Chapter 51

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Jc' P.O.V.

I unlock the door. I left my charger. I go up to my bedroom. "McKenzie?" She drops the razor. I go over to her and give her a hug. I look at her wrist. No cuts. If I didn't walk in on her, there would've been cuts everywhere. "Don't do this." I run my thumb over her wrist. "Your killing us by leaving!" She storms off. I go after her. "I am not McKenzie. I have to go. If I don't I'll hurt you and maybe even Kasey." She rolls her eyes. "Just get out." I shake my head. "Let me explain to you, which I have already done multiple times, but your acting like a brat and not listening!" She sits down. "Stand up." She follows my instructions. "I'm tired of getting pushed around by you-" She cuts me off. "Pushed around. You-" I cut her off. "Don't you dare interrupt me, McKenzie just listen for once." She sighs. "Can I say something?" I nod.

"If you can't do it for me, do it for Kasey." I huff. "No stop! I'm not doing it for anyone. It's for you girls safety, it's not picking sides. What don't you understand!?" Stop. Your losing your temper. Stop. Kasey is sleeping. "You don't want us. You hate me. You hate Kasey." I half laugh. "If I didn't want you don't you think I would've left earlier in our relationship, OR would I be leaving for your safety?" I don't give her time to answer. "DO you think that if I hated you, I would propose to you, or have Kasey with you?" She opens her mouth but nothing comes out. "DO you think that if I hated Kasey, I would care for her when you were sleepy or all that?"

"But your leaving! That effects everything." She huffs. "The only effect it has is making everything better." I growl. "How is you leaving making things better? I don't have a job, even if I did, I can't leave Kasey by herself." "Listen to me McKenzie-" She cuts me off. "No! Just get out!" She stands. I take her wrists and carefully sit her down. "Listen to me. I am not leaving until-" She cuts me off, taking out her phone, turning it toward me. Her thumb was beside the Emergency Call button.

"One button and your going to jail." I take the phone from her and put it in my pocket. "You rather have me go to jail. No. Doesn't matter anyway because right now, your gonna tell me which sounds better. Got it?" She crosses her arms. "If I stay here, I'll hurt you or Kasey on accident. I can go to jail. If I leave, that can't happen, and happily ever after." "It might be a happily ever after for you! Jc what about us!?" I freeze. She never calls me Jc unless... She doesn't love me. "Do you even love me?" Her eyes start to water. "I did." She used to. She storms off, toward the door. "McKenzie." She whips around. "Sit back down. And listen." She groans. "Your acting like a baby!"

"Your acting like a jackass! What kind of father, and boyfriend leaves their family?!" I bite my bottom lip. "The kind that doesn't want them getting hurt. The kind that doesn't want their family to get harmed. That's the kind of father, and boyfriend." She screams. She stands and starts hitting on my chest. "Get out!" I grab her arms. She was crying.. Hard. I put her head in my chest. "Stop. Just give up. I'm leaving. I have to." I rub her back. "But.. I love you." She continues to cry into my chest.

"I love you too. A lot. And that's why I'm leaving. So you all are safe. Ok baby?" She shakes her head. "I don't want you to leave." I continue you to rub her back. "I don't want to either but it's for the best. I didn't get a proper goodbye with Kasey, can I?" She nods. I go up to Kasey's bedroom. "Kase." I whisper. "D-Daddy?" She rubs her eyes. "Hey princess. I wanted to say bye bye since I didn't get to earlier." I wave. "Daddy wait." I go back over to her. "Come closer." I do as she says. She kisses me on the cheek. "I'll miss you Daddy." I return a kiss. "I'll miss you too. Love you." I start to walk off. "Love-" She gets cut off by a yawn. "Love you more Daddy." Sadly that's gonna be the last time I hear that.

I go back down and give Kenzie a hug and kiss goodbye. "I promise to call everyday." I assure her. She smiles and nods. "Bye Justin." So she does love me. Probably not for long though.

(SORRY THIS IS SHORT BUT I WAS AT A PARTY AND IT WAS AN OVER NIGHT PARTY SO I DIDN'T GET TO UPDATE A triple time I think. SO comment what you think about Jc' leaving and I'll TRY and update again. I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS THAT I HOPE YOU ALL LIKE. Okay um.. Sorry for any mistakes, AND BYE.)

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