Chapter 29

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Momoi and Nakbin are happily chatting with each other. The two ace players keep on bickering while eating their super long hotdog sandwiches. Kuroko is busy sipping his vanilla milkshake.
"Tetsuya! Nakbin!"
Yoon and the others arrived at their meeting place, carrying bags of goods.
"Oh isn't it the overcooked dough and Tetsuya's self-proclaimed bride? Fancy seeing you here."
"What the hell are you calling me, midget?!"
"Self-proclaimed bride?"
Yoon smirked at their reactions. He really enjoys being sarcastic.
"Yoon, what's in the bags?"
"Just some ingredients and few utensils we can use for our cafe."
"That's a lot. Aren't they expensive?" Momoi asked.
"They gave us discounts since it is first day." Furihata answered happily.
Kagami chuckled. "Meh aren't you lucky? Well us, we just gained 3000 yen, for free."
"Let's just say imoto-chan won it from the archery game."
"And what, pray tell, did you do with that money?" Yoon arched an eyebrow, his hands in his waist.
"Why do you even care? What are you? A freaking mom?!"
"I'm not asking you, giant burnt steambun!"
"Teme! Im going to kill you!"
"Please don't fight here, Aomine-kun, Yoon-kun." The two silenced after earning a scolding from Kuroko but glared at each other afterwards.
"As for that question, we simply bought snacks and some milkshakes."
The freshmen trio peeked behind Kuroko and saw a case of vanilla shakes and six more super long hotdog sandwiches.
"Don't tell me you spent all the money for that?!" Fukuda cried.
"We still have 2000 yen left, here."
Kuroko handed them the money.
"Why are you giving it to us?"
"Give it to Kantoku. We still lack funds, right?"
"Ah yes! She is going to be so happy. Thank you!"
"Why don't you take some milkshakes? You must be very thirsty." Nakbin offered.
She earned several muttered thank you's.
"Just don't touch those sandwiches. They belong to Kagami-kun and Aomine-kun."
"Hmm...when I think of it, all of your lights have bottomless stomachs, Tetsuya."
Yoon ignored the indignant yells coming from the two.
"I think so too. I pity their parents." Kuroko agreed which caused the other two to splutter, feeling betrayed by their shadow.

A beautiful woman with black framed glasses and blonde hair spotted the group and ran to kiss a certain person.
"Taiga! It's you! I miss you so much!"
"Alex?! Mmphh!"
"You're such a liar Giant Buffoon. You said you don't have a lover."
"Teme! She's not my lover!" Kagami spluttered finally breaking the kiss.
Yoon stared at him, looking unconvinced.

"Oh! Taiga-sama, you never told me you have such a beautiful bride."
"She's not my bride!"
"Ano...actually she is Kagami's teacher in basketball." Furihata told her.
"Teacher?! Is it even normal for her to do that? And then there you are calling us weird?!" Yoon exclaimed pointing at Kagami.
"Who cares? As long as she has big boobs."
"Moe Dai-chan!" Momoi hit him again with her bag.
"Don't butt in the conversation Overcooked Dough!"
"The hell you say?!"

Alex stared at the girl in front of her.
"Oh hi! What's your name? I'm Alexandra Garcia!"
Nakbin curtsied, "My name is Nakbin, my lady. Nice to meet you Alex-sama!"
"Hmm? Aren't you polite? Well, you look very cute too..." Her voice suddenly turned sultry.
"Eh? Alex what are you-!"
Yoon noticed her actions and shielded Nakbin, and ends up being kissed instead.
"Mmph!" Yoon blushed heavily, unable to move. Suddenly there was a loud click, a camera flashed before them.
"Alex! I told you to stop kissing people casually!"

"Nakbin!" Yoon indignantly yelled as he tried to steal the camera from her. Soon the two are chasing each other.
"No Yoon! I'm making this a remembrance for you. It's your first kiss after all."
"You ungrateful backstabbing little herbivore! I just saved you from losing your dignity!"
"I don't know what you are talking about."
"Argh! Where did you even get that?!"
"Aniue bought this for me yesterday."
"I don't care! Just give it to me!"
"As if I would!"
"Nakbin! Oi Tetsuya! Help me, will you?"
"Thank you for saving my sister Yoon."
"You aren't helping at all!"

The company sweatdropped.
"Well it's fine I guess. You are beautiful too."Alex told Yoon.
"I am a handsome boy!"

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