Chapter 58

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I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I stop the punching bag and take off my boxing gloves.

"Yes Kenzie?"

"Hurry. Just please hurry to the hospital." Then she just hangs up.

Once I get to the hospital I ask the receptionist lady for Kenzie's room number. I hurry to that room but when I reach the door the doctor stops me. "Are you gonna yell at me this time?" He jokes. "So fucking funny I forgot to laugh. Let me in." He opens the door. Kasey was in the hospital bed. I go over to her. "Please tell me she's sleeping."

"She is. She's tired. She passed out but they don't know why. How's was the gym?"

"Your changing the subject. What really happened?" She sighs. "Nothing happened. Why can't you just believe me?" Something lays on top of my hand. Kasey. "Hey princess. You alright?" She nods. "I think so." I smile and kiss her nose. "I'm glad.. Happy.. Very super really happy your Ok."


"Shower girl." I joke. She giggles. "Let me get dressed. Get out the bathroom." I shrug. "Not like I haven't seen anything before... Seriously?" I notice cuts on her wrist. "What?"

"What the hell are these? Why do you have them?" I pick up her arm, scanning the cuts. "You promised. You fucking promised." She pushes me out the bathroom and closes the door.

Not long after she comes out fully dressed. "Explain those cuts to me." I pat the empty spot beside me on the bed. She sits there. "It happened when..... After you went to bed last night."

"So I did this? I was the cause of this?" She shakes her head. "Yes I am! If I leave, I'm hurting you. If I stay, I'm hurting you. I don't know what to do anymore!" I wanna scream. But Kasey's sleeping. I half laugh. "You know what? I'm not even gonna worry about those stupid cuts, just.. Don't do it again. Please." She nods. "I have to go back to the gym." I grab my keys and leave.

Kenzie's P.O.V.

I don't know what's wrong with Justin. I really hope he stops this. I love him. A lot. I don't know if I can say the same for him though. I sigh.

(Sorry it's short. Sorry for any mistakes. COMMENT/VOTE. Bye bye!)

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