Chapter 91

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Jc' P.O.V.

"Night baby girl." I smile and start to head to Jake. "No kiss goodnight Daddy?" I go back and give her a kiss on the nose. Then I go to Jake. "Night bud."

"No fist bump Dad?" I fist bump him and go to the living room. "She's not back yet." I whisper to myself. Wishbone barks. "Shush boy. The kids are sleeping... Trying to at least." Oh, he's barking at my phone. It's vibrating.


"Come outside."

"What are you up to McKenzie?"

"Just come outside!"

"Fine." I hang up and stand from the couch, opening the door. "Yes?" I start to walk towards her. "Stay right there." I yawn, rubbing my eyes. I feel something wet and cold fall on me. I step back and look up. A water hose. "What was that for?"

"To make you happy." She shyly says. "You know what would make me even happier?" She shakes her head. "A hug." I smirk. I chase after her until I finally catch her. "Gotcha." I hug her tight. "Now my clothes are wet."

"Same." She giggles at my comment. "It's true. Your not wet enough." I hug her tighter. "Still not working.... This will." I break the hug and take off my shirt. I put my shirt on Kenzie. "There. Now, I'm gonna go take a shower. Care to join me?"

"After you is great." I laugh and pick her up bridal style. "I love you. I don't tell you enough." I kiss her nose. "I love you too." I carry her to our bedroom and get in the shower.

Kenzie's P.O.V.

I hear a beep. I look over to my right, Justin's phone. He got a text from, Amber. It says, "Hey Justin! I know your probably busy with your family but text me sometime." I'll text you alright. I type in his code. The ages of me, Kasey and Jake. 2-7-6-2 I go to their texts.

"Kenzie!" I put the phone down. "Huh!?"

"Can you put my phone on the charger!?" I pick up his phone. "Yeah!" I put it on the charger and continue to read text.

What I found out from the texts are that they used to date. Oh great. They used to date and they are still texting. What if he's cheating behind my back? I hear the doorknob twist. I get off messages and lock his phone. "I'm out the shower." I smile. "I see." I go into the bathroom and get in the shower.

Jc' P.O.V.

I get my phone. I go to messages since I haven't talked to Kian in a bit. I got a text from Amber. Why does it say I read it? Couldn't be the kids, they're sleeping. I had a code on it anyway. Had to be Kenzie. She wouldn't. She did.


"Did you go through my texts?" She freezes. Yeah, she did. "Why?"

"I'd like to ask you the same. Why are you texting someone that you used to date?"

(Sorry if short. Sorry for any mistakes. COMMENT/VOTE. Have any of you guys looked at the Brothers Best Friend characters book? It gives pictures of them at different ages and it gives hints about later on in the story. 9 more chapters until the new book. But I still have no idea what to call it, leave suggestions below if you have any. AND, I updated this with no comments because it's Christmas. Love ya, bye!)

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