Chapter 79

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"Hmm, Chihiro, your teammates might look for you." Yoon told the gray head who is walking beside Kuroko. Anyone who knows and will see them will definitely find it weird that the rival shadows are walking side by side.
"They won't mind me disappear for some time."
Kuroko remained quiet as he heard his words. He sometimes feels that Mayuzumi still remains an outcast in his team.
"Besides, I don't like too much noise."
Ah, that really sounds like him.
"Why don't we stop for some popsicles? Would you mind having some, Mayuzumi-san?"
"No. I won't mind." He gave his rival shadow one of his rarest smiles. Kuroko is happy to discover it for the first time though he didn't show it. He wanted to take picture of it so bad.

Back at Maji Burger, the red tyrant, also known in the name of Akashi, Seijuro silenced the group with his commanding voice.
"Thank you for your obedience but I am reminding you that the phantoms have slipped away again."
"My prince, why did you leave me?!" Mibuchi sobbed. Hyuuga pushed him away as he tried to cling to him for comfort.
"Should we follow them, Akashi?" Aomine asked.
"Don't be absurd. There's no way we can catch up to them. We don't even know where they went." Midorima chided.
"Uh, everyone? Where's Kagami-kun?" Riko asked, several eyes landed on supposedly Kagami's seat.
"What the hell?! Where did Bakagami go?!"
"The bastard! No respect for his sempai!"
"He must have followed their trail!" Kotaro exclaimed.

The phantoms have just finished their popsicles when they heard a familiar voice coming from afar. They saw a familiar face approaching them. Kagami panted so hard when he finally reached them.
"You forgot these." He handed her the shoeboxes she was carrying earlier.
"Your shoes! That's right, I forgot. I'm really sorry Nakbin! I only thought of us escaping from the heated argument of the idiots."
"It's alright Yoon. Thank you so much Taiga." Nakbin kissed Kagami on the cheek, causing the latter to blush heavily. It isn't the first time it happened but it still makes him feel strange and...happy.

Nakbin walked away with Mayuzumi, Yoon and Tyelko. Kagami is still in a daze when Kuroko decided to fling one of his sweatbands on him.
"Ouch! What did you do that for?!"
"As much as I wanted to do the ignite pass Kai on you, I wouldn't."
"Ignite pass Kai?! What did I do again this time? I was only returning her shoes?!"
"No matter what I do you still keep on flirting to my sister, nonstop."
"I wasn't!"
"Despite the fact that I want you to have nightmares again-"
"The hell?!"
"...and choke on a fishbone."
"Do you want me dead?! And stop ignoring me!"
"I can't. You like her, don't you?"
"Wh-what are you saying Kuroko? I am only trying to be friendly."
"First of all Kagami-kun, do not stutter. You sound like a girl with a crush in an overgrown body."
"Second, stop denying it. You sound like Midorima-kun."
"Stop comparing me with that idiot!"
Kagami felt intimidated by Kuroko's silence and deadly stare. Then he finally surrendered.
"Fine. I, I like her, no scratch that. I think I'm in love with her."
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"Well I don't think you would approve and I don't want our friendship ruined."
"What makes you think our friendship will be ruined?"
"Well, I... Wait. Does this mean you approve?"
"I'm not saying anything that I approve."
"I'm saying it's okay if she falls in love with someone or with you, Kagami-kun. What I'm trying to say is, you got some rivals. And I will support her with her choices. But in case she chose you, please take care of her. Or I will kill you in your sleep and then revive you so I can kill you again."
"That's too harsh!"
Kagami flinched when Kuroko gave him a look.
His face softened and bowed at his shadow. "I promise and I promise to win her heart as well."
Kuroko smiled softly. "Good luck with that Kagami-kun. See you at school."
When Kagami looked up, his shadow vanished. He has a smile plastered on his face.
I promise.

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