Chapter 42

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Nakbin suddenly heard something coming fast towards their direction but she can't figure out what. Her eyes widened when she saw the figure coming.
"Look out!"
She pushed a grey haired male quickly towards the ground. Chihiro, who has been with them all the time, winced in pain as his butt landed on the ground.
She gasped in fear, unable to move. She closed her eyes tight when she felt someone grabbed her and turned her around. A loud smack was heard like a sound of the leather hitting someone's flesh.
"Yoon! Aniue!" Yoon enveloped her protectively. Tetsuya is standing behind Yoon. A soccer ball rolls into the ground after Tetsuya smacked it away. A bunch of boys rushed towards their direction. Tyelko thought that they were attacking and so they stopped them, a sword pointing at one of the boy's throat.
"Tyelko don't!"
Even the uncrowned generals gasped in horror. Tyelko looked back at his companions and put down his sword. Chihiro remained in the ground, looking startled. His eyes widened when he recognized the teal haired boy who smacked the ball away.
Kuroko picked up the ball and gave it back to the boys who bowed down for an apology.
Tyelko who walked towards Nakbin and Yoon is now blocking Akashi's view of the teal head. Akashi narrowed his eyes desperately trying to take a look of the said person and wondering why Mayuzumi remains still. Nebuya walked towards Chihiro and offered him a hand. He froze in shock when he recognized the phantom sixth man of Seirin.
"Nebuya-san, Mayuzumi-san."
"Tetsuya?" Akashi stood in shock when he recognized that voice. Kuroko stepped forward and saw his former captain and two other generals. He is surprised to see them but he didn't show it.
"Akashi-kun, Mibuchi-san, Hayama-san, konnichiwa."
"Eh?! You!" Kotaro exclaimed, pointing a finger at him.

Nakbin immediately ran to her brother and whimpered in his arms. Kuroko hugged her back and kissed her forehead. Akashi and the others arched their eyebrows.
"Akashi-kun." Kuroko deadpanned. Nakbin pulled herself away from her brother and looked at Akashi.
"Care to explain?"
Kuroko sighed deeply. "I apologize for what happened Akashi-kun. I want you to meet my family."
"This is my younger sister Nakbin and these are my cousins Yoon and Tyelko."
Akashi pursed his lips. "Tell me how come I never heard about them?"
"You never asked Akashi-kun." Akashi gave him a how-dare-you-defied-me look.
"Aniue?" Tetsuya broke away from his gaze and looked back at his sister. "Imoto-chan, this is Akashi Seijuro, the captain of Generation of Miracles and Rakuzan team." Nakbin curtsied at him with a smile.
"And you already know us, Cutie. This one here is our phantom sixth man, Mayuzumi Chihiro." Mibuchi moved closer to Mayuzumi. Nakbin looked at Mayuzumi in amazement and admiration while the latter looked at her blankly.
"You're Mayuzumi Chihiro? The real Mayuzumi Chihiro?"
Mayuzumi suddenly looked puzzled. Mibuchi chuckled.
"The one and only. So you know our Chi-chan?"
Nakbin took his hand into hers and curtsied.
"What a great honor to have finally met you Chihiro-sama. My name is Kuroko Nakbin, pleased to meet you."
Kuroko stepped in between the two.
"Mayuzumi-san, my sister and cousin requests to join our club. Can they have the positions available?"
"Club?" Kotaro asked, his eyebrow raised.
Mayuzumi looked at Nakbin's innocent eyes, then glanced at Tyelko who simply returned his blank stare.
"Which cousin are you referring to Kuroko?"
"Ah sumimasen. That must be..."
When they turned around, Yoon is already having a staring contest against Akashi.
"So, you must be Akashi the absolute." Yoon sternly said finally breaking the silence between them. Akashi's eyes widened his eyes slightly and stared at the weakling who just used a challenging tone on him. He can hardly believe that this midget is Tetsuya's relative.
"Uhm Yoon?"
"Please don't interrupt Nakbin. You know I didn't notice?"
Yoon raised Nakbin's affected arm and pointed at Akashi's who has a matching patch.
"You think I won't notice? You will not get hurt easily while playing only the cello."
"It's not his fault!"
Akashi stepped up and bowed at the two. "It is my fault. I'm sorry."
"Please don't Seijuro-sama. It is not your fault."
Nakbin turned to her cousin and explained what happened. Yoon still looks smug.
"I hear lots of things about you, from being a schemer and demanding snobby heir. I can't believe you just tripped. So, is your absoluteness still intact?" Yoon asked mockingly.
Kotaro paled instantly and did not break out laughing, Nebuya froze mid-way and Mibuchi did a double turn to stare at Yoon in utmost horror. The phantoms minus Nakbin remained stoic. She looked worried for her shadow. Akashi's eyes momentarily glowed in irritation behind his usual poker face. No one has ever talked to him blatantly like that.

"It seems you know many things about me, Yoon, is it?" Akashi asked calmly, daring the caramel haired boy to repeat his words.
"Just some rumors. But then I am happy to have finally meet you Mr. Know-it-All. And for hurting Nakbin-"
"I just said it wasn't his fault!"
"Yoon." Tetsuya placed a hand on his shoulder, stopping him. He is already aware that Yoon wanted to challenge Akashi so badly but he doesn't want them to end up as enemies.
"It's alright Tetsuya. I want to hear your cousin's requests." Akashi looked at Yoon menacingly.
"When it comes to good looks, I already won so I hear you are brilliant in shogi, Emperor." Yoon sneered. "Mind a little game?"
"Uh Kuroko-san, please..." Kotaro tried to calm to stop him but was stopped by Tetsuya. Nakbin gave small sigh. "It's okay Kotaro-sama."
Nakbin moved closer to the two. "Seijuro-sama, I have been with Yoon since he was born. He is a brilliant child."
"Oi who are you calling child?!"
"He happens to be undefeated and as I heard you my lord, always wins as well. Would you do the honor to accept the challenge?"
Akashi turned to his vice captain. "Reo, how many hours till the game?"
"Uh, two more hours Sei-chan." His voice slightly trembled.
Akashi pulled Nakbin's hand and planted a kiss.
"Oi Seijuro!" Yoon irked when he was ignored.
"I accept the challenge lady, however I also want something in return."
Tetsuya instantly froze, he knows how sadist Akashi can be and how brutal his requests can be, even now that he is back with his old self.
"What might that be my lord?" Nakbin asked.
Yoon growled. This red tyrant is getting on his nerves.
"I want something in return if I win."
Yoon felt his vein throbbing and decided to step up. "Fine! If you win, I will make you a chocolate truffle by tomorrow!"
"What makes you think I'll be satisfied with that?"
Yoon laughed menacingly, making the others more nervous as they listen to the exchange.
"I forgot that a majestic heir such as yourself needs a lot of spoiling. Seijuro."
Mibuchi gasped loudly.
"Oi kiddo, what are you doing?" Nebuya asked worriedly.
Mayuzumi glanced down at the teal head who remains impassive.
"You don't seem so worried."
Kuroko glanced back at his rival shadow. "Get used to it. Yoon loves provoking and challenging people. He always ended up surviving."
"But this is Sei-chan he is talking to!" Mibuchi uttered in horror while unconsciously clinging to Tyelko.

"So you see yourself as my equal now, Yoon." Akashi chided and Yoon swears that he just his left eye just glowed yellow.
"Of course not. We will never be equals. I am obviously more handsome than you."
"We will ante the stakes up." Nakbin interrupted.
"Don't get yourself involved Nakbin!"
Nakbin gave him a look.
"I will make you any dish you want throughout the festival, if you win Seijuro-sama."
"I am not Atsushi if you think I will be easily bribed by food. Nevertheless, I'll take the bet provided I will be allowed to have one more request after the game."
"Don't get so full of yourself Seijuro. You did not win yet but fine, loser gets to do what the winner wants, huh? If I win you will treat us vanilla shakes during the entire festival and I want another request as well." Yoon replied in full confidence.
Akashi gave him an arrogant look.
"Very well."

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