Chapter 3

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Kian's P.O.V

My phone began to ring, I rolled over to it, answering it. Kenzie called me crying and screaming. "What's wrong!?"

"I'm literally Muke! I got my eyebrow pierced and a lip ring!"

"You have no life, bye," I kept from laughing but she didn't, giggling nonstop.

"No, wait! Can I come over best big brother in the whole entire world that I love so very much and would do anything for because I love him so much?"

"Why so you can hang out with Jc?" I start getting protective of her, teasing but being completely serious.

"No, because ish you birthday. So we're gonna party. I've planned this all in my head for a year."

"You have seriously have no life. Should you and Jc date so you're actually doing something?" I joke.

"Oh, shut up. But please Kiki, please," I sort of growled at the end not sure why.

"Alright, fine," I give in. She screams before hanging up.

Kenzie's P.O.V

I went to the store buying all the decorations and buying a few more presents in addition to the ones I already had, placing them in a birthday bag.

After walking back since the store wasn't far, I called Jc to tell Kian to do something while I decorated and have Jc pick me up which he gladly did.

I decorated big time, I went all out and I had a blast. Me, having fun actually doing something productive with my life. Surprising.

We decided to have a party. We invited lots of YouTubers, some I watched daily, or whenever they uploaded. Shane Dawson, Ryan Abe, Dom, Joey Graceffa, and the rest I subscribe to and I love them but I don't watch their videos. Once everybody for the most part got here, we texted Kian to come back and rushed everybody up the stairs.

"You first," Ryan pushes me up the stairs. "hurry up slow poke, you little rat," I quietly giggled, going up the stairs faster. I held the button to the stereo in my hand. I hear Kian close the door and call out for Jc, I start to play Selena Gomez' Birthday.

We rush downstairs singing or dancing to the music, crowding around Kian. "I honestly hate you all," he says over the music that I already warned neighbors about.

"You love us!" I scream, continuing to dance to the music. I don't even really like Selena, but I love this song.

"Unfortunately," Kian smiled. Others scattered away, going to the drink table, getting closer to the stereo, taking a seat, finding their friends, until it was just Kian and I. "thanks Kenzie, good job at the decorating."

"Let's get presents!" I cheer, going behind the couch and grabbing the present bag. "Happy birthday Kiki."

He burst into laughter, pulling out the mug. "Oh, you shouldn't have."

"Oh, I should have

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"Oh, I should have. Because well, you can be one sometimes," his head shoots up looking at me. "I still love you though," I blow a kiss before backing away, running into someone. "clumsy Kenzie, sorry," I look up to see Ryan. "best fren!"

"Still making references to things I don't know," he opens his arms, and wraps them around me pulling me in for a hug as I do the same with him. "I haven't seen you since I moved."

"Yeah, you jerk," I slowly pulled away from the hug. "I missed you, idiot, it's no fair you had to move all a sudden."

"Well, while I'm here we should catch up. I'll be here all week. Wanna go out to a buffet? Hibachi? I know you love their fried donuts."

"Who doesn't though?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Good point."

"Kenzie!" I turn my head to where it was coming from. It was Kian holding a phone.

"Yeah?" I hurry over to him, thinking I'm in trouble.

"You're in sooo much trouble with mom, she wants you home now," he chuckles. I snatch the phone.

"Mommy?" I spoke, trying to butter her up.

"You need to come home now, it's getting a bit late. You aren't drinking at that party are you?"

"Only Arizona tea, the best of the best mother," I wanted to hang up. Already.

"Good, because your not old enough to drink."

"Yeah, I know," I mumble.


"Nothing. Mama, I'm going to stay with Kian tonight, okay? It's his birthday and I think we should spend time together."

She cuts me off with a laugh. "Oh, you're serious? Well, sure. He knows how to take care of you, I hope."

"I can take care of myself," I mumble, rolling my eyes.

"What was that?"

"I love you, bye!" I hung up the phone, handing it back to Kian. "Spending the night with my adored big bro," I grin.

"I hate you," he squints his eyes at me.

"I love you, too, Kiki," I turn right back around to continue my conversation with Ryan, jumping on his back even though I had a skirt on.


A hand reached across in front of my face, I followed to where it pointed. "Because I needed competition," I mumble, looking at Connor. "you owe me double for this," this. This thing I didn't even want to do because Kenzie's sweet, and I kissed her literally a day ago, not because I was bored, because I actually thought.

I'm not sure what I thought.

But I don't want to hurt her, I know that. Especially Kian being my best friend. He's going to murder me.

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