Chapter 19

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Jc' P.O.V.

"Let go of me Kian or I swear to-" He released me from being pushed up against the wall. I would've pushed him off but I don't wanna hurt him, that'll make Kenzie hate me even more. Though I doubt that's possible. "How dare you? Oh. Dare. A bet."

I slam him against the wall. "Look Kian. I know how bad I screwed up don't fucking rub it in. That's the last thing I need from you. At this point I'm pissed with everyone, you shouldn't mess with me." I let go of him and storm downstairs.

"Hey J-" I look at Connor and shake my head. "Not in the mood, for anything." I grab my keys. I'm going to the park. Where me and Kenzie went to calm myself down. I nearly hurt my friend. I'm ignoring my others. It's just.. Hard on me.

Kenzie's P.O.V.

I'm so stressed. I have so many assignments I didn't do. And it's all because of Justin. The note, I can't get it out of my head. It's preventing me from doing any work. I hate it. I hate him. I hate life. I hate everything.

My phone is on silent because I can't talk to anybody. I just need to get my work done. Badly. "Party time! Come on Kenzie!" Kayla. She grabs ahold of my hands taking me off the couch. "I have so much work-" She interrupts me. "Finish it when you get home! Let's go!"


"Hey, excuse me. I um.. Dropped my-" I move out of the way so the guy could get whatever he dropped. "Sorry." We apologize in sync. "It's alright." We say in sync once again causing us to laugh. "My name's Austin. Austin Miller." I smile. "Kenzie, Kenzie Lawley... Are you related to Mr. Miller?"

"Noah?" I nod. "Yeah. He's my older brother. He must be your professor? Or.." I nod. "Want a drink?" I look into his hazel eyes, and his fluffy brown hair. "Why not? Any drink they have is fine." He nods and leaves. I lean against the wall waiting for him to return. Few seconds later he returns. "I hope Vodka is Ok. That's all they had." Oh... "Yeah. That's fine, thanks." I lie. I take a sip. The smell burned my nose.

"Tattoo?" I ask him when I see the half heart by his sleeve. "No. Tattoos." He lifts his sleeve up revealing a whole sleeve of tattoos. Though it wasn't a sleeve, they were real. "Real? Or just hennas?" He lifts his other shirt sleeve up. "Their all real."

"Oh cool. Does Noah care about them?" He chuckles. "Do you like him or something?" I giggle, shaking my head. "No, we're just friends." He looks into my eyes. "Um but sorta. He doesn't care about tattoos but he doesn't like the fact I have so many." Makes sense. "Makes sense." I say, speaking my thoughts. Something beeps. He checks his phone. "F.. Here's my number, talk to you later. Yeah?" I nod. "Sounds great." He smirks, giving me a wink.

I check my phone. 5 missed calls. 3 of them from Kian and 1 from Marissa and the other from Madison. None from Jc. Surprising. Oh God. I'm even calling him Jc again, that means I'm.. Moving on. I didn't think I was but sure enough I might be.

Miss Moving On by 5H plays in my mind.

Jc' P.O.V.

I really hope she read that letter. I really hope we get back together. I know it's tough for her, and it's tough for me. I know she's beating herself up for something I did and I hate it. I just really hope she's Ok. Not relationship wise, health wise. I hope she's eating. I hope she's not starving herself. At this point I don't care about my self, only Kenzie. I hate how our relationship is broken, I hate how we're both broken.

I may not know that Kenzie is feeling this way but I feel it. I'm sure that she feels this way. I've hurt her badly and on her part she doesn't even think about it much because she doesn't even know how it happened! I hate how I'm the whole cause of this. I hate that because of me there is so much drama gone. The other thing I hate is that today is Wednesday and I have to post a video tomorrow when I am drastically hurt. In pain. Broken. All of the above. I hate it. I hate it all.

Right now nothing can cheer me up but the sound of Kenzie's laughter. Maybe even a giggle would do me just fine. As long as I hear her voice I'm perfectly fine. I can't live without her. Literally, my mind is telling me to move on but my body isn't letting me. It's like I can't function without her. As much as I force myself to, something in me isn't letting me. I hate it yet I love it. Like I hate the fact it's taking over me yet I love the fact it's making me not move on from the girl of my dreams. The girl I love.

As much as I hate Kian right now he's my only hope. Kian and Kenzie are twins. Seeing him.. It reminds me of Kenzie. His laugh in my mind is actually Kenzie's. His smile is Kenzie's in my mind. I just want her back. She doesn't know how bad I need her but I wish she did. Even if she did, she'd still hate me! I don't blame her. I always loved her though it was a bet. A bet to see if I could date the girl I love, and I did so it wasn't even a harmful bet. Then again I shouldn't have done it. I just really hope this doesn't get to her parents because they have every right to kill me for breaking their little girl's heart. I hate myself for doing that to her. I want her to move on from me yet I don't.

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