Chapter 5

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I knock on Jc' door and patiently waiting. The door opened seconds later, I smile and he returned one. "Hey," I greet, just wanting him to help me with my hair. Well, a decision on it anyway. I wonder what style would look better with my outfit despite it being Nate's big black sweatshirt that I had from when he moved and a pair of leggings.

"Hey, I actually needed to talk to you," he said as if it were a relief to say, which is odd but alright.

I felt bad for it, but I blew him off. "Yeah, but listen, hair up," I demonstrate it by pulling my hair up in a curled pony tail. "or down?" I let my hair fall down.

"Uh, down," he said it more like a question but I took the advice anyway even though he wasn't sure. I'm not sure why his room smells like, whatever, not important.

"Great, thanks, we'll talk when I get back, yeah?" I smile, once again, turning around to grab my phone and wait for Nate.

"Where are you going?" Jc spoke, probably reading just noww appearing Kian's mind.

"Nate's in L.A., he moved back," I say excitedly. I can just smell the judgement of these two. Jc barely knows Nate from what I've told him so I doubt he'll like him. Then there's Kian who's dealt with my whole dating history and he doesnt really like Nate, and doesn't hide it but doesn't make it obvious wither.

"Mm, the same guy you were bawling over last night?" Jc announced, rather harshly, like a threat. I gave him a scolding mom look. Kian looked at me, furrowing.

"I'm not doing this," I scoffed, ignoring the judgemental looks from Kian and the judgement in Jc' voice. Actually, "you Jc, you have no right. You don't know me. Just like I don't know you, and right now, I very much don't want to."

Kian gave a confused look at Jc, before backing him up into his room and closing the door behind them. I could hear my phone go off from my room, which was Nate telling me he was outside. I hurried downstairs and out of the door with my mini purse across my chest.

I got in the passenger seat of his car, leaning over to kiss him but he turned his head so my kiss landed on his cheek. Ouch. I left it alone, not making a big deal out of it. "Hey," he greeted. I smile as a response in addition to a hey. I don't want to lose him again. I love him. I think.


"What!?" Kian shouted. I don't know what he was talking about, but I could obviously tell he was upset about something. "You didn't have to call her out, dude."

"Like that's not what she just did to me," I raised my voice but I wasn't yelling, yet? making a lot of gestures with my hands.

"She's my sister."

"And I'm your brother," I huff. "I'm not mad that you're picking her side, or whatever, I'm mad at your reason. I have a right to be upset too, don't I? You should be mad too! The very guy that made her cry until she threw up, she's going on a date with," I explained, now yelling.

"That's not your problem! It's mine, so leave it alone!"

"It's your problem? Well, get out of my room and go solve it," I give him a head-start push to get him out of my room, before he opened the door and left. I sighed. I just argued with Kian because of Kenzie, what the hell. Now I'm on bad sides with both of the Lawley's. Great.

A couple hours past, which I spent editing videos, or binge watching TV shows on Netflix. I heard a door slam. Well then, Kenzie must be back, and it must not have been good. Kian left his room, I could tell because his door made a certain noise. I walked to the bathroom, just to hear them better.

"All your curls are gone," Kian said. I can't see anything but I'm assuming he's trying to lighten the tense mood because the tone of voice. I couldn't hear much else besides, "what'd he do?" Then I heard indistinct mumbles through tears. Again, Nate's making her cry. I'm sure he's a good guy and that Kenzie loves him, whatever, but all Kenzie does when she's been around him is cry. They obviously aren't good for each other. Kian said something, that I couldn't really make out besides the word okay. Then I heard a scream of, tired, from Kenzie but that's all I got.

It was quiet for a while before I heard a knock on the door. "Can I come in?" It was Kenzie's voice. I moved the shower curtains to act like I was actually doing something with my life and not eavesdropping. I opened the door. Her mascara running. I opened my mouth to say something but she obviously didn't want to hear it. "Don't."

"Won't," I responded, brushing past her to leave the bathroom and get to my room.

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