Chapter 44

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Kenzie's P.O.V.

"He didn't tell you? Oh. Then he probably doesn't want me to tell you." But. "Tell me what?" She shakes her head. "Nothing. Nevermind." I nod. Oh Ok."

Justin and his siblings including Kasey comes down. They all had jackets on. "We're going to the park!"


Jc' P.O.V.

"Big bobo, push me on the swing." Ava says. I sit Kasey in the sand pit and go over to Ava. "High or low?" I ask, getting ready to push her. "In the middle." I chuckle. "Of course." I push her "in the middle." Then I hear a scream, mixed with crying. "Daddy!" I look over to Kasey, gripping her hand.

I run over to her. She had a little dot of blood on her hand. A pencil in her lap. "Kasey. Let Daddy see." She shakes her head. "No!" Her crying got heavier. "I'll make it feel better. I promise." I hope so. She gives me her hand. Thank God no lead. She was still crying. "Hurts?" She nods.

"Come on guys. We're going home!" Jaylyn helps Ava out the swing as I dust the sand off Kasey's jacket. She cried the whole way home, and still is. There's no lead, it must hurt bad.

I explain to curious Kenzie why she was crying. I go to the kitchen sink, holding Kasey and run cold water over her hands. "Better?"

"... L... Tell. Little." She said another word. "Great job princess. You know what you get for being so strong?" She shakes her head. "Here. Don't eat it too quickly, you don't have all your teeth yet." I give get a laffy taffy. "Say thank you."

"T..." She tilts her head to the side, wanting me to repeat. "Thank you." Her brown eyes glossy from crying. "Th.. K. O." She tried. She's only 1, I don't expect her to say everything fluently. When I was little my mom said it sounded like I said onions instead of oranges.

"Your welcome. Go play." I set her in her walker. "Justin I really need to talk to you." I go over to Kenzie. "Yeah?" She takes my hand and takes me to my bedroom. "You aren't hiding anything from me, are you?"

"No." I hope she doesn't find out. It's supposed to be a secret. "Justin. Your lying."

"Kenzie I honestly don't know what your talking about." I lie. If I told her, my plan would be ruined. "Justin, really? Your hiding things from me? We've been together for 2 years!"

"Kenzie-" She cuts me off. "I don't wanna hear it. If don't tell me I'm leaving. With Kasey." I can't tell her. I can't. "I can't tell you. It's nothing bad, I swear! It's actually good, really good."

"It better be Justin." She storms off. I sigh and get the small box from under the bed. I open it. I hope she likes it. I take the ring out and rotate it. Kenzie Castillo. I smile. The door opens. I put the box and ring behind my back quickly. "What was that?" Kenzie asks. "What?"

"Never mind. What do you want for lunch?" I shrug. "It's up to you babe." She nods and leaves the room. That was too close. I put the ring back in the box and hide it under the mattress. The door opens, Kasey.

"How'd you make your way up here?" I sit her in my lap. "Ma-me." I nod. I show her the ring. "You think Mommy will like it?"

"... Yes." She giggles. I lay down on the bed with Kasey curled up in a ball on my chest. Dosing off.

Kenzie's P.O.V.

Everyone was sleep. Justin, his siblings, his mom. I'm not sure about- "Mommy!" She hands me a ring. "Woah. This is really pretty. It's probably Lindy's. I'll go ask Daddy come on."

I go up to me and Justin's bedroom. I shake him. "Justin. Wake up." His eyes flutter open. "Is this your mom's?" He sits up. "No! Mommy's!"

"Shush Kase. Is this Lindy's?" I ask again. "It's Mrs. Castillo's." What? "What? Isn't this your mom's? Right?" He nods, taking it from my hands. "Right. I'll give the ring to her when... I finish my nap. Night."

(Don't really have anything to say except the ring is on the side.)

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