Chapter 60

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Jc' P.O.V. {Explicit language}

"Exactly?" I take out my phone. He takes it. "Give me my damn phone." He slides it across the table to me. "Exactly. If I didn't get what I wanted when I wanted it, somebody got beat."

"I'm not like that." He shrugs. "Maybe not now but you will be." I roll my eyes. "Might wanna call your fiancé because your staying for two days. We have things to discuss." I slam my hands in front of him and stand. "We don't have shit to discuss."

"I know you don't take stuff from anyone but it's either call her and tell her or lose her. You don't want that right?" I grab his collar. "You can't put that against me."

"You can't tell me what to do. Now get your hands off me or you'll be staying until your daughter turns 4." I huff and take a seat. I call Kenzie.

"Justin." She was crying.

"Hey. You Ok?"

"I miss you.. A lot." Her crying starts to get harder.

"I've been gone for only a couple hours." She doesn't respond, only more crying. And sniffing.

"Hey, hey, hey princess. Keep your head up, your tiara is falling. I'll be back before you know it and you won't have to miss me. Ok? Don't cry. Please." Still no response. But it wasn't crying, just sniffling.

"Look this cop is.. Annoying is a good choice of words so I gotta go."

"Ok. Love you."

"Love you more." I hear a giggle before she hangs up leaving me with a smile. But my smile fades once I see the cop. "You really love her, don't you?" He asks. "No. I hate her." I say sarcastically. "The hell does it look like." I add. "If you had to lose her, it's not an option, you had to lose her. How would you lose her? Or like to lose her?"

"First of all, I wouldn't like to lose her in the first place. But to answer your question.. I'd say.. That's hard. I don't know it depends. If she was older, I'd say death. Younger, I'd say my anger issues."

"Has your anger issues ever affected your relationship?" I sigh. "A couple times. Yes." Why am I telling him all this? "How?"

"I'm really sick of you. You know that? That is my personal business I'm done answering questions. Questions that mean nothing to you." I raise my voice but I don't quite yell. "Answer the question Mr. Castillo. Or jail, 'till your daughter is 4."

"You can't hold that against me! If I don't want to answer something I'm not gonna answer that. What don't you understand!?" The cop laughs. "See? You get it now? If someone doesn't want to do something, they aren't gonna do it. Sound familiar?" I shake my head. "No. No it doesn't."

"Tell me something." I've pretty much already told you every single thing. I nod. "Was or is your fiance a cutter?"

"That's none of your business." I stand. "Ah. Your getting defensive. So I'll take that as a yes. How are you helping or helped her with this?"

"By giving her the love she never got. By giving her hope that if I can do it, she can too. Giving her the courage to stop and stand up to whatever is in her way. Are you fucking happy now? I'm done answering your questions."

"Your gonna answer another." He demands. "Bullshit. I'm not answering another question. I don't care if I go to jail until my daughter is..." Actually I do.

**The Next Day**

Kenzie's P.O.V.

"I don't wanna go to school! I not going to school without Daddy!" I sigh. "He will be home once you get back, Ok? Come on." She groans. Hopping out of bed. "Go eat breakfast while I get your stuff ready." She stomps to the kitchen.

Is that knocking? At the door? Can't be. I hear as scream. That was definitely Kasey. I hurry to the kitchen. I freeze.

(Sorry it's short. Sorry for any mistakes. COMMENT/VOTE. Thanks to @Glenda1D I updated again because I had a concert and I was just gonna go to bed but I saw her comment and decided to make another. She is also one of my main commenters so I'd like to thank her for that. Love ya, bye! )

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