Chapter 55

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Jc' P.O.V.

"Daddy. What's that?" She points to the medium sized piano. But was big enough for everyone. "A piano." She nods. "What's it for?" I smile. "Well it's for you. But this is what it does." I sit in the chair, that came with the piano. and start to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Kenzie taught me how to play. Once you find out all the keys, it's not hard. She claps once I finish. "Daddy, can Kolby come over and help me cook!?" I nod. "Sure. Georgia too?" I take out my phone and dial Kolby's mom, Kendal's number. She nods. After Kendal I call Glenda, Georgia's mom.

Once they get here and say bye to their mothers, I bring Kasey's kitchen set in the living room so the two little girls, Georgia and Kasey, and the little boy, Kolby, can play.. Cook with it. "Daddy, what do you want for dinner?" Before I can say something she interrupts. "Georgia your the baby. Kolby's the Daddy and I'm the Mommy. I'll cook Georgia and Kolby dinner. Daddy you can help." I nod. "So.. What are we cooking chief..." A scream. "Stay here you three." I hurry to me and Kenzie's bedroom. "You Ok?" She nods, picking up her phone. "I just dropped my phone." I chuckle. "Ok. I'll be down with the little trouble makers." As soon as I leave the room I hear, "No! Kolby's mine! I wanna be the Mommy!" I really hope that's Georgia saying that, even though it sounds a lot like Kasey. Sure enough it was.

Screaming changed to crying. I hurry to them. "What happened?" Kasey wipes her eyes. "G-Georgia hit me."

"Because Kasey bit m-me!" I sigh. "Both of you, time out. Kolby, come with me." He starts to walk, but stops. "Am I in trouble too?" I shake my head. I sit on the steps, he sits beside me. "What really happened?" He looks down at his fingers. "The girls were fighting about me and I tried to stop them but they didn't listen. And Georgia hit Kasey when Kasey bit her." I nod. "Thanks for telling me." He hurries off the steps and over to Kasey. He gives her a hug. "Are you Ok?" Kasey nods. He goes over to Georgia. "Are you Ok?" She nods. Then he goes back to Kasey. And stays there.

I know I sound crazy but is my daughter in love. Again, I know I sound crazy like I've gone mental or something but, is she? I didn't fall in love at a young age but many do. Some this young, some not. A friend of mine fell in love at 3 with his best friend and they started dating at 16.. They're still together today.

I just don't want her to grow up that fast.

But what if she has too.

That makes no sense, there is no reason to.

She has to stay my little princess.

FOREVER. No. Kidding. I sound like I'm crazy. I really don't want her growing up though. It's a part of life, something I can't stop, something nobody can stop, there's nothing I can do about it.

(It's short. I know. It's a sucky chapter. I know. But I have like 16 pages of homework and 5 projects to do but I put you guys first believe it or not SOOOO, cOMMENT/VOTE. Sorry for any mistakes. AND BYE BYE!)

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