Chapter 55

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"Hmm, looks like they finally made up." Yoon pointed at the couple as they get back at the gym.
"Wow, that was fast." Kotaro commented. Mibuchi finally sighed in relief. Who knows what will happen to them if Sei-chan remains angry?
Taiga frowned at the sight, feeling a pang of jealousy.
Nakbin is holding on his arm, laughing at something he just said. The red emperor gives her a soft smile in return.
"They look cute together, don't you think Dai-chan?"
Aomine huffed at Momoi's statement. Taiga scowled more upon hearing that. Tatsuya walked up to his brother and whispered, "If you aren't going to move sooner, she will be taken away."
Kagami yelped in surprise. "Don't do that again, Tatsuya!"
Himuro gave him a knowing smile in return. Kagami pursed his lips and looked back at the couple, looking more pissed.
"Not fair, Akashi always gets the best." Kotaro sniffed.

Akashi requested to talk to Tetsuya privately and excused themselves later on. The boys rushed towards Nakbin to give her several praises.
"You were great back there, Nakbin! Where did you learn those moves?" Kotaro asked the girl enthusiastically.
She thought deeply, twirling her hair around her finger. "Uhm, how do I put this? Oh! Will you spin the ball on your finger, Kotaro-sama?"
Kotaro blinked at her then did as he was told.
"See, you spin the ball while on the other hand..."
She got the ball from him and placed it atop her finger. She made a graceful spin while keeping the ball in place.
"...the ball spins me."
"I'm not much of a basketball player. I cannot actually force myself to do what you can do. I have to incorporate my own style as long as I don't violate any rule, no?"
Aomine chuckled. "You're really smarter than Tetsu. It took him a long time to understand that."
"Aniue is actually smart enough to figure out things on his own. He's just really stubborn and dense and follow-what's-on-the-book type of person."
"Ne, Nakbin! I didn't know you can shoot. Even Shin-chan was jealous." Takao mocked.
"Oi!" Midorima shot his partner an indignant glare.
"Even I am impressed. You should have told us about it earlier." Hyuuga sternly said while crossing his arms.
"But I wasn't sure about it."
"I wasn't sure I was gonna make it. I only imagined shooting an arrow. I only wanted to try it so bad that I don't care even if the result will be a so-so."

"You are so cool Nakbin-chan! Let's play one-on-one again some time then let's go to dinner!" Kotaro cheerfully exclaimed.
"So sly, Kota-chan! Using basketball as an excuse to ask a lady for a date."
Kotaro spluttered inwardly and blushed heavily, taken off guard by Reo's statement.
A huge hand settled on her shoulder. Kagami glared at Kotaro, looking intimidated. The uncrowned King didn't faze at all and glared back at Kagami.
"As if I will allow you to do that." Kagami told Kotaro in an angry tone.
"I don't remember her brother appointing you as her guardian." Kotaro irked.
Mayuzumi and Yoon pulled Nakbin away from them as the two started bickering.
She looked back at them worriedly. "Don't worry about them, they will cool off soon." Mayuzumi told her in his monotone voice.
"Or perhaps Tetsuya and Majestic Lobster will scare them off." Yoon chided.
"I know but...what's a date, Chihiro-sama?"
All looked at her, mouths hung open.
"Uh, ano, Nakbinchii? You don't know what a date is?" Kise asked awkwardly.
Nakbin shook her head.
"Weren't you reading light novels? Surely you must have encountered that word." Izuki asked.
"I did, but Aniue snatched the book from me when I was half way reading it. Then he threatened to deduct my quota of milkshakes for a week if I will try to look for it in a dictionary." Nakbin pouted. The others sweatdropped.
"What about Yoon-kun?" Momoi asked.
Yoon huffed and crossed his arms. "Don't ask me! Tetsuya will also deduct my quota of milkshakes."
"What is it with you and milkshakes?" Kagami asked disbelievingly.
He flinched when Tyelko appeared behind him. "I don't know what a date means..."
Takao snorted. "Seriously?"
Tyelko looked at him with innocent eyes. Mibuchi hugged the golden eyed boy but Tyelko remained impassive, unaffected by his familiar touch.
"You poor thing! Don't worry, Reo-nee will teach you what a date is!"
"Reo-nee!" Nebuya and Kotaro both screamed in terror as Hayama pulled Tetsuya's innocent shadow from Mibuchi's grasp.

"Let's just switch topics then! You really killed Akashi back there. I'm not saying I'm happy about his downfall but that was really a dangerous move. No one has ever done that to him before." Nebuya told her.
"Yeah, that was amazing, you have my respect from now on!" Aomine grinned widely.
Nakbin frowned at him. "You mean to say, I didn't have it before?"
"That's not what I meant!"
"That was amazing Nakbinchii! Hahaha! You should have seen the look on his face!"
Kagami joined the two males in laughing but were silenced when Akashi and Kuroko arrived.
"Imoto-chan, it's almost time. Please gather your things, we'll be going home now."

When the phantoms left, Kagami, Aomine and Kise heard a snipping sound behind them. They blanched at the red head captain who looks at them menacingly.


Nakbin turned around when she heard loud screams hollered the gymnasium.
"Don't mind them imoto-chan, they're just having voice training exercises."
"But Aniue why didn't we stay?"
"Akashi-kun and Coach allowed me to go home early."

"Did I hurt your head so bad?" Nakbin asked in a teasing manner.
"No. And do it to me one more time I won't be so forgiving," Akashi irked.
"Sorry about that, I was only testing my strength to find out if I can be as good as Aniue."
"And I am your target?"
"Well, your hair is as red as the bull's eye."
Akashi was taken aback. This girl dared to make fun of me!
Nakbin laughed at his reaction.

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