Chapter 68

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Kuroko arrived in a princely costume with Nigou wearing a knight costume. Kuroko is holding a giant leash that belongs to the big bad wolf, no, to the giant dog Kagami.
"Domo. I'm Prince Philip and this is my knight of arms, Nigou and this is my dog, Kagami-kun."
Yoon sweatdropped. "I don't remember the prince having a dog as a pet."
"It's the 21st century Yoon, many things can happen. Fairy tales may change."
"Where did you hear that kind of logic?"
"Eh? That must be Kurokochii's revenge. It is really not good to anger him."
Aomine laughed at his rival who doesn't look so happy at all. Kotaro, Hyuuga and Takao joined him later on.
Kagami felt his vein throbbing. He feels ridiculous with a collar tied around his neck. He grows more irritated when he caught someone taking pictures of him. He puffed his cheeks to prevent himself from laughing when he recognized the person as his brother, Tatsuya, who is wearing a fairy godmother costume. Tatsuya failed to notice his reaction when his attention was stolen by Murasakibara who asked for some sweets. And being the fairy godmother, he granted his wish.

"Tetsu-kun!" Momoi ran and tackled Kuroko, causing them to crash on the ground.
"Oi Satsuki!"
"You look so handsome, Tetsu-kun!"
"And you look more divine my princess."
Momoi suddenly fainted in his arms upon hearing his words. Kuroko sweatdropped.
"Eh? She is supposed to prick her finger first!" Takao exclaimed.
"Nonsense. This is a cosplay not a stage play." Midorima chided, pushing up his glasses.

Nakbin arrived as the empress consort of ancient Japanese. She wears a red wedding kimono with embroidered cranes and an obi tied in a butterfly style around her waist. She also wears a traditional silver headdress.
The boys minus the phantoms gaped at her.
She looks so beautiful, like a real empress. Nakbin shifted uncomfortably and blushed slightly due to the attention she is receiving. No one moved an inch or uttered a word, except for one.
"My queen!" Moriyama ran towards her but was hit on the face by Yoon's frying pan. "Hands off!"
"Don't be jealous, my princess!"
"I'm not!"

A limo stopped in front of them revealing Akashi in an emperor costume that matches Nakbin's and walked towards their direction.
"Hah? Akashichii, so sly. You planned this all along didn't you?"
"Oi Akashi! That's cheating!" Aomine yelled at the red head.
Kagami didn't say anything but glared at the said captain. He wants to confess to Nakbin first before he gets killed.
"Ne, Mayuzumi. You are supposed to be the head of this. You should be the one making the rules." Kotaro whispered at the gray head.
Mayuzumi looked back at him blankly. "You know what happens when Akashi is defied."

Akashi stopped in front of Aomine and Kise. He glared murderously at them, putting out his deadly scissors. The two stepped back in fear.
"You were saying something, Daiki, Ryota?" The two shook their heads in fear.
"Thought as much."

Akashi smiled at Nakbin, causing the rest to hung their mouths open in shock. The red tyrant Akashi Seijuro is smiling, for real. He approached Nakbin who is now blushing furiously because of embarrassment.
Akashi kissed her hand gently causing a riot at the back.
"Oi Akashi!"
"Akashichii, not fair!"
He glared at them silencing the entire group.
"Don't mind those peasants, my empress."
"Oi who are you calling peasants?!" Kagami yelled.
Akashi wrapped an arm around her waist pulling her closer to his chest. He touched her cheek gently. This is just a cosplay but he makes it look so real.
"I've been waiting to do this, my empress..."

"Akashi, what are you doing?!" Midorima yelled at the back.
"Akashi-kun!" Kuroko yelled monotonously.
Kagami, the big bad wolf or the giant dog, yanked his own collar to save her.
Akashi looks like he was about to kiss her already when someone pulled her away from him.
Everyone widened their eyes in surprise when they saw Hanamiya dressed in a black emperor costume with his teammates as his Knights.
"Don't give me that look. We are also allowed to enjoy the festival, right boys?"
His teammates smirked causing the others especially Seirin to scowl. Hanamiya always come for trouble.
Makoto guffawed when he saw Kiyoshi in a Goldilocks outfit. Even his teammates snickered from behind. Makoto was about to say something when Akashi lunged his sword forward. Hanamiya blocked it with his own sword.
"Those are real swords! You aren't allowed to use them!" Someone, probably from Kaijo shouted. Mayuzumi parted his lips in shock. This isn't going well.
The two gained the attention of many people around.
"Let Nakbin go!" Akashi angrily yelled at the Kirisaki Daiichi captain.
Hanamiya sneered at him. "You and whose army?"
"Over here." Kise stood beside Akashi together with Kaijo team, Kotaro and Nebuya who happened to be bringing real swords as well. Tetsuya frowned. They are really breaking the rules.

"Let her go. She's mine!" Akashi surprised the group with his bold declaration. The color of his eyes changed and he sounds so angry for real.
"Seiju?" Nakbin knows that this is supposed to be just a show but Akashi seems to be really angry. She felt like having butterflies in her stomach when Seijuro told Hanamiya that she's his.
Makoto's grip on her tightened as well. "I am not going to let go of her, either. Nakbin belongs to me."
Makoto spat back in a more serious tone. Everyone was waiting for a mockery, saying he didn't mean it, to come out from his mouth like he used to but nothing follows.
Hanamiya glanced back at her in a serious face.
"I won't let you go."
Nakbin blushed on his words. Akashi gritted his teeth in annoyance then lunged forward again. Soon, two parties are already having a fight. Good thing no one is getting hurt in a sudden clash, yet. Nakbin finds herself conflicted between the two and struggled to escape.
"This is what I hate being a damsel in distress!"

All of a sudden, someone grabbed her from behind, huge hand covering her mouth as everyone's attention turned at the battle. This didn't escape from Takao's hawk eye, Izuki's eagle eye and Tyelko's dragon eye.
Tyelko dashed towards the group, revealing his double edged sword, stopping the fight.
"My prince!"
Both Yoon and Mibuchi screamed.
"Aren't you guys missing something?" Takao asked them.
"What nonsense are you saying there now brat?!" Hanamiya sounds annoyed for getting interrupted.
"Your empress was taken by the big bad wolf."
Tetsuya gasped and looked around. Kagami disappeared leaving his collar on the ground. Hanamiya and Akashi paled instantly then grinned maliciously at each other.
Hanamiya offered a hand first. "What a deal to catch that stupid dog first? Let's put our showdown on hold."
Seiju accepted the handshake. "Yes, let's shall."
"That buffoon!" Yoon yelled angrily, his fists in the air.
Izuki was about to make a joke about the empress and the wolf but was stopped by Hyuuga.

Kagami ran towards the Central Park, carrying Nakbin in a bridal style. His life may be at stake but he isn't going to back down now. The showdown between the two emperors sound like a real confession and he isn't going to lose to any of them. When he thinks they are already far enough, he settled her under the giant tree.
"I'm sorry but they seem to be so into their fight. I don't want you to get hurt."
Nakbin smiled softly. "Thank you."
Kagami pulled out a red cloak folded in his pocket.
"My cloak!"
"I stole it from your brother moments ago."
Nakbin giggled. "You don't need to do that."
Kagami stared at her seriously.
"I've been wanting to tell you this for a long time."
"Tell me what?"
Kagami removed her headdress allowing her hair to fall down slowly. He draped her with her cloak.
"I don't want you as an empress or as a villain. I want you as you, just like the day I first met you."
Nakbin blushed at his statement, feeling strange and confused.
"Look! It's Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf!" A child pointed at them, interrupting the moment. Several kids followed and soon they were surrounded by children asking them to play with them. Kagami sighed in frustration. Nakbin held his hand and smiled. Kagami smiled back. The confession will wait later.

The kids squealed as Kagami chased after them and Nakbin who is still wearing the cloak laughed. An hour later, everyone grew tired. Nakbin told them a story as they settled themselves at the ground. The kids listened happily to her story. Kagami smiled at her. She will definitely make a good mother. He was lost in his own world when they heard the children's parents arrived to fetch the kids. They muttered their good byes as the children waved at them.
Finally, he has Nakbin all by himself.
"What is it you are going to tell me again, Taiga?"
"I can't find the words. Just let me show you."
"Show me what?"
Kagami cupped her cheeks gently, closing his eyes.
Their lips are few inches apart when they felt scissors flew past between them. They both gasped in surprise and Kagami glared at the culprit. He gulped in fear when he saw the person. It is not Akashi the scissors master but Kuroko Tetsuya, his shadow.
Beside Kuroko are Akashi and Hanamiya both tapping their samurais on their hands. Kagami screamed as the three chased after him to assure his death. Yoon pulled Nakbin immediately away.
"What's going on?!"
"Nothing. Those three decided to switch their roles into three little pigs and chase after the big bad wolf."
Nakbin frowned at Yoon's reply.
"It is supposed to be the big bad wolf who ran after the little pigs."
"The big bad wolf was reincarnated and the pigs wanted revenge."
"I never read that one in the story."
"It's 21st century. Anything can happen in a fairytale." Yoon replied, hiding his smile.

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