Chapter 57

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Kenzie's P.O.V.

"Justin please." I whine. "Your gonna pay McKenzie." I scoot back further onto the bed. "Don't. Move." He warns. "Justin please, I'm sorry." He smiles, wide. "Your sorry? Your not getting out of this! So stop trying."

I try and reach over for my phone but he takes it before I could get it. "Justin I'm sorry." I've never seen him like this. I don't want to either. "Stop saying that. Please. Your gonna get it worse if you do." What is he talking about? "What are you gonna do?" I'm scared to death. He's capable of almost everything. "Right now, I'm not sure yet. But I have something in mind."

"And what would that be?" He huffs, turning to the closet. "You ask way to many questions. Shush." He turns back to me. "Justin." He looks up at me. "Hmm?"

"What are-" He cuts me off. "Nothing. Nothing anymore, so please stop asking." He hands me my phone back. "Call the cops. On me. Do it." I don't move as if I didn't hear him. "Do it." I start to, but don't finish. "Yeah. So why even try? Secondly, please please try to not tempt me when I tell you to stop. It's not gonna do you any good, or me. Got those things down?"

"Why are you being so rude? I want the old Justin back."

"You don't know how stressful my life is McKenzie! I have to deal with 5 other guys, 3 siblings, a mother, Kasey and you. On top of that, I have O2L. You really think I'm gonna be happy and shi-stuff when I'm under so much stress. I just want a break! But no, I can't get one, can I?" He turns to leave the bedroom but stops. Without turning back around. "Don't answer that." Then leaves.

Jc' P.O.V.

I'm tired of get attitude. I'm tired of-I'm tired in general. I'm probably gonna be sleeping on the couch.

**The Next Day**

My chest feels heavier then... Kenzie? She was laying beside me, head on my chest. Kasey on my stomach, curled up in a ball. "Hey. Hey Kenzie, wake up." Herr eyes flutter open then go up to mine. "Aren't you suppose to hate me right now? All the stuff I-" She cuts me off. "Forget that. You were right. I always want to start arguments. Just forget it. I'm really sleepy."

"Are you.. Last time you were sleepy and stuff.. You were pregnant." She shakes her head. " 'M not pregnant. It's 5 in the morning, please go back to bed." I kiss the top of her head. Whatever I said, it worked.

"Don't. I just want to go to bed." She moves her head to get comfortable again. "Ok. Sorry." I'm just gonna listen. I'm not gonna start anything with her. I'm lucky she didn't leave. I lost it yesterday. I didn't do that. There was this different side of me that I couldn't control and it took over. It's scary. I don't want it to ever happen again either. I need to start going to the gym again, it calms me. I'll start today.

(Sorry its short. COMMENT/VOTE. I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH WE REACHED 9.42K reads!!!!! BYE BYE!}

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