Chapter 45

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**2 Weeks Later**

Kenzie's P.O.V.

"I feel like he's hiding something. Well he is but he says it's not bad. I don't believe him. It seems like everyone knows about it but me." Kasey starts walking over to me. She was walking now. "Well.." Kendall starts but the door opens interrupting her. "I got you guys cupcakes!" Justin announces, setting them in front of us on the table. "Oooo this one is teal and pink. I'm getting this one." I open the box and get the cupcake.

"You might wanna eat that slow." Kendall warns. My eyes widen. "Ok..." I take a slow bite out of it, my teeth biting something hard. "Ow." I lay the cupcake down and take the rest out of my mouth and lay it on a napkin. Then... "It's a ring in this cupcake! The heck." I take the ring out and wipe it off. "Kenzie look down." I look down, Kasey. It was a sign that said "Will you marry me?" Oh my God. I look at Justin. "Well.. Will you be Mrs. Castillo?" I hop out of my seat and hug him. "Yes! Yes I will. Oh my God! You were all in on this weren't you!" I didn't even care. I'm so happy. He picks me up and spins me around.

"There was so many ways to purpose, cute ways, I came up with this one." He sets me down. "How'd you know I'd pick that cupcake?"

"Well.. Does this answer your question? 'Oooo this one is TEAL and PICK. I'm getting this one.' That was my favorite colors. "Are you serious? Are we really engaged?" He laughs then nods. "Yes. Yes we are." I hug him again but this time tighter.

"Mommy Daddy e.. Gate... D..." She tried to say engaged. Justin breaks the rug and picks up Kasey. "Yes we are princess. And guess what?... Georgia is coming over! So is little Kolby." Georgia was my god-daughter and Kolby was Kendall's son. Also my god-son. She giggles. "Y-ay!"


Jc' P.O.V.

"Kole-e! G- Orgia!" Kasey was literally the best at pronouncing words. "Kasey!" They hug her. Georgia lets go but Kolby's and Kasey's was longer. He's 2. "Break it up." I pull them apart. "Justin. They are only 1 and 2. What do you think they are gonna do?"

"Hey. You never know, I got married 8 times in kindergarten." I admit. "That was you. This is them. They won't do that." I roll my eyes. "Sure they won't."

"Dad-dy! Kole-e, oy-end!" She meant, Daddy. Kolby boyfriend. I can't wait 'till she starts talking correctl- Wait what? How does she even know what a boyfriend is. "Ha. Very funny Kasey. You mean friend boy." Kenzie nudges me. "Listen to yourself. You make no sense."

"Don't talk to me Kenzie. I know what I'm talking about." I growl. "Justin. Stop it." I sigh. "Sorry." Kasey tugs at my hand. "Yes?"

"Da-ddy mad?" She asks. I kiss her nose. "I'm not mad princess. Go play."

"Jc that wasn't a question. She knows your mad." Kendall whispers. "How?" I whisper back. "Believe it or not, you have the best bond with her. She knows some things you might not even know. Your mad Jc. She can tell." Kasey hugs my legs. "Ha- e Dadda." Happy Daddy she meant. "P-ease Daddy. Or me?" Please Daddy. For me. She meant. "For you." I hug her and she runs off to go play.

Now it's like I can't be mad around her. I really hope this wears off because I can't control my anger and if she knows I'm mad then.. It's gonna be a nightmare. I can't help it. It's not my fault. I don't know what to do.

(OK gonna make this short. Sorry it's short. If possible can you guys comment what you think about the way Justin proposed. Please and Thank you. ALSO, comment if you know Nash Grier because there is an upcoming scene with him next chapter or so AND I'm making a fanfic about him. SORRY for any mistakes, bye! OH and sorry if I spelled your name wrong Kendall/Kendal)

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