Chapter 43

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And so the battle begins between the two geniuses both with challenging glint in their eyes, unwavering. First one to get two wins will be the victor.
Nakbin suggested that they better prepare the gym before the arrival of others while Kuroko and Mayuzumi stayed to witness the game of the century.
Mibuchi volunteered to help Nakbin as he has lots of curious questions about her. The other two has volunteered as well but right now, Hayama is pestering Tyelko asking him many things about his eyes.
"Can I call you Nak-chan?"
Nakbin smiled back softly at him. "You can call me anything you want Reo-sama. I won't mind."
"Just call me Reo-nee. Reo-sama is too formal though I understand you are just as polite as your brother."
"I insist!"
Nakbin blushed. "I...I'll try my best, Reo-sa-, Reo-nee."
Mibuchi laughed softly and gave her s gentle hug. "You are so cute Nak-chan!"
He leaned closely at her. "So you are the phantom's sister, how come I didn't see you in the games? Or were you just there the whole time?"
"Aniue and I were separated for more than ten years. After Aniue turned seventeen, it is accustomed that I will be passed on to his care." Nakbin suddenly turned sober, clutching a plate on her chest.
"You don't look so happy."
"No that's not it Reo-nee! I am very happy to be with Aniue again. I only worry a little."
"Aniue is still young. He has studies and basketball practice. I want him to take care of himself more rather than worrying about me."
"You truly are kind." Kotaro said nonchalantly, his face leaning on a table few inches close to hers. "I hate to break it to you but it's disappointing."
"What is?"
"You're too elegant."
"Ah..." Then Nakbin gave him a playful smirk.
Suddenly she vanished right in front of them.
"Eh?! Nakbin!"
Kotaro began to panic and started looking for her suddenly he felt something poking his head behind. Kotaro shrieked to see her hanging on the basketball hoop upside down, looking at him right at the face.
"I can also do this, you know? Sorry to break it to you as well but I'm not really the princess proper type."
Nebuya chuckled while Mibuchi ran in horror and pulled Nakbin down.
"I'll be fine Reo-nee. I do that all the time especially when I read books or scare somebody."
"It's still dangerous!"
Nakbin laughed at his reaction. "You sound just like Yoon."

Yoon is smirking. He is obviously going to win. He is so happy to see Seijuro pissed. Even Mayuzumi is impressed. Who would think that you could use some phantom moves in a board game? Yoon made a stretch before he made his final move.
The great Akashi Seijuro lost. In shogi. He has to restrain himself from spluttering. That little nagger!
"I admit you are pretty good. I lost however victory will still be mine."
"Whatever you say Giant Bell Pepper."
Akashi gritted his teeth. The little weakling dared to call him names. He started enumerating them menacingly; scheming mastermind, snobby heir and so on. The game continues and Seijuro is starting to get into the zone already and he's up for revenge.

"So who do you think will win?" Reo asked.
Nakbin shrugged. "I'm not sure. I've been together with Yoon like forever. He is a genius and no one has ever defeated him in his favorite game. So he was so thrilled when Aniue told us that he has a friend who also happens to be undefeated as well."
"Ah so that's why he provoked him. Nice move, I guess. I can't help but respect that kid though, he has guts. I never heard anyone talk to Akashi like that before." Nebuya joined in.
Nakbin giggled. "He's always like that."
"By the way Nak-chan you saved Mayuzumi back there. How did you know that a ball is going to hit him? Did you see it coming?"
Nakbin shook her head. "I actually didn't know that it was a ball but I heard something coming from afar, fast. And so when I noticed it, I pushed Chihiro-sama down."
Kotaro frowned a bit. "I actually didn't hear anything but I can't believe you actually noticed Mayuzumi."
"A phantom can always detect the presence of another phantom."
"Ah I see, so everyone in Kuroko-san's family have a low presence. I don't think I can live with that."
"Almost. And don't worry we're actually used to it."

Hyuuga and the others arrived at the gym. They all shared the same surprising looks when they saw the three uncrowned generals with Nakbin.
"Oh Nebuya!" Kiyoshi went to greet his fellow general and self-proclaimed rival.
Mibuchi went to join the two and cling on Kiyoshi's arm.
"Oh isn't it Teppei! Good to see you! Too bad you won't join today's game."
"Teppei will actually join the game." Riko joined in and by the look of her eyes, she's actually happy.
"But what about his injury?" Kotaro asked worriedly.
"It's healing and I can actually start playing already. Thanks to Nakbin-chan here." Kiyoshi patted Nakbin's head with his usual goofy smile.
"She gave me a remedy last week and it actually worked."
"I am glad to help Teppei-sama, tell me if you need more of it."
"Did you also make it yourself just like the patch you gave Akashi?" Kotaro asked with his hyperactive self.
"Yes. Yoon and I are renowned herbalist in our village."
"By the way, Nakbin. What's that patch in your arm? Did you hurt yourself?" Riko asked worriedly while expecting her arm.
"Hai. I did but it's fine now. It will be fully healed by tomorrow."
"Nak-chan is very particular with medicine, huh?"
"Hai, Reo-nee. It is because I get hurt a lot."
The three uncrowned generals shared a slightly bothered look. Hyuuga came behind her and gave her a karate chop on her head.
"This is no joke! Putting yourself into trouble such as getting yourself chased by a tiger isn't something to be proud of!"
"But I told you the tiger made it alive so it's alright."
"That's not the tiger I'm worried about!"

Suddenly everyone turned around abruptly as the door was slammed hard open.

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