Chapter 79

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Kenzie's P.O.V.

"Hey Kenzie!" I turn, a girl. "Hello, you must be a fan?" She nods. "I got you a water since you got sick." I smile. "Thank you." She starts to open it, she pours it on my head. I take the bottle and throw it at her face. "How dare you!?"

"Whatcha gonna do about it? Tell Jc? Poor thing." I laugh. "Are you pregnant?" I ask her, she shakes her head. "Good."

Jc' P.O.V.

I watch Kenzie punch a girl... In the stomach. I hurry to her and pull Kenzie away from the girl. "Woah, your really wet." I point out. "Because of her! So I taught her a lesson."

"Let's go." I pull her arm. "Justin that hurts." I ignore her and go into our hotel room. "What if she punched you back? In the stomach. We wouldn't have our little boy."

"Well- Boy?" I nod. "The doctor called while you were asleep and he told me. I forgot to tell you."

"Jake... Caylen... Castillo." I lay my forehead on hers. "Is that what you want?" She nods. "Deal." I give her a short kiss on the lips. "You still have my arm, and it hurts bad." Oh. I let go of her. "Sorry. Go get changed."


"Daddy! Can I stay with Kian tonight?" Her voice booms over the phone.

"Yeah. See you tomorrow. Love you!" Kenzie answers for me.

"Love you too Mommy and Daddy." She hangs up.

"Are you crying?" I ask Kenzie. "No, I'm just sleepy. When I yawn my eyes water."

"Oh. Me too." I stretch. "So.. Jake Caylen Castillo." I smile. "I like it." She says. "I don't." She sticks out her buttom lip. "I love it." She giggles. "I can't wait until they grow up."

**Future Vision**

"Mom! Jake took my phone!" I chuckle and continue to watch T.V, ignoring them. "Jake, why do you have her phone?"

"Because.. I lost mine." Kasey sticks out her tongue. "You shouldn't even have a phone, your 13." Says the 16 year old. I laugh.

"Hey! You got one at 9." Kasey rolls her eyes. "Jake give the phone back, Kasey call your brother's phone. Problem solved." They groan. "Mom. Why did you have to make us share a birthday?" Jake groans. "At least your not twins." Kenzie jokes. "Ew. I'd be ugly." Kasey says. "No you wouldn't."

"Aww thanks bro." Jake laughs. "You didn't let me finish. No you wouldn't because you already are." I hold in my laugh as Kasey chases him around the house.


"Me either." I smile.

(Sorry if short. Sorry for any mistakes. COMMENT/VOTE. LEAVE SOME MORE BOOK NAMES TOO. Love ya, bye!)

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