Chapter 53

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Kenzie's P.O.V.

"Stop it!" I stand. Nash turns to me. "Stay out of it." I take a couple steps back. Kian comes over to me. "Boys are gonna be boys, I'll break it up if it gets to serious. Don't worry about it." I nod.

"You ruined her party!" Nash pushes Justin again. "That's why I tired to leave!" He pushes back. "Stop!"Kian yells, then breaks them up. "Nash, you and Kenzie need to talk. Justin we're gonna take a walk." Kian says.

Justin walks out the door with Kian. Nash comes over to me while the boys take Skylynn upstairs in Kasey's room. "Why would you do that Nash?" He looks down but then back up. "I'm sorry I just.. Even if I'm not Kasey's biological father, I still want to help, and be there for her."

"But Nash that has nothing to do with you pushing Justin." He nods. "Yes it does. He was pressuring Kasey to do something that you didn't want her to do." I open my mouth but he doesn't give me time to say anything. "Speaking of which, Justin didn't know we were dating? You didn't tell him, and you told me you did." I stay silent. "McKenzie."

"I'm sorry. I really am. But the only reason he left because he could put people in a lot of danger. If he wanted to he could hurt you for dating me." He smiles. "I'll be fine. He knows now so there is no need to worry about that."

"I'm gonna go talk to Kasey." He nods. "Then can I?" He asks. "Yeah." I head up to Kasey's room. "Can I talk to Kasey?" Skylynn and the boys nod. "Alone." They head out the door. "Why is Daddy.. First Daddy always mad."

"The world may never know Kase." I smile. "Daddy's ruined my birthday. I'm mad at both of them." She crosses her arms. "I love second Daddy a lot but I want first Daddy back." I rub her back. "First Daddy has some issues he needs to sort out. Mean while, second Daddy will be taking care of us. Speaking of second Daddy, wanna talk to him?" I can see him standing at the door. "Yes." I stand and go over to the door, letting Nash in and me out.

Nash's P.O.V.

"Hey Kasey." She turns her back. "I know your mad at me. I understand. I'm sorry." She turns to face me. "My birthday is ruined. Nothing will change that."

"What can I do to make it better? What's something you always wanted? Since- You get the point." She giggles. "I just want a big happy family."

"If I don't be your second Daddy then would that make you happy?"

Jc' P.O.V.

"I mean.. Nash wouldn't hurt her. Physically or emotionally but of course I'm jealous. It was my idea to leave but it wasn't my idea to enjoy it. Did you know how hard it was when my family wasn't there at my birthday?"

"Very hard I can imagine but you left. They needed someone there for them-" I cut him off. "So I'm just a replacement? Is that what your saying?" He shakes his head. "You aren't a replacement. They just needed someone to fill your place, not replace."

"I still have my anger issues, but they've gotten way better. I want my girls back but they're with Nash, probably happy with him too."

"I hate this Kian. I want to be with my family, you know? You and Andrea are expecting a little one and your still happily together. Your lucky. You don't have anger issues, your great."

"Do you see how one little thing can ruin everything?"

(Sorry if it's short, typing on phone. UM Don't forget to comment. And yeah. Comment. ANYWAY, sorry for any mistakes. Bye!)

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