Chapter 77

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Jc' P.O.V. {Explicit Language}

"They're with me." I tell the security guard, holding Kasey and Kenzie's hand. "They aren't Youtubers sir, sorry."

"Once again, they are with me. Comprehend that? They. Are. With. Me. And they are coming in and leaving with me-" Kenzie nudges me. "They're with me, alright?" He nods and let's us in. I sit at the signing table. Kasey sat on the table, Kenzie sat on my lap since there were only enough chairs for 6. Connor, Ricky, Sam, me, Trevor and Kian.


"Kenzie's a slut!" Someone in the crowd says. "Right back at you!" I say, finishing my signature on a fans picture. I hand it back to her. "Look at me Kenzie." She turns, tears in her eyes. "Ignore them." I wipe her eyes. She nods, then turns back around. "What's a slut?" Kasey asks. "... Nothing, just don't say it." She nods.

"Kenzie's a whore!" Ignore them Justin. I take the photo from the fan and start signing my name, in the middle of signing it I hear, "Kenzie is a dumbass!" I put down my sharpie and look up at the fan. "Excuse me... Do you know who said that?"

"The guy in the... Red and black." I nod. "Thanks. Kenzie stand for a sec." She stands. "Don't do anything stupid."

"Not making any promises." I respond, going to the guy in the red and black. "What'd you call my fiancé?" I growl. "A whore, a slut, a dumbass." I cut him off. "Why are you even here?"

"My girlfriend. The one that is talking to your ugly fiancé." I step back. "Can you step out of the black rope?" I am done with Kenzie getting made fun of. He steps out. I slam him against the wall. "Next time think about what you say about my family! Get the hell out of here." I push him down and return to my seat. I finish signing his girlfriend's photo. "Oh and miss. Tell that boyfriend of yours, to keep his mouth shut if he wants to live to see another day." Kenzie nudges me. "He shouldn't call you names, nobody should. I'm making sure of that." She turns back around. A girl comes up with a water bottle. "Brought me a water?"

"No, I brought it for Kenzie." She starts to twist the cap open. She begins to raise it over her head. "Don't you dare. Your lucky your a female or I'd hurt you too."

"Justin!" Kenzie turns to me. "She deserves it!" Before Kenzie could respond I hear, "Mommy! Daddy!" The girl poured it on Kasey. "Go change Kasey." I tell Kenzie. I go over to the security guard that was holding the girl that had the water bottle. "See how you like it."

"Huh?" I pick up a water bottle and open it, pouring it on her head. "Sucks for you, doesn't it?" I throw the water bottle at her feet. Connor pulls me to the side. "You're being extremely rude."

"And they aren't!? They are calling her names, pouring stuff on her, threatening her! Anything! I'm not gonna sit there and not do anything about it when she's struggling with hate from others and is still suffering from cutting and insecurity!"

"Calm down. You poured water on a fans head, and threw the bottle at her."

"Don't tell me to fucking calm down. She deserved it! She is not a fan if she does that. Fans like to see me happy, I'm not happy when they do that. She's not a fan, she's no where near a fan!"

"Daddy! Mommy don't feel well!" She points to the bathroom.

(Badass Justin! ANYWAY, sorry if short. I had fun writing this idek why. Sorry for any mistakes. COMMENT/VOTE. People are saying I should make a different book when I reach chapter 100. I already had one suggestion of what it should be called. If possible, leave some suggestions or should I just keep it Brother's Best Friend 2. Love ya, bye!)

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