is grumbling. They started poking the two. They both groaned. Yoon slowly sits up, rubbing his eyes. While Nakbin woke up as she finally fell down on the floor. She yawned as she heard a familiar chuckle from behind.
"Aniue! Ohayo gozaimasu!"
Yoon's eyes widened. "Oh! We did not oversleep, are we?"
"You actually did..."Tyelko said in his ghastly voice. Nakbin gasped and Yoon's eyes turned saucers wide.
"We're so sorry Aniue, Tyelko! We didn't mean-"
Tetsuya patted her head gently.
"I understand you're very tired. Just go and change. We'll just go and buy some milkshakes."
"Oh. Okay." Nakbin kissed her brother on the cheek. Yoon pinched the bridge of his nose. They should not have done it at the first place. What if Tetsuya finds out?

And so they find themselves sitting on Maji burger's table, sipping their vanilla shakes happily.
"Aniue, when will I meet the president of the Reader's club?"
Tetsuya's ocean blue eyes stared at her kaleidoscopic black. "Soon enough imoto-chan. I heard Akashi-kun and his teammates have only arrived yesterday so we will probably be starting out activities anytime soon."
Nakbin hummed in reply.

"We are going to have our practice today, would you like to come?"
"Sure, Aniue!"
"So Tyelko, you also play basketball now, huh?" Yoon glanced at the dragon-eyed boy beside him. Tyelko nodded back. "What position do you play?"
"Is that something like what Teppei-sama and Rinnosuke-sama are doing?"
Yoon smirked. "I want to see the reactions of your opponents when you come out of nowhere and block the ball."
Tetsuya smiled at this. "You should have watched it yesterday. Our seniors always give funny reactions and captain went on a rampage."
Yoon laughed hard. "Isn't this exciting? Right, Nakbin?"
Nakbin gave him a suggestive smirk in return.
Yoon turned to Tetsuya, "Who will be your opponents for the practice game?"
"Both Shutoku and Kaijo this morning then Rakuzan in the afternoon. Akashi-kun arranged it."
"I can't wait to meet this Mr. Know-it-all captain of yours Tetsuya." Yoon sneered.
"Will Satsuki-sama and Daiki-sama come as well? What about the young lords from Yosen?" Nakbin asked.
"They will surely come and watch. Akashi-kun requested it."
"Ah not only a scheming mastermind but a demanding snobby heir as well..ow!"
Nakbin flicked his forehead. "That's not a nice thing to say Yoon. You did not even meet him yet."
"I agree with imoto-chan, besides, Akashi-kun doesn't like being provoked."
"Hmph! Who cares? I bet I can challenge and defeat him in shogi." Yoon snapped.
The siblings smiled at him. Yoon is a brilliant child. He always wins at shogi and Akashi is probably the only one who can challenge him. The red emperor doesn't like losing and Yoon longs for a rival.

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