Chapter 17

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"Yoon, where's Nakbin?" Kuroko asked.
"Your self-proclaimed bride stole her."
"Yoon has a habit of calling people names, ne?" Koganei asked trying to sound polite.
"It helps me remember people easily."
"Will it not be easier if you refer people by their names?" Kagami asked.
"Do not dictate me, you giant buffoon and by the way you have weird eyebrows."
"You midget!"
"Please remain on your seat Kagami-kun. That is unbecoming. And please do not pout, you look like an overgrown five year old." Kuroko gave him an icy stare.
"Shut up Kuroko!"
"Tetsu, does Akashi know about this?" Aomine asked furrowing his brows.
"Do you think he should know?"
"He will meet my family in no time, no doubt."
"You sound worried, overcooked dough. Why?"
"I said stop calling me that!"
"Who is Akashi?" Tyelko interrupted again with his ghastly voice, causing Aomine and Kagami to jump in fright.
"Stop coming out of nowhere!"
"Why don't you appear normally?!"
They indignantly yelled but Tyelko simply looked at them with his stoic face.
"Akashi-kun was our former captain back in middle school." Kuroko deadpanned.

Meanwhile at the school cafeteria... "You look really pretty in person Nakbin." Momoi stared at her with her sparkling smile, hands under her chin.
Nakbin blushed at this not quite comfortable with compliments she's receiving, considering the fact that she rarely comes in contact with other people.
"Uh... But Satsuki-sama is more divine."
"Kyaaa!!! You are so cute Nakbin!"
Momoi squealed hugging her again.
"That hair clip is really pretty. It suits you," Nakbin said as she noticed the butterfly adorning her hair.
"Oh this? Tetsu-kun gave this to me."
"He did? He must really like you!"
Momoi fidgeted, pink dusted on her cheeks. "You think so?"
Nakbin hummed in reply causing Momoi's heart to beat faster.
Riko arrived carrying their orders and some snacks for the boys when they go back later.
Nakbin took her fruitshake and thanked Riko. Momoi has cherry sundae while Riko is having a bottle of cola.
"So, what are your plans this festival? You will be joining right?" Momoi asked.
"Yes, actually I can't wait for it. Considering it will be our first I'm not sure what other things I want to do, although I already have Reader's club and Cooking club in mind."
Riko hummed. "There will be lots of activities that you can pick later on and be sure you enjoy them. Why don't you watch the basketball game? All schools will be participating, it's only a friendly competition though. But you can cheer for your brother."
"Yes! And you can sit with me by the bench!" Momoi said excitedly.
"I would love that. But Riko-sama, is it only open for boys?" "
"It's open for everyone actually." 
"Oh. Okay."
"Does Nakbin plays basketball too?" Momoi asked, eying her.
" I'm just curious though. Aniue loves that game. I never saw him play."
"Then it will be a wonderful opportunity for you Nak-chan! I'm sure Tetsu-kun will be very happy to see you watch!" Nakbin smiled brightly at her.
"Let's hurry to the gym, those boys should be waiting for us. I don't know what could have possibly happen while we're gone." Riko interfered.

Nothing bad happened, the gym still looks the same except for Aomine and Kagami challenging each other through basketball. They were silenced when they heard the Seirin's coach cough. Momoi and Nakbin are smiling at them. They continued on chatting with Momoi clinging to Nakbin more than usual. Nakbin approached Kiyoshi who was sitting on a corner with a plastered grin on his face listening to his teammates and Touou couple.
"Aniue told me Teppei-sama has been a good big brother to him."
"Is that so? I'm happy. I treat him as a younger brother too!" Kiyoshi gently patted her head.
"Will you be participating at the basketball game?"
Kiyoshi turned sober. "No, I don't think so I can." Nakbin looked at his knee then secretly smiled.
"Let's just have fun then, Teppei-sama!" Kiyoshi eyes softened at her.

Right after Riko dismissed them, Aomine approached Nakbin, scratching the back of his head.
"We were not able to talk properly."
"It's alright Daiki-sama. We have plenty of time this festival."
Ahomine's eyes landed on her chest and smirked.
"Daiki-sama?"  Nakbin looked at him confusingly.
Then suddenly...
A single soul left the earth.

The girl on a red cape (Kuroko no basket fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now