Chapter 39

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Jc' P.O.V.

Is she going into labor? Is she gonna be Ok? Why won't they let me in? "Mr. Castillo." A lady calls, I go up to her. "Ms. Lawley is doing fine. So is the baby." She assures me. "What happened?" My hands were shaking. "The pain became overwhelming and she fainted, but both of your girls are doing great." I smile. "That's wonderful, may I go see them?" She nods, taking me to the room Kenzie and Kasey were in.

The doctor leaves the room. "Hey." I whisper since Kenzie was sleeping. "Um.. I'm gonna let you rest but I just wanna say I love you girls. Night." I kiss Kenzie's forehead then her tummy, she moves, giggling. "Justin?" She smiles. "That tickled."

"Sorry." I chuckle. "Oh um.. I been here for 2 hours waiting for results so I did this." It was a letter. I would call it a poem but it's nothing of the sort. I listen to her read it aloud

"There's Mommy and Daddy and baby too. Just wanted to say how much I love you. With tears of joy all around, keeping it quiet not making a sound. Tears of sadness, fade away come on Kasey, time to play. Hoping your not crazy like your family, I just can't wait for you to see me. Putting Mommy through a lot of pain, not to mention the weight she has gain. It is worth it all, now it's time for me to stand proud and tall. Being a father and all. I know that one day we'll be gone, but just remember this little song, 'Happy Mommy, Happy Daddy, Happy baby too. I just wanted to say, I love you!' "

"Justin.. You wrote that." I nod."Yeah. I got bored, I drew a picture with it. I'm a horrible drawer." I hand her the piece of paper with drawing. It had all of our names in bubble letters with hearts filling the whole page. "Justin. This is great." She smiles. "Thanks."

"Ouch." I look up at her eyes. "Not again. You Ok? Don't faint again, please." She giggles. "No Justin I just said that dramatically because Kasey kicked." She freezes. "Read the little song part at the end Justin." I nod. "Happy Mommy, Happy Daddy, Happy baby too. I just wanted to say, I love you." Kenzie's eyes start to water. "What?"

"Whenever you say that she kicks." I don't believe that. "Let me see." I put a hand on Kenzie's tummy and read it again. "Happy Momm-" Kick. Oh my God. "Your right."

"Like always." I chuckle. "3 months away. Wait, it's June. In three more months it'll be... September. That's our birthday months." How come I never realized that. "Justin!"

"Stop. Your scaring me." She tries to smile but it comes out as a cry. "Ow!" My chest goes in and out heavily. "Want me to get a doctor?" I panic. "No."

"Why?! Your-" She cuts me off. "Joking. I'm joking." Thank goodness. For the rest of the time in the hospital we sung the "Poem." I made.


Kenzie's P.O.V.

"Kendrick! Your Ok!" Kian hugs me. "Your not about to be Ok if you call me that again." He laughs and hugs tighter. "Let go." Justin says. "Or what?" Kian challenges. What in the- "Kian your hurting the baby, let go." Justin explains. Kian immediately lets go. I almost fall when I start to walk but catch myself by grabbing onto Justin. "You Ok?" He looks straight at me.

"I think I just need to lay down. I need some rest." He nods, picking me up bridal style, taking me up to his bedroom laying me in the bed. "If you need anything.." He gives me a clicker. It's what they use for dogs. It's like a whistle but instead it clicks, but sounds just like a whistle.

I nod and watch him leave the room. I can't believe that in only three months I'm going to be having a baby. I don't think I'm ready but I always have Justin to help me out. Or do I? His career is taking of greater than before. What if he isn't here to help? What will I do then? Don't think like that.

(Sorry it's short but I have a party to go to at 5:30 and it's 5:08 right now. So I hurried to type this. And the party is 5:30 to 10, if I don't update it's because I'm drunk. No I'm kidding, but if I don't update it's probably because I'm tired. Sorry for any mistakes, don't forget to comment and vote and yeah. Bye!)

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