Chapter 7

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Jc's P.O.V

"Can you tell them to stop holding hands, its annoying?" Connor whispers to Kian, jokingly. "Their fine, I'm glad she's happy" Kian replys.

"Justin?" Kenzie catches my attention, causing me to turn to her. "Yeah?" She shakes her head. "Never mind" She smiles, looking down. I lift her head up with a smile. "What is it?" I ask. "My head hurts is all, not a big deal, just wanted to tell you in case I look unhappy"

"We can go back home- I mean to the apartment and rest" I suggest, she shakes her head. "I'll be Ok" She smiles and we continue our walk to the park.

When we get there she gets on the swing, instead of joining her I push her on the swing. I hear groans from the boys, I chuckle. "Jc, can you stop the swing? I'm feeling dizzy" I nod. "Yeah" I stop the swing, and help her out of it. We sit on the bench. "How ya feeling?" I ask. "I'm a bit dizzy"..... "You didn't eat today, did you?" She shakes her head. "I can go to the store and-" She cuts me off. "No, I'll be able to make it until we get home- The apartment"

"Are you sure? I'm getting worried" She nods. "I'm fine" I squeeze her hand. "I hope so" I whisper to myself. "Why didn't you eat?" I blurt out. "I wasn't hungry"

"But you are now. Its not safe, or healthy for you not to eat. How many days have you went without eating?" She holds up 2 fingers. "No, were leaving. And your eating" I get up. "We're leaving boys" The nod.

As soon as we get home I order pizza. I tell Connor to make sure she eats, I had to edit a video for a friend. "Jc" Connor calls, knocking on the door. "Come in" I say not looking up from the computer screen until he comes in. "She ate"

"I hope your not lying. She hasn't ate for 2 days" I tell him. "She did eat, I'm positive" He rolls his eyes, I chuckle and go to Kenzie. I sit next to her. "Hey" She smiles, ignoring me. "Is this because I made you eat? Its for your safe-"

"You sound like Kian! I thought I was dating someone completely different. We haven't been together for 24 hours yet and we're already arguing, if that's gonna happen. We're not gonna work out, I understand you care about me and all that but if I'm not hungry I'm not gonna eat. You technically force fed me"

"You felt dizzy, your head hurt, you went 2 days without eating! You expect me to ignore that, I love you with all my heart. I don't want anything happening to you, you could faint right here right now because of you n-not eating. Do you know how hard that's gonna be for me and Kian to explain?"

"I am fat, the-" I cut her off. "You are not fat, quit saying that. It not let alone scares me but worries me too" Her eyes start watering. I put her head in my chest. "I don't want you hurt, I know what you've been through and I've been bullied too. I know how hard it was, but your through that now"

She nods. "Can I go home?" She asks. "Was it something I did?" She shakes her head follow with a sniff. "No, I just need to go home. I'm not feeling well, and YES I ate. I'm still not feeling well" Why would she tell me that? Now I'm scared and worried to death.

I take her home. We were standing on the porch. "I'll see you later" She says. "Alright, I... I hope you feel better" SAY IT JUSTIN! Say I love you. "Thanks" She was about to go into the house but I stop her and give her a kiss. When we stop I finally found the courage to say.....

"I love you" I smile. "I love you too" She waves, going inside the house.

As soon as I get home the boys ask me what's on my lips. "What are you guys talking about?" I groan. "You have some reddish pinkish stuff on your lips..... You and Kenzie kissed!" Ricky says.

"It's not like we haven't befor..." I turn around to Kian. I playfully punch him on the arm. "Hey bud" My eyes widen as I hurry to get to my room but Kian stops me. "You've kissed her before, so what. I know you have, don't be scare Jc. It just that I don't want you breaking her heart"

"Even..." I start off. Stopping myself, but Ricky finished it. "Sex" I roll my eyes. "....... Um... As.. As long as you don't get her pregnant" He shrugs. "But if and when you do, take it easy on her" He chuckles. I smile before going up to my room.

I send Kenzie a text. "Bored" And she replies with, "Me too, I'm still not feeling well. I'm about to go to bed" THEN, I text back with. "Get better, love you" AFTER that she sends. "Love you too" I plug my phone up to the charger and watch T.V until I fall asleep.

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