Chapter 29

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(Comments are mandatory on this chapter, read author's note at the end to know what to comment.)

Jc' P.O.V

She rushes up to me. "Are you Ok!?" I step back from her, chuckling. "I'm fine. Yes." She grabs my hand. "No your not!" She points at my bloody knuckles. "It doesn't hurt so I'm fine." She stares into my eyes. She gasps, slowly. "Justin!"

"Yes?" I say, slightly annoyed. "Your lip!" I roll my eyes. "I'm fine." She screams. "No your not! You have a busted lip Justin. Oh my god!" I grab both of her hands. "Look at me." Her eyes float up to mine. "I'm Ok. I really, truly am. Stop worrying about me. Just.. Stop." She groans loudly. "I can't believe you! Is Parker Ok?" I shrug. "Probably not though." Her eyes widen. "Ugh! I can't believe this." She storms up to the room. I should leave her alone until tomorrow.

**The Next Day**

Ouch. My lip is swollen a bit. My knuckles hurt more than last night. "Kenzie?" I knock on the door but no answer. I sigh and go back to the living room. I see Kc running around, with a note taped on her back. I stop her and carefully take the note off her, opening it and reading it.

I'm really disappointed in you Justin. So I'm at a hotel but I'm not telling you which until I think you can get your act together. I thought we were through this but obviously not. For all you know I could be in a different state, don't bother calling me either because I changed my phone number. I hope you really think about this. ~ Kenzie.

I crumble the note up and toss it somewhere. Seriously? What I did was not that bad? Was it? All I tried to do was protect her, is that so wrong? No. It's not. If protecting someone I love is wrong then I've been wrong this whole time. I don't get Kenzie, I really don't. I try to help her, I try to do things for her but all I get in return is a snobby attitude or worse, her leaving. I'm not even gonna worry about it because I'm through with trying to help her when I get nothing in return. She'll come back when she wants. If she wants an apology out of this for me to come back she's not getting it because I've done nothing wrong.

Even if I wanted to apologize I can't because she changed her phone number. Which is really stupid on her part, how does she expect me to apologize? Or is she just being a brat wanting me to make a social media apology acting like the whole world revolves around her. Point is she isn't getting an apology.

Kenzie's P.O.V.

"He could've killed him!" I explain to Ryan.. Yelling apparently. "He's just trying to protect you, I would've done the same." He admits. "Ugh! I can't believe you guys!" I turn to walk off but he grabs my hand. "If you want I'll talk to Jc." I nod. "Please." He gives me a nod back.

Ryan's P.O.V.

I go up to Jc' room when I reach their household. "Hey Mr. Abe." Jc greets. "Hey um.. I need to talk to you about Kenzie." He groans. "Go."

"First, she's a girl, she loves you, she's gonna get worried about you. Second, She's right, you could've killed him. Third, how are you not arrested?" He shrugs. "You need to apologize. She's scared and worried sick about you, if your not gonna apologize the least you can do is talk to her."

"If she was worried about me she would've never left me." I punch him on the shoulder. "Just do it. She's been my girlfriend before and she was the best I've ever had, if you give her up there is a 90% chance she might go back to me. Do it before it's too late." He rolls his eye taking out his phone.

"Hey um... I'm sorry... I just got protective and I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or whatever..... Alright.. Bye." He hangs up. "What'd she say?" I ask. "She's coming back... But I'm sleeping on the couch for 2 weeks." I laugh. "You deserve it."

**The Next Day**

Kenzie's P.O.V

I had my bed all to myself last night. Pretty comfy but very lonely. I want to invite him back but he needs to learn his lesson that hurting people isn't the answer... To everything. "Kc. Come here." She scratches the covers, trying to climb onto the bed. I giggle and pick her up. "Go tell Daddy to wake up." I whisper in her ear. She jumps off the bed carefully and out of the room. About two minutes later Justin is up in the room. "Kc came down and licked my face until I got up, then she took my beanie and ran upstairs with it bringing me up here. Sorry I woke you." I smile at Kc' abilities to be able to do that.

"I wanted to talk to you. I sorta told her to do that." We look over to the puppy and she drops the beanie and wags her small tail. "Kc.. Can we talk alone?" Kc struts her way out the door. I giggle then turn back to Justin who was spinning around in the computer chair. I clear my throat. "Sorry." He stops spinning and faces me. "What you did was wrong-" He cuts me off. "How is protecting someone I love wrong? Tell me that McKenzie."

"You could've protected me a different way. You don't have to hurt people, plus he didn't threaten me. He was just bothering me. That's why your on the couch for two weeks." He shrugs. "You don't care? Alright then, I don't either. Three weeks."

"Kenzie that's not what I meant-" I half laugh. "I'll make it more Justin. I don't want to be messed with anymore, please leave." He nods, standing up from the chair making his way out the door but slamming it. I can't believe him. I hope he knows that he's the only reason I'm doing and continuing to do YouTube videos. I hope he knows that he's the only reason I wake up every day with a smile plastered on my face. But no, he probably doesn't. It's a waste f time telling him when probably he isn't going to listen and get mad at me. I'm through with it.

"Don't burn out. Even if you scream and shout." Through The Dark, by One Direction.. Isn't out yet but I recognize it. Justin pops through the door. The music was coming from his phone. "Oh my God Justin." I say after I realize he was video taping me. I cover my face. "Come on!" He whines. "Show that beautiful smile!" He hops onto the bed taking my hands off my face immediately showing a huge smile. "Don't burn out. Even if you scream and shout." He repeats the lyrics then pausing the song. "I'm pretty sure you being like their biggest fan you know what they mean but I want to tell you personally." He lets out a huff.

"Don't burn out, really means don't give up on hope. Don't give up on us. Even if you scream and shout, I'm not really sure what they mean by that but what I mean by it is, Even though we argue, screaming and shouting, we can make it through this. Through The Dark meaning, through tough times. So can we do what the song says?" He grabs hold of both my hands. Rubbing the back of them with his thumb. "Of course I'll try-" He cuts me off. "We'll try. A relationship take two people, let's work together on this. That's the only way it'll work."

"Gee thanks love doctor." He chuckles. "Welcome. Hug?" I shake my head. "Hug.. And kiss." And that's just what we do.

(Sorry I was late updating this SO SO SORRY but it's me and my boyfriend's anniversary coming up soon and I was at the mall looking for a watch but yeah enough of my life. Comment what you think about this chapter 3+ comments = Another update whenever. Huge thank you to the people that comment because of you guys, (New people that comment too!) I update as much as I can but I'll be busy sometimes. Like today I went watch shopping, then a volleyball game (Which we won!!) Then I have choir class Sunday. Ok thanks! Love ya! Sorry for any mistakes. Btw the first person to comment tell me your name and your hair color, and your eye color so you can be in the story!!! Why? Because next chapter is going to be my 30th chapter. Woop woop)

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