Kagami Route

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Kagami waited patiently outside a daycare. He has to go to the supermarket after this. He checked on his watch when he heard familiar voices.
"Otou-san!" Two kids hollered as they ran to meet their father.
"Kasuma! Chiyo!"
A boy with a hair color that matches Kagami's ran and gave his father a huge hug. Kasuma is a split image of his father, including his eyebrows and huge grin.
"Otou-san! I did great in school today! Look!"
Kasuma showed him his drawing. It was him and Kagami holding basketballs. Beside them are his mother and sister cheering who appear to be cheering them on. Kagami grinned at his son proudly as he ruffles his stubborn hair.
"Ah Chiyo! How was your first day of school?"
Chiyo tiptoed and kissed her father on cheek. She gave her a soft smile, causing Kagami to blush. She resembles her mother so much except she inherited her Uncle Tetsuya's hair color. Weird combination I must say. The two children were actually twins being born one minute apart.
"I did well too, Otou-sama. We were asked to share our talents so I danced in front. Everybody likes it, including Uncle Sensei!" Chiyo chirped.
Kasuma groaned.
"Eh, what is it Onii-sama?"
"Hmph! All the boys in our class wanted to make Chiyo their wife Otou-san!"
"Eh? That's not what they exactly said, Onii-sama!" 
"Hah?!" Kagami's aura darkened. Kasuma joined him in cracking knuckles.
"Yes but don't worry I told them I would kick their butts because Chiyo is going to marry me instead!"
"Oh! I'm so proud of you Kasuma!"

"But I promised to marry Uncle Tatsuya..." Chiyo muttered to herself.

"What a foolish thing to teach your son, Kagami-kun..."
"Wha-! Kuroko! Didn't see you there!"
"I was here the whole time."
"Uncle Sensei!" Chiyo beamed at the teal head. Kuroko smiled in response. She really looks like Nakbin.
"How's my sister?"
"Doing well. Want to join us for dinner?"
"I'm afraid I cannot. I'm meeting up with someone."
"A date?" Kagami teased.
"..." he did not make a response but pink hue became visible on his cheeks.
"Ha! I knew it! I always thought you're going to marry a vanilla milkshake instead!" Kagami laughed. Kuroko twitches in annoyance.
"Who's the lucky girl?" Kagami peered. Kuroko pushed his face away, he was obviously blushing.
Suddenly he was pushed down by someone and found himself being hugged by that person.
Before Kuroko can utter a word, a pair of soft lips was pressed on his.
"Oi! What are you doing?! My children are watching Kuroko!" Kagami yelled indignantly while covering Kasuma's eyes. The boy on the other hand, covered his sister's.
"Satsuki-chan, not in front of the kids."
"Oh! I'm so sorry, Tetsu-kun! I just missed you so much!"
"We just met yesterday."
"But it has been too long!"
"Kagamin! Hi!" Momoi greeted as Kuroko helped her get up.
"Ahw, Kasuma and Chiyo are really cute!"
"I'm not cute!" Kasuma argued.
"Satsuki-sama, I can't breathe..." Chiyo complained. Momoi released the little girl from her crushing hug.
Kuroko sighed.
"Please tell my sister, I shall visit anytime soon. We'll be on our way."
"Bye Kagamin! Bye kids!" Momoi beamed as the three Kagami's waved back at them.

The kids jumped in happiness as they gave their mother a kiss.
"Kasuma, Chiyo, welcome home..."
"Uncle Yoon!" Chiyo ran to gave Yoon a kiss too. She really admired her favorite uncle too much.
"Sup, Uncle Yoon."
Kasuma sweatdropped when he saw his sister hugging Yoon to no end.
"Ahw, she dotes in you so much. I wonder how she will react once you meet someone and live on your own."
Yoon scoffed at Nakbin. "As if that will happen. Getting married is pain in the ass."
"You say that now." Kagami chuckled giving his wife a passionate kiss.
"I missed you so much."
"I, as well..."
"What the hell are you two doing?! Your children are watching!"
Yoon covered the eyes of the two.
"Oh! Sorry!"
"Ah! I forgot to buy the one you're asking me to buy at the supermarket!" Kagami blanched.
"You are so unreliable giant buffoon!"
"What did you say?!"
"I'll go and buy it!"

Yoon kept on muttering angrily by himself once he got to the supermarket. He suddenly bumped into someone causing both of them to fall over.
"Hey! That was dangerous!"
"I'm so sorry!"
Yoon's eyes widened. In front of him is a girl with flaxen long hair, her eyes is light green that reminds him of a leaf that wavers, her pink lips parted slightly. Yoon's heart started beating rapidly.
"Uh, I'm so sorry." Yoon helped her to get up.
"Are you alright?"
"Hmm! Thank you!"
Yoon peeked behind her and stared at her pushcart.
"That's a lot."
"Well I do cook a lot."
"Really? Me too! Mind if I come along?"
"Oh no! Please do!"
Both of them laughed and talked, family dinner totally forgotten.

"Uncle Yoon isn't home yet! I'm hungry!" Kasuma complained. Chiyo glanced at the window worriedly.
Kagami sighed. "I have no choice then. I'll prepare the dinner."
"I want curry!" Kasuma jumped up in glee.
"Curry it is then." Kagami smiled back. He frowned suddenly.
"Where do you think did that midget has been up to?"
"Maybe an angel took him." Nakbin replied softly. Kagami paled.
"Please don't joke like that, Nakbin."
"What did I say? I didn't mean it negatively." Nakbin laughed softly.
"Come along, Chiyo. You need to wash yourself first before dinner."

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