Chapter 63: the alliance part 3

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Nakbin asked Makoto to take her to his own house so they can practice well. He was shocked by her bold statement. The spoiled girl can also be very demanding. This means he is going to introduce her to his parents, not that he's having a problem with it. He brought several people to his home already. However he paled at the thought that his parents might misinterpret things.
It is his first time bringing a girl to his home, though.
He peeked at the girl behind him and frowned at her who is humming excitedly.

Makoto rang the doorbell. A man with thick eyebrows and short raven hair opened the door.
"Oh son! You're home!" He grinned at his son enthusiastically. His personality doesn't match Makoto's. The only thing that he probably inherited from his father is his eyebrows.
"I brought someone with me."
"Oh really? Where is he?" His father looked around but sees no one.
"It's nice to meet you Hanamiya-sama!"
Makoto's father shrieked when he saw Nakbin standing in front of him. Makoto scoffed irritatingly. Mr. Hanamiya clutched his chest and recovered slowly from shock. He bent down and scrutinized the girl. He grinned it his son widely who is scowling  back at him.
"You finally decided to introduce a girl to us?"
"Eh? A girl? Did I hear it right, honey?"
Makoto groaned upon hearing his mother's voice. Just as he thought.
Makoto's mother appeared at the doorway, pushing her husband lightly to the side. She looked at Nakbin and pulled her hand excitedly.
"Oh my! What a cutie! Come in! Come  in!"
Nakbin smiled at the couple.
"I'm Yuki and this is my husband Masaomi." She pulled her husband towards her who wiggled his fingers at Nakbin. Hanamiya rolled his eyes at his parents' antics.
Nakbin curtsied at them. "Pleasure to meet you Yuki-sama, Masaomi-sama. My name is Nakbin."
Yuki gasped in happiness. "What a polite girl!"
"I know I can trust you in finding the right girl son!" Masaomi nudged Makoto with an elbow.
"It's not like that!"
"Come on dear, don't be shy!" Yuki told her son then turned her attention towards Nakbin. "I apologize for my son, he's just a tsundere, you know what I mean?"
Nakbin giggled back. Makoto spluttered angrily. "Listen to me, dammit!"

Nakbin enjoyed having an afternoon tea with Makoto's family. He has a happy family. She catches his faint smile once in a while as his parents tell them stories. This is not what she is expecting from the famous bad boy.

Makoto placed the dishes at the sink, located beside the stairs. He noticed someone's presence, thinking it was his mother, he glanced up and smile. A light flashed right in front of his face. He blanched when he saw Nakbin grinning mischievously.
"Why you little!" Makoto chased her around the house as she keeps on laughing. His parents find the scene cute and feel so proud of their son. Makoto tries to yank her phone but failed. His father cleared his throat, interrupting the two.
"Sorry, but I forgot to tell you that your mother and I have to go somewhere right now. I can trust you with the house, right?"
Makoto nodded back in return. "Oh and don't forget to walk her home later." His mother butted in.

Yuki held Nakbin's hands. "It is wonderful meeting you my dear. Please come back as often as you like."
Nakbin lit up and smiled back.

"And give us lots of grandchildren!" Masaomi yelled at them as they left.
"Where are we going to get those grandchildren Makoto-sama?" Nakbin asked innocently.
"Tsk.Forget it! Now give me the phone!"
Nakbin held her phone protectively to prevent him from snatching it. "No! At least let me keep it! Please..."
"Whatever. Just don't show it to Kiyoshi or I'll kill you."
Nakbin smiled back but Makoto doesn't trust it. "Why don't we hurry with this stupid role of yours?"
"Oh right!"

Makoto teaches her for several hours but she still can't get it right. There is something missing.
"I said, put an emphasis to your act. Make something out of your expression."
Nakbin immediately sulked in the corner as Makoto keeps on reprimanding her. He sighed deeply and pulled her wrist. He led her inside his room and let her face his giant mirror. Nakbin shrieked in fear and jumped on his bed, shivering.
"Are you scared of a mirror?" Makoto laughed sarcastically.
Nakbin didn't spare him a glance. She kept her head covered by his pillow as she trembled in fear.

Makoto sat on his bed and grabbed his pillow. Nakbin sobbed with tears visible in her eyes.
"I don't like mirrors." She told him with her lips slight curved downward.
Makoto tried his best not to laugh.
"Aniue told me a bedtime story once and he said that at night, if I look in the mirror, my own reflection will kill me."
Makoto felt babysitting a five-year old. Kuroko must have made up that story just to scare her and prevent her from escaping at night. She obviously has that kind of tendency.
"If you will not look in the mirror right now, you will not be able to work well with your expression."
"But I don't really like mirrors."
"How do you stay like that?"
"If you don't look at the mirror, how do you keep yourself...well-groomed?" And beautiful. That crossed his mind as he mentally slapped himself. What the hell?
"I have a lot of practice."
Makoto stared at her red lips and had the sudden urge to kiss them and bite them to see if same color of blood will come out.
He pushed down and pinned her on his bed.
Hanamiya stared back at her innocent eyes then pressed his lips on her forehead for many seconds. Nakbin finally calmed down and smiled.
"I'm alright now. As long as I won't look at the mirror I'll be fine."
Makoto did not pay attention to her words as he suddenly felt so hot within. He inwardly cursed himself. He almost lost his control. He relinquished his hold of her and sits up on his bed. He needs a distraction.
"Play shogi with me."
"But I'm not good in playing shogi, Makoto-sama. Besides we still need to work with my acting skills."
"I don't care. Play it with me."
"You already know the basics. You can make it tomorrow."
Nakbin thought deeply then sighed. "Okay, but promise me you'll come and see me tomorrow."
"I want to see you there. I'll feel better if you are there." Nakbin sternly told him, not removing her gaze.
Makoto felt weird again. He feels like strangling her for giving him this strange feeling.
"Play shogi with me." He suddenly sneered. "I also propose a bet..."

Nakbin conformed to play the game despite being poor at it. In the end, she lost and Makoto got his request.

He walked her home and decided to leave when they reached her front door.
Nakbin pulled him down and gave a peck on his cheek. "Thanks for everything. I'll see you tomorrow, Mako-chan."
Makoto blushed furiously and gritted his head in annoyance. He will have his revenge one day.

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