Chapter 96

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Jc' P.O.V.

"Have a good day at school you two." I pat their heads and watch them walk in the school, hand in hand. I go back home and lay down.

"And being here without you. Is like I'm waking up to. Only half a blue sky, kinda there but not quite. I'm walking around with just one shoe, I'm half a heart without you. Half a man at best, with half an arrow in my chest. I miss everything we do I'm half a heart without you." I whisper. It's only been like 9-10 hours but I miss her. A lot. "Forget all we said that night..." My last words to her.. Weren't, I love you.

"Forget all we said that night. No it doesn't even matter, cause we both got split into." I whisper.

She's gone. Now that she is, there's nothing to do. Nothing fun to do, nothing to clean, nothing to laugh about, no one to argue with, no one to laugh with, no one to cuddle with.

I need to do something. Something to get my mind off her. The next holiday is Valentine's day. Oh great. I'm gonna be sad, depressed, and lonely on Valentine's.

Kasey's P.O.V.

"That's not funny!" Kolby comes over. "Leave her alone!" The boy that was messing with me sticks his tongue out and runs off. Kolby gives me a hug. "My mommy is gone."

"My Daddy is too." Kolby tells me.

Jake's P.O.V.

This has to be Kasey's room. I open the door. "Excuse me little guy. Where's your-" Kasey's cut her off. "That's my brother." She takes my hand. "What are you doing?" She whispers. "I'm scared. And I miss mommy." I admit.

(Sorry if short. Sorry for any mistakes. COMMENT/VOTE. Some of you are mad at me for Kenzie. I sowwie! SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT!!!: Plot twist next chapter. Love ya, bye!)

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