Chapter 58

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Sayuri together with the rest of Akashi household smiled at the sight. Akashi chased after Nakbin, then laughed together when he finally caught her.
"The young master must really like Nakbin-sama, don't you think Okaa-san?"
The maid smiled at her daughter in reply. She hopes that too. Seeing their master that happy is something everybody is waiting for.
Akashi introduced her to his horse, Yukimaru and was surprised to see them bow down at each other. Nakbin pressed her forehead to Yukimaru's and whispered something he cannot understand. They ride him together, Yukamaru is pleasantly well behaved.
"He seems to be taking his liking of you. He usually doesn't behave even to Shintaro."
"He just told me he's happy meeting me."
Akashi quoted an eyebrow. "Told you?"
"I lived with animals for a very long time and I somehow can understand them."
"You're really a strange person, Nakbin."
"And so I'm told." Nakbin smiled and leaned against his chest. Akashi felt something strange within him, a pleasant feeling stirring in his heart. He only wishes she won't hear his heart beating that fast. She has a strong sense of hearing after all.
After the pleasant ride, he led her to his mother's grave. Nakbin paid her respect and smiled at his mother's portrait.
"She's really beautiful Seijuro. She actually looks like you except you inherited your father's scary aura." Nakbin jokingly said.
"Stop making fun of me already." He irked.
Akashi brought Nakbin to his private basketball court. He asked, more like ordered, her to shoot which she kindly agreed.
"Wow, I didn't expect that to get in the second time." Nakbin surprisingly told herself.
"You have a skill just like your brother."
"Ah, he told me you are the one who discovered him."
"I am. Just like I did with Chihiro," Akashi said as he went to pick up the ball.
"You have a good eye detecting phantoms, huh?" Nakbin chuckled. "Who am I kidding? You are Akashi Seijuro, of course."
Akashi was caught off guard by her words and saw a glimpse of her smile that somehow resembles his mother's. Her hair reflecting the sun. It somehow gives him a warm feeling, something he has been missing for years. He snapped out of his thoughts when he felt her warm hand into his.
"Come on, let's make dinner together." Akashi gave her a faint smile. He noticed a playful spark in her eyes. "Although I bet you are horrible at it."
Akashi frowned a bit, but not letting go of her hand. "Stop ruining the mood Nakbin. I'll let you know that I am capable of cooking even if it's just a simple tofu soup."
"Oh really? You should team up with Aniue and join a cooking contest where you can brag about your tofu soup and boiled eggs."
Akashi growled audibly causing her to laugh at him.

Akashi Seijuo surprisingly arrived home early that evening. Although he was not showing it, he was pleased to see his son smiling as Nakbin shove a blackberry into his mouth. He cleared his throat, announcing his presence.
"Welcome home father." Akashi said in his usual composed voice with an attempt to cover his surprise and slight annoyance about something.
Nakbin curtsied at him and let out a cheeky smile.
"Heh, your father came home early. I won. Now, pay up!"
Seijuro's father raises an eyebrow as he saw Nakbin putting out a hand on his very smug son. He gave a more confusing look when his son sighed loudly in defeat and pulled out a milkshake from the counter. Before he could ask, Nakbin pulled his arm and led him to the dining room.
"You must be very hungry Seijuo-sama. Why don't you taste what your son has prepared for you?"
"Ah I didn't know you can cook, Seijuro."
Seijuro frowned a bit. "What can I do? You're always out."
Nakbin cut out his father before he can give his son a scolding.
"What he means to say, Seijuo-sama, he's just shy because it's the only dish he can cook." Nakbin let out a small giggle when Akashi have her a murderous glare.

During dinner, Nakbin suggested that everyone should eat dinner together, including Sayuri, her mother, the maids and some butlers. The more the merrier, she says. It was a very awkward line-up but Nakbin was able to soften it a bit.
"So, you haven't picked up your school yet, Nakbin?" Seijuo asked while slicing his steak.
"No. Although I have Seirin in mind so I can be with Aniue, I am still to choose by the end of festival. He doesn't mind me going to a different school though."
"Why don't you try Rakuzan?"
Akashi paused in his meal on his father's sudden inquiry.
"It's an elite school suited for someone like you. You can also be with my Seijuro. I can do the arrangements for you if you like."
"I'll think about it, Seijuo-sama."
Akashi's father hummed in reply. Seijuro, however, tries his best to conceal his disappointment.
"Just in case I will choose that school, will I get more chances on hitting your son again?"
Nakbin relayed the story that happened yesterday between them and Akashi, despite the don't-you-dare glare she's receiving from Seijuro. His father gave out a hearty laugh and gave his son an affectionate slap on the back, surprising everyone on the table.

After dinner, Nakbin bid her goodbyes and Akashi insisted that he will take her home by himself.
"It worked, didn't it?" Nakbin laughed softly.
"I still do not appreciate you embarrassing me in front of my father," Akashi sternly replied.
Nakbin shrugged her shoulders. "It still worked. So you owe me a milkshake again."
Akashi chose to ignore her as the car stopped at Kuroko's doorstep.
Nakbin was about to open the car door when Akashi suddenly pulled her back into the seat. He embraced her tight causing her to blush on his sudden action. He kissed her forehead, causing her heart to beat faster. The unusual feeling confuses her since she is supposed to be used to with that kind of affection. They both remained still on that position for a moment and whispered in her ear. "Thank you."

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