Chapter 80

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Jc' P.O.V.

"Close your eyes." I tell Kenzie. "What are you-" I cut her off. "Just close your eyes." She closes her eyes. "No peeking." I hold her hands and take her to the balcony. "Open."

"Justin. It's beautiful." She looks up at the sky. "No no no." She squeezes my hands. "What? What's wrong?"

"I'm afraid of heights." I hug her. "I got ya." I point down to a little parkish place. "That's what our marriage is gonna look like." She giggles into my chest. "What? It is! No joke... Have you gotten a dress?" She nods. "Let me see- Never mind. That's bad luck."

**A Week Later**

"I look ridiculous. What if she doesn't say I do?-" Kian cuts me off. "Stop worrying. Or you might jinx yourself." I laugh. "Wait.. You're kidding right?" He chuckles. "Yes, I am.... Or am I?"

"Your not help- There are my girls." Kasey, the flower girl in a small pink fluffy dress. Then Kenzie, arm in arm with her father and a white flowing dress. I smile. Wide. "Beautiful." I whisper. "And she's all yours." Kian whispers to me. Kasey finishes putting the flowers down. She stands to the side. "Did I do good Daddy?"

"You did great." I wink. Kenzie stands in front of me. "We are joined today for the- Okay. You two aren't teenagers BUT I know you don't want to go through all this. Should I just skip that part?" I look at Kenzie for permission, she nods. "The couple have Vows. Justin." Why me first? "You said that aloud bud.. That's why their laughing. Go on with your vows."

I smile. "I know I'm not the perfect guy for you but I'm glad I have you. We've been through a lot as a couple but we're still together. You light up my world like nobody else, and yes, those are lyrics, but it's true. I might frighten you sometimes or.. Become overprotective but that's because I love you. I may not be good enough for you but your everything to me. I'm glad to call you Kenzie Castillo now." I wipe her teary eyes.

"Nobody's perfect, they say. That might be true but you're pretty close. You're everything I could've wish for and I'm glad your mine. Your a great loving caring boyfriend, now a husband, and a Dad. I love you more than words can express and-" She starts to cry. I wipe her eyes again. "And I'm the luckiest girl in the world."

"Do you, Justin Caylen Castillo take Kenzie Marie Lawley as your lawfully wedded wife?" I take her hand and slip the ring on her ring finger. "I do."

"Do you, Kenzie Marie Lawley take Justin Caylen Castillo as your lawfully wedded husband?" She takes my hand and slips the ring on my ring finger. "I do."

"Kenzie Marie Lawley is now Kenzie Marie Castillo. You may kiss the bride?" I give her a kiss, that seemed to last forever, but I didn't mind. "Mommy! Daddy! Married!" In the middle of the kiss I feel something tap my stomach, I break the kiss. "Was that you little Jake?" I kiss her tummy. "Oh and for those of you who didn't know. Not only do we have a little girl, but we have a little boy. That is still in my wife's tummy." They cheer.

"Mommy! Daddy! I want cake!" She jumps up and down. "Ok Ok. But first, Kenzie will throw the flowers. Ladies! Come on up." The males step back. Kenzie throws the bouquet of flowers backwards. "I got it!" Andrea (Russet) Shouts. She looks over to Kian. "We're next." Kian says with a wink.


"Everybody enjoy their cake?" They shout a yes. "I would like to make an announcement!"

"As you all know Kenzie LOVES One Direction. And this is her special day, so why not make it special for her? INTRODUCING, the one and only, One Direction!" Kenzie covers her mouth as Kasey screams and cries.

They come out on stage and Louis takes the Mic. "I've been told Kasey, the little girl, is a Louis Girl. Come up on stage babe!" I help Kasey up there. "How much do you love me?" Louis says. He puts the Mic to her mouth. "As much as my Daddy loves my Mommy." I blush as the crowd awws. I wrap my arm around Kenzie's waist. "That's a lot. May I have a kiss?" He taps his cheek. Kasey gives him one. "Thanks babe!" He picks her up. Harry takes the mic.

"I've been told Kenzie is a Harry Girl." She shakes her head, hiding behind me. "Don't be shy! I've even been told by your brother, Kian, that you've said 'Don't talk about my Hazza' Correct? Come up on stage." She goes over to the stage, he helps her.

"I would ask you what Louis asked your adorable daughter but your husband would kill me. So, instead I'll give you the boys numbers, and a group hug." And that's what they do. "After we have some presents for your baby boy. But! We are going to be singing, couple songs off our album Midnight Memories. Strong, Happily, You and I, and Half A Heart. Hope you enjoy."

They finish performing and give Kenzie a bag full of stuff for Jake. "Toys, clothes, shoes, pacifiers. Thank you boys." Kenzie smiles.


"Best. Wedding. Ever!" Kenzie giggles. "Agreed."

(Sorry if short. I thinks it's medium. Sorry for any mistakes. COMMENT/VOTE. Love ya, bye!)

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