Chapter 95

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The phantoms went to the mall. Kuroko and Mayuzumi are still arguing with their monotonous voices and ever deadpanned faces. If they are visible enough, they would certainly get the attention of many.  Tyelko gave them an innocent stare. It is a good thing Nakbin was distracted with display of shoes at the other corner.
"Sneakers? My sister wears dresses and those won't match with her clothes. It's ugly." Kuroko grabbed the shoes from Mayuzumi's hands and put it back.
"Are you serious? Those are cute. Besides, you have to let her wear normal clothes. It's not like she is going to attend a ball everyday." Mayuzumi chided.
Hotheaded Yoon is already fuming in irritation and is about to explode. He is about to yell at them when Tyelko got his attention. Nakbin is missing.
"I can't find her."
"What the-! Oi Tetsuya! Chihiro! Shut up you two! Nakbin is missing again!"
The two older phantoms finally shut themselves up and ran hurriedly to find the girl.
Tyelko and Yoon went to check other stores she might get into.
"She can't be this far!" Yoon complained.
"Do you see any sign of her?"
Tyelko shook his head. Yoon panted as they were already running for hours.
Meanwhile on the other side of the mall...
"This is all your fault!" Kuroko glared at the gray head.
"How come it is my fault?! You're not keeping well an eye on her!"
Kuroko growled. Mayuzumi pursed his lips while they keep on running. He slowed down a bit as he stared at Kuroko. Nakbin will probably never talk to him after this but it won't matter anymore, right?
Kuroko ignored him.
"Oi. Are you sure I'm the one you should watch out for?"
Kuroko halted on his steps. He slowly turned around to face him.
Mayuzumi sighed. Now he really feels like a big brother of two. Kuroko is still an innocent one, oblivious to everything else. Add Tyelko and Yoon and that will make four. How did he get into this situation again?
"Follow me. There is something I need to tell you about. I just hope your sister won't kill me."
"Come along."
"We have to find her!"
"We will. For now let's go find something to eat."
"What?! No!"
"You need to know about this. Who knows? We might get a hint of her whereabouts. Running won't get us anywhere."
Kuroko narrowed his eyes suspiciously but followed Mayuzumi nevertheless.

"Daiki-sama, please put me down! And we are going so far! Aniue and Onii-sama will look for me!"
"Be quiet!"
Nakbin huffed. This feels like dejavú.
Aomine found a garden under tree tunnels far from the Central Park and mall they've been to. He put her down on a bench gently, unlike before.
"Just trim down the honorific. I don't like it."
"I say, Nakbin. I say."
"What's with you all of a sudden?"
Aomine knelt down and opened the box he was bringing along with him.
"What do you have with you?"
Still, he did not make any reply.
He removed her shoes gently and replaced them with new pair of shoes he bought.
Aomine blushed. The way she says his name without the usual honorific feels really strange and he likes it.
"You don't need to ask Tetsu to buy you a pair of shoes today."
Nakbin looked at the shoes that she is now wearing. It's a low heeled shoes with a ribbon and a color that compliments her dress and matches Tetsuya's hair. They fit very well.
"I...I love it."
Aomine smiled. "I'm glad."
"Why give them to me? And you know, Aniue bought me those shoes." Nakbin pointed at the old pair that she has.
"You need to switch shoes sometimes." Aomine replied while putting the old pair inside the box.
"I need to catch up." He muttered.
"I said I need to catch up."
"Catch up for what?"
"Catch up with this." Aomine remained kneeling down in one knee and planted a kiss on her hand. Nakbin blushed hardly as she remembered his confession the day ago.
"I never thought I will come into this. Meeting you, I mean."
Aomine sat down beside her. Nakbin keeps on blushing.
Aomine chuckled as he stared at the flowering blossom in front of them.
"Heck I didn't even know Tetsu has a sister. I thought I already knew about him."
Nakbin gave him a curious look.
"And now here I am talking to you." Blue eyes look straight at her kaleidoscopic ones.
"You're beautiful."
"Oi. Why are you not saying anything?"
Nakbin looked away. "Uh, well...I just don't take you for a guy who gives compliments."
Aomine laughed. "Yeah, me too. It surprised me as well."
"I really like you."
Nakbin blushed again. That was straightforward.
"Will you give me a chance as well?" Aomine moved an inch closer.
Before she could finish her word, she found his lips pressed against hers, leaving her bewildered.
Aomine scratched the back of his head.
"I'm sorry."
Nakbin looked down, her face as red as tomato.
"However, I don't regret it. You're the one I want."
Nakbin looked up at him, eyes widening. Aomine narrowed his brows as he remembered having rivals.
He spoke, voice getting sultry. "The only one who can love you is me."
He was about to kiss her again when he heard a familiar voice behind him.

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