Chapter 78

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Jc' P.O.V.

I hurry to the bathroom. She's throwing up. I frown and rub her back. "What's wrong? This isn't morning sickness.. You didn't make yourself throw up, did you?"

"No. It was a reaction to all the hate." She couldn't finish her sentence, age was still throwing up. "I'll be right back." I leave the bathroom and stand on my chair, taking the microphone from the security guard. "Listen up!"

"Raise your hand if your a fan of Kenzie, or you like Kenzie." Half of them raise their hand. "The ones that didn't raise your hand, you can leave. Your not about to insult my fiancé." They all stayed. "No one is leaving? Then I expect none of you to say anything about Kenzie."

"Where's Kenzie!?" I hear someone in the crowd say. "Because of some of the rude, cold hearted people, she is getting sick from the hate."

"She needs to lose weight anyway!" I hear. I step off of my chair, keeping my eye on the girl that said it. I walk up to her. "I'm done with people like you. When she comes out, your going to apologize and never come to another meet and greet. Got that security?" They nod. "Make sure she does that. Give me your photo." She hands it to me, hands shaking. I rip it in half, then into 4s. I raise them over her head and make it rain an ripped unsigned picture.

"I wanted that signed." She growls. "Did it look like it was signed!?... Didn't think so-" She interrupts me. "Behind you." I turn around. Kenzie.

"Kenzie, you Ok?" She nods. "Where's Kasey?" She asks. Oh shi... "Where's Kasey, Justin!?" I shush her. "She has to be in here somewhere. It's Ok, she's probably with a fan." The girl taps my shoulder, she points to another girl. "Hi Daddy!"

"Kasey, what are you doing?" I pick her up to get her out of the black rope and set her down. "Saying hi to some people." I try not to smile. "Just go sit with Mommy." I put the microphone up to my mouth. "If I hear anything bad about Kenzie starting now, not only will you get your photo ripped, yelled at, but you will also get kicked out. Not by security, by me." I was about to finish until, "Hey you. Rolling your eyes at me, you can leave too. Just putting that out there."

I go back to my seat to finish the rest of the meet and greet.


"Justin! What was that!?" I wish Kasey was here to break this up. But she wanted to stay with Kian. "Me protecting you. You threw up because of the hate. You can't afford to do that, your eating for 2. You and the baby." I'm trying to stay calm because she says I scare her when I yell. "Unbelievable." She huffs and heads to the door. "Where do you think your going?"

"Away from you. You need to learn to control your anger with fans. When you have done that, I'll be happy to come back." She leaves the room, slamming the door.

(Sorry if short. Sorry for any mistakes. I LOVE THE COMMENTS ON THE CHAPTER BEFORE THIS. They made me laugh so hard. Anyway, COMMENT/VOTE Love ya, bye!)

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