Chapter 41

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**Two Days Later**

Jc' P.O.V.

I take the baby seat from the nurse and put it in the back seat of the car. I buckle the baby seat in and help Kenzie out of the wheelchair and into the back of the car with Kasey. I close the door and go in the driver's seat. "Buckled in?" I ask Kenzie, putting the car in drive. "Yes." She responds and I start to head home.

As soon as we reach home I help Kenzie out of the car. I unbuckle the baby seat and walk up to the door, unlocking it, waiting until Kenzie got inside to make my way inside. I walk up to Kasey's bedroom which used to be the guest room and sit the car seat down. "Look Kase. Your new home, welcome to the world princess." I look down at her and she was squirming around, smiling. "I'm guessing you like the room then." She giggles. "Your too cute. I know just where you get it from." I think of Kenzie. "K-" I start but I remember, I can't yell around the baby. Yet, it was too late. She was crying. I unbuckle her car seat and take her out. Patting her back. "Sh... Wait I know why your crying, you didn't eat today.. Please don't be like Mommy used to when you get older."

I go to the kitchen and Kenzie wasn't even in the living room, she must be in the bedroom sleeping. And if your wondering, we still live in the 4/6 O2L house. We haven't decided wether we wanted to move or to stay and I don't want to pressure her into answering something. Kasey starts to cry harder. "Ok Ok I'm sorry, I'm making your bottle now." I manage to make her bottle all while holding her and sit on the couch. I start to feed her the bottle of milk. "Justin." Kenzie whisper screams from the stairs. I look up at her, still feeding Kasey. "Don't forget to keep track of when she eats and how much she eats. And don't forget to burp her." I nod and she makes her way back up to my bedroom.

When she finishes, which I knew when she started moving her head side to side, I start to burp her. But instead of getting a burp, I get her spitting up. "Uh oh." I wipe her mouth with a towel. "You Kasey, your not even a week old and your a lot of trouble." She smiles. giggling nonstop until she burped. She looked so shocked causing me to laugh. "That's normal baby girl." I assure her, looking into her eyes. "Your eyes were blue princess. Now their brown. Oh.. I know why, never mind." Most babies are born with blue eyes no matter what color their parents eyes are because Melanin hadn't been fully deposited in the irises of her eyes or darkened by exposure to ultraviolet light. Phew, I became smart since I found out Kenzie was having a child.

I guess it's because I want to know if there is something is wrong with the baby or if it's normal.

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