Chapter 2

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I grab the jump rope and drop it into the shopping cart, with Andrea sitting in the front of it. I was done blowing up Jc' phone, and done ranting to Andrea just waiting for her response. "Kian, come on. Maybe their in love," I know she was partially joking.

"They just met, Andrea," I scoffed, saying it a little bit too harshly. I put everything on the counter for the cashier to ring up the items. I paid for it after she was finished and drove Andrea home since I guess she was upset with me and sped to the apartment. "McKenzie!" I slam the door behind me.

"Why are you yelling?" She very well knew the answer, I could tell from the way she was looking down at her feet, avoiding eye contact.

"You and Jc kissed? You know my rule," I spoke, but I never got to fully finish my sentence due to an attitude filled Kenzie.

"You aren't my father, Kian! You're my brother, please start acting like one. What happened was an accident, I didn't know what I was doing and neither did Jc," she sat back on the couch, arms crossed and near tears from being so frustrated.

I huffed, sitting beside her. "Hey, I'm sorry. I just don't want you to get hurt or anything," I shrug it off, changing the subject. "hungry? Did you eat anything?" Some days she would eat as much as she could take maybe even more, other days she wouldn't eat at all and exercise herself until she passed out.

"Marshmallows," she unfolds her arms, looking over at me.

"Yeah, let's get Taco Bell," it's almost like a Jc whistle that when I say Taco Bell, Jc comes out of nowhere.

"Let's go!" Jc shouts, running towards the door.

We all got prepared to go to Taco Bell and took the short ride to get there. A nicely places apartment that we're close to a Taco Bell.


I couldn't help but to watch Kenzie laugh and Kian's cheesy jokes that were not at all funny. When she laughed, or even smiled, her eyes would crinkle up at the sides. Kian looks down at his phone, then stands. "Emergency with Andrea, I'll be back," he glares at Jc. "do not kiss my sister."

"You got it, dude," I spoke, shooting him a thumbs up, referencing Full House. Kenzie gasps.

"F-fuller house, b-bro."

"You just stuttered," I chuckle.

"Hush, I do that when I'm excited. I love it, so much. Literally cried on the last episode of season 1 with Aunt Becky and Uncle Jesse. I want that someday. Happy family, married, all that good stuff."

We continued talking and talking anout Fuller House an had a full on debate about Team Matt or Team Steve until Kian came back, only to grab his drink then he left to the gas station so Kian could fill up his car.

"All you ate was nachos. It'd take about 20 containers of that for it to fill me up. You aren't hungry?"

"Not one bit," she shakes her head.

Something comes to mind. "Want to watch a movie when we get home?"

"I'll take you up on that offer."

~ A/N it's short because i deleted all the stupid irrelevant uneccessary stuff ~

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