Chapter 26

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(There may or may not be a double update today due to the number of comments on Chapter 24. Get those to 3 comments and double and maybe even triple update)

Jc' P.O.V

"I can't believe your saying these things to me Justin." Neither can I, but you deserve it. "I just.. I'll be back in 5 to 10 minutes, I just really need to calm down before I do something I really regret." I open my bedroom door and slam it behind me.

Kenzie's P.O.V

As soon as I hear the front door slam I go all out. "I." I throw his phone that he left, out the window. "Can't." I take all the clothes out his suit case. "Believe." I pull the covers off his bed. "Him." I throw his penny board out the window also. "Ugh!" I tug at my hair.


"She's an 18 year old girl." A mumble says. "She's gonna have her moments." Another mumble says. Very similar to the first. I open my eyes from my nap. Justin's room was spotless, with Justin in it, still cleaning. "Just let her sleep." He mumbles again, still cleaning the room I messed up. He gets on his knees to pick up the clothes but glances at me. I quickly clothes my eyes. "Awake I see." He stands. Walking to the side of the bed, sitting down beside my stretched legs. "I'm sorry I said all those things."

"I'm sorry I... Messed up your room." I say, as innocently as possible though I clearly know I wasn't. "That's alright, we do have a moment alone.." He smirks. "Nah." I shake my head and close my eyes, heading back to sleep. He pulls me out of bed, putting me against the wall. "Change your mind?"

"Maybe.." I smile. His lips press against mine. Leading to something way more than a kiss.


"We're home!" I hear Kian say. Justin's mouth drops open. Someone knocks on the door. "Don't come in. I'm getting dressed, I just got out the shower." I lie. "Oh. Ok. Well we have lunch whenever your ready to come down." I nod. Though I really doubt they saw that. "Ok."

"We were.. Almost really dead. And caught. And.. Lots of other things, let's just.. Get dressed and hurry downstairs so they don't suspect anything." And we do just that. "You guys are.. Really sweaty, what'd you guys do?" ....... I say: "Jogging." As Justin says "Boxing." We look at each other. "Same thing." We say in sync. They laugh. "Anyway we have McDonald's." Kian says rather slowly. "Kenzie can I talk to you?" I nod and follow him to the hallway. "What did you guys really do?" Something in my mind wanted to say "Each other." probably the mind that Justin has taken over. "Um.. We um.."

"It's obvious. Did he um.. This is really awkward from brother to sister but did he... Protection?" I nod. Not trusting my voice because I'd probably say something stupid to make him not believe me. "Um.. Good. I guess.. Let's just eat."

When we go down I immediately hear, "I don't even want this milk, it looks too much like something else..." Oh my god. How'd they find out? "You know Kian.. You have a really loud voice." Ok then. "I'll be eating upstairs from.. Forever because obviously you guys aren't gonna let me live this down."

"Kian how do you even approve of this? She's 18." I give Ricky an evil eye. "Age is nothing but a number." He quickly changes his answer from me giving him the eye. We continue to eat, I just sit there and watch them eat. Justin tells me to eat. "I'm not hungry." I reply with a smile.

"You know what happened last time when you said that.." He says. "That's the past. This is now. If I was hungry I would really truly eat." I roll my eyes. "Fine." Connor starts to laugh. "Jc.. I'm surprised your not full."

"Guys. Your disgusting." I raise my hands up and head back to Justin's room. "She even walks like she's sore." I hear one of them say, but I could barely even hear so I couldn't tell who. "This is what I have to deal with, living with all boys." I say to myself, shaking my head. I go back into his room closing the door behind me going back on YouTube to watch a video of Justin's. Though I have watched all of them from the time when I had a crush on him to now. I watch the "Things You Shouldn't Do When Your Pregnant." Just because...

"Who would even do those things with a kid?" I look at the door. "You would." A voice says. Justin. He walks in. "How long have you been there?" He makes a humming noise. "Uh... Since the "What's up O2l!?"" Of course.

(SORRY ITS SHORT.. AND WEIRD. SORRY FOR THe caps once again like wtf. Anywho, sorry for the very cheesy and corny sex jokes in here. Um.. What else.. Um I guess you don't have to comment but I would love it if you did making a DOUBLE UPDATE. Like always 3+ comments= More than 1 update. Sorry for any mistakes btw.)

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