Chapter 12

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Kenzie's P.O.V

"I'm staying the night since we're leaving tomorrow" I tell them. "You have no clothes though" I nod. "Yeah, I keep extra in my trunk.... Don't even ask why!" I giggle. I ate, without having someone to tell me. Pasta, one of my favorites.

I was too stuffed to do anything so I lay down in Jc' bed. I wasn't planning on going to sleep but I did.


"What's up O2L?" A whisper says, Jc. Its 6:30 in the morning. I groan, forgetting he had the camera on. "Woke you up? I'll go downstairs" He says, looking past the camera and at me. I shake my head, stretching. "Your Ok" I yawn, and snuggle my head back into my pillow.

I couldn't go back to sleep though. So I just watch Jc. A couple giggles escaped. When he was done he uploaded it. "You forgot to edit" I mumble. "Oh well, not like anything needed to be edited" He lays beside me. "I wanna go to the carnival now" He whines. "Its best at night"

"No, we can go now. Then again at night, please" I nod. "Fine, go tell the boys"

"Come with me then" He says. "No" I groan. "If you come with me they'll say yes" I roll my eyes and get out of bed. Wearing Jc' big T-Shirt... It was big to me. I follow Jc holding his hand so I don't stumble, because I was still sleepy.

He was scared to wake them up, I sigh. "Everybody get dressed! Carnival time!" I yell. I hear groans from the bedrooms.

30 minutes later everyone was dressed and ready. Its was 12:00 P.M when we left, because they didn't fully get up. They made it seem like they were getting up but really they were just sleep.

Zoella, Joe, Alfie, Marissa, Casper, Madison, Marcus (Butler) O2L, Jesse (BFVSGF) Jeana (BFVSGF), Andrea, the other Kenzie, SDK, lots of people were there. Lots of youtubers.

"Justin! I want the minion!" I tug his arm. "That one" He points to the despicable me minion, the big one. "Yeah"

"Alright" He goes over to the game, it was a balloon game and you had to pop all the balloons with only 10 darts. And he won! "Minion please, that one" He points to it. The lady gets it and gives it to him, we start to walk off and he gives it to me. "Thank you!"

"Mhmm" He smiles, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Its huge" I say. "That makes two of us" He eyes me. "Ew!" I playfully hit him on the shoulder. "Cotton candy. I'm gonna go get us some, alright?" I nod. He leaves to get it. "Hey babe" Someone grabs my hand, Parker.

"Leave me alone" I take my hand out of his. "Who ya here with?" He asks. "None of your business" He grips my arm. Then he gets shoved. Jc. "Don't you dare touch her. Ever. Again" Jc growls. No! My vision was coming true! And after all of it happened Jc left in handcuffs.

"I'll be fine, I'll see you at the apartment. Stay- Ow!" The handcuffs were hurting him. "Stay here with Kian, be careful- Ow!" The police take him away. I start to look for Kian, tears in my eyes making my vision blurry. I bump into someone.

"Woah. What's wrong Kenzie?" Marcus takes me by the shoulders, then my crying gets harder. "Jc got arrested!" I didn't mean to yell but it came out like that because of my crying. He pats my back. "What he do?"

"Punched someone" He nods. "That's all? He'll be out when someone goes to see him. They'll let him out immediately.. If you explain nicely"

"Can you come with me? Please" He looks around. "Sure. Lets go"

When we reach the police station I explain everything. Luckily they let him go. He hugs me as soon as he gets out the cuffs. "Thanks Marcus. Kenzie, do you wanna go home? Or do you wanna go back to the carnival"

"Home" I answer. "Alright" We all used Kian's car here, so we decided to walk. It wasn't VERY far, it was good to get our mind set.

When we got there, everyone was already there. Well O2L was. And Andrea. And Madison and Marissa. "You did what!?" Kian said after Jc explains. "Your lucky they didn't keep you. You can't up and punch somebody"

"The guy gripped your sister, my girlfriend. I'm not gonna let that go!" No... I remember Jc having a drink or two. He MIGHT be drunk, I'm not really sure. I'm so confused. "That doesn't mean you have permission to break his nose!" Andrea tries to calm Kian but it doesn't work.

"He shouldn't touch her and that's that!" I try and calm Jc but he ignores it. "Why aren't you sticking up for your sister!? That the biggest load of bull-" He looks over to me and stops himself from cursing. "You could've talked to him verbally instead of getting arrested! That could hurt your reputation!"

"Who gives a damn about my reputation when I have a girl to protect?" Jc steps a bit closer to him.


"Stop fighting!" I yell, crying. "You guys are best friends, I'm not supposed to come in between that! Stop fighting!" Marissa and Madison attempt to comfort me but it wasn't working. The fight between them started to get physical, I couldn't take it so I close my eyes and block out all noise by covering my ears. Andrea comes over to me while Ricky and Connor try to stop them. "Kian had a drink, he's probably drunk. Don't think its your fault hun, Jc might be too because I know him and he would never start a fight with his friend"


"I can protect her better than you ever could" Jc says, his eyes aren't the same anymore. Their usually brown but now.. Their a dark brown. Kian steps closer. Marissa and Madison take me to the kitchen, and we sit in the corner. "Stop! We're all gonna get arrested for a noise complaint!" Andrea yells. "You yelling doesn't make it any better" Justin growls. "Don't talk to my girlfriend like that" Kian says, pushing him.

That's when my vision started to come true. I close my eyes shut tight after Andrea says that. Connor sighs and whistles. "Listen up! Your BOTH, scaring your girlfriends. Your not helping yourself, and you Kian. Your scaring your sister, you BOTH need to stop because you BOTH are drunk. I suggest you BOTH go to bed and you BOTH shut the hell up about it" Connor says calmly stopping the fight.

It was silence besides me crying. I open my eyes and Justin was by my side. "I'm sorry Kenzie I..." His eyes were back to his regular shade of brown. I hug him. "Please, don't ever do that again"

"Kenzie, I'm sorry too. But guess what? In the morning, since we probably are drunk. We'll have the biggest headache ever, and probably just laugh about it. I'm not legally old enough to drink, especially for mom, so don't tell her" Kian says. I giggle and nod.

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