Chapter 40

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(Another time jump srry!)

Kenzie's P.O.V.

"Ugh. I'm tired of this huge stomach." It was finally month 9 and I'm very scared. Justin isn't even in state he's.. Somewhere I forgot. I really hope I don't give birth while he's not here. September 13 also known as Niall Horan's birthday was the due date. And it's the 11th, also known as Justin's birthday also known as 9/11. He said he was gonna be home in time for our part of the celebration, which is really me. I'm home alone. All the other boys are traveling with Justin. Come to think about it even more, I really don't want to give birth. Especially alone.

I hear a scream. "Shut up Ricky! Kenzie's probably sleeping, she needs all the rest she can get if she really is having our baby in 2 days." That was definitely Justin. I get out of bed and start to make my way to them. "There you are." I get hugged by Justin. "How are you girls?" I hope he's aware that Kasey can't talk yet. "Great. She's causing me lots of pain, but besides that, I'm great."

"In 3 more days she'll stop causing you pain. Don't worry about it." He chuckles. "I really hope so... Wait, 3?" He nods. "You know you have to give birth.. That hurts too you know." I groan.

**The Next Day (Night)**

Jc' P.O.V.

"Justin. Justin wake up." I rub my eyes. "Justin wake up." I ignore her, accidently. I just didn't wanna wake up. "Justin!" I face toward her. She wasn't even on the bed, she was standing. It's... 10:40. "Yes?"

"My water broke." I chuckle. "Your kidding right?" She shakes her head. My eyes widen and I get out of bed.


Why won't they let me in? It's now 10:59. "Mr. Castillo, hurry please." I go up to the doctor and follow her to McKenzie's room. "She wanted you in here." I nod and go to her side. "Justin." She whines. "I'm right here. Scared to death, but I'm here." She giggles. I'm glad I could cheer her up. "I'm scared."

"Me too but we're gonna make it through this." I hold her hand. "We're going to start the process. Mr. Castillo, Ms. Lawley, whenever your ready?" She nods. "Ready." We say in sync. "On three McKenzie we want you to push. Ok?" She turns to me. She didn't hear her. "When they say three, you push, Ok?" She nods to me then to the doctor. "1.... 2..... 3, push." She does as told, squeezing my hand harder than before.

They continue that process, over and over. Then.. "It's a girl! Mr. Castillo, would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" When my hands stop shaking then maybe I'll consider it. "Uh..." I look at Kenzie and she nods. "Sure." A nurse hands me a pair of hospital scissors. They tell me where to cut but I stop. "Is it gonna hurt them?" The doctor shakes her head and I go through with it. "Ok. We'll be right back with her."

"Why? Is she Ok? Is something wrong?" She shakes her head quickly. "No but we need to get her to an incubator because as soon as you cut the umbilical cord she has to breath on her own and produce her own needs which the incubator helps with." She speedily answers then leaves to the incubator which wasn't far away, still in the room but was away from her parents.

"I want my baby." Kenzie looks up at me. "I promise we'll get her." I assure her. "She's so cute. What would you like to name her?"

"Kasey Caylen Castillo." Me and Kenzie answer at once. "We have... 6 boys out in the waiting room. Can they come in?"

"Unfortunately not all at once. One at a time would be great if possible." I nod and start to leave the room but my hand gets pulled. "Justin." Kenzie whines. "I'll be right back, I swear." She lets go of my hand and I go to the waiting room. I lift a finger up gesturing one person to come in. Kian hurries and stands up. "No let's do this. By day, Connor let's go." Connor nods and folows me back in the room.

When we got back Kasey was in Kenzie's hands. "Want to hold her Connor?" He nods. I carefully take Kasey from Kenzie and hand her to Connor. "She's so small. How many pounds?" I look at Kenzie because the doctor didn't tell me. "7 pounds 8 ounces." Kenzie answers with a weak smile. She's so tired out, I'm proud of her. She went through a lot of pain these 9 months. She's my little soldier. "Jc." Connor calls. I look at him. "It's the 12th of September."

"So what.... Her birthday is after mine. And she was born at 11:11pm.. She and Kenzie is the best wish I've ever gotten." I smile. Speaking of birthday's Kenzie is now 20 years old, so is Kian's. They turned on the 2nd of September. I'm now 22 since Wednesday. O2L is taking off really great, better than before. MTV is thinking about giving us a daily show. Going by days of course (Fake). Speaking of O2L today is Thursday and this week's theme is cute stuff. This would be the perfect time to vlog Kasey and Kenzie. Wait. You can have camera's in the room. I'll just.. Miss a day, I'll tell twitter and they'll understand.. Even better I can just take a bunch of pictures and make it into a slide show and post it on YouTube. Then I can edit it putting words of how come I'm not actually doing a physical video.

Then it was Ricky's turn to hold her. "She's so cute. Look at her little hands. 5 times bigger than hers." He laughs. Then it was Sam's turn. "Your so lucky you two. I hope whenever I have a baby she's as beautiful as Kasey." I see Kenzie blush. We thank him then it was Trevor's turn. "I can't believe your the father of this cute thing. I mean, look at you then look at her... She probably gets her looks from Kenzie." I roll my eyes jokingly. Then it was Kian's turn.

"I'm an Uncle of this small little girl. I am the luckiest." Of course their family was there so they were next to hold her. Their Dad pulls me off to the side as Kenzie and her mother talk. "You made that little girl?" I smile nodding. "She's beautiful. Don't let your girls get harmed in any way and whenever it's possible, you take care of Kasey. Kenzie needs her rest." I nod. "Yes sir."


It's now 2 in the morning and I'm not leaving the hospital until Kenzie is able to leave. I made that clear to the staff here.. Without violence. Just lots of me yelling and a bit of swearing here and there. I'm still awake making sure my two K's are Ok. I can't believe I'm a father, I can't believe that little precious princess is my daughter, and I can't believe that Kenzie is my soon-to-be wife.

(And yes, I put soon to be wife on purpose. Hehe. Ok anyway, There is a picture on the side of Kasey and yeah. Um comments are mandatory this time. Um tell me what you think about this chapter and the ending and Kasey and how the dates are so perfectly match up :P but yeah 3+ comments of that = Update whenever I get home from this party I have in 1 hour.)

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