Chapter 43

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Kenzie's P.O.V.

I can't believe another year has past. Me and Justin lived together in our own house, haven't had any arguments, surprisingly. Kasey is 1 years old. She's crawling, trying to learn to stand. She's grown up so much and she's only 1. 3 years of O2L which is great. They do have their own show called Our2ndlife, duh, and each person has a day. Then Sunday's are when they just record us, like a reality show.

We went for Kasey check up and she's already saying Mommy and Daddy. She'll say no and yes sometimes too. The doctor said it was normal for that to happen, especially with girls, though she may not understand what they mean. I'm very aware she does though. "Kasey." I pat my leg. She looks toward me. I gesture her to come here. She starts to crawl toward me. "D-Dadda." She stumbles into my lap. "Dadda is buying you another pacifier since you bit a hole in it. And more baby food." She does not want me to take away her pacifier, one day I tried and she screamed.... For a whole 15 minutes. We're trying but she does not want to give it up.

"No." She doesn't like some baby foods. We make sure to buy the ones she likes. She likes table food more than baby food so we're slowly weening in the table food. "I'll be right back Kase. I'm gonna get your sippy cup." I get up and go to the kitchen, taking her sippy cup full of orange juice out the fridge. "Dadda!" I turn and Kasey was crawling to the door, where Justin was. "Hey princess." He sets the grocery bags down beside him and picks up Kasey. "Did you miss me?"

"Yes." She says quickly. "I missed you too. Wanna see what I got you?" He picks up the bags and sets them in the kitchen. "Yes!" She says. "Ta Da. A new pacifier." Kasey giggles. "Let me open it and rinse it off."


"No!" Poor Justin was trying to get Kasey to give his phone back. "Please." She shakes her head. He sneakily snatches the pacifier out of her mouth. "Daddy!" She whines. "Phone." He points to it because she probably doesn't know what he's talking about. She gets on all fours and pushes up, standing.. For a long time, longer than she ever has. "She's standing." I say, smiling. "Here princess." He put the pacifier back in her mouth and takes his phone back. She falls down. "Try again. Stand." She tilts her head to the side, confused. Justin sits down, then stands. Trying to get Kasey to do the same. And she does. He snaps a picture of her standing.

Someone knocks on the door. Scaring Kasey making her fall. Justin goes to the door as I pick up Kasey and do the same. It was Lindy and Justin's siblings. Jaylyn, Joe Felix, and Ava Grace. "Kenzie!" His siblings hug my legs. They've met me before when Kasey was born.


Jc' P.O.V.

"Mom don't embarrass me. We're gonna show her the video and that's gonna be the end of it. (Vid on the side)." My mom nods. We start to watch the video, laughing the majority of the time. "How come I wasn't in there big bobo?" Ava Grace asks. "Big bobo?" Kenzie laughs. I blush. "Whatever, anyway, you and Joe Felix were sleeping."

"Why didn't we sleep on the table?" Ava adds. We all had the widest smiles on our faces. "You sleep on beds, isn't that right Kase?" I look down at her who was in my lap. "No." She answers, smiling. "Told you!"

"Ava she's 1." I laugh. "Big bobo, how did you get a kid?" I look at Kenzie then to my mom. "I think it's better if I didn't answer this." Kenzie nods, leaving my mother to answer it. "Well.. There's this bird called the stork and the stork delivers the baby."

"So that means the stork is our mom?" Jaylyn asks. We all laugh. "No because I ordered you." Joey's face lights up. "Order and deliver, we're like pizza." I cover my face with one of my hands, the other holding onto Kasey. "Only you would think of pizza."

"Big bobo, look." Ava points to Kasey. Oh. "Can I have a towel, please?" I laugh. She spit up. I wipe her mouth. "Thank you Ava."

"Auntie Kenzie. Your so quiet." They call her Auntie Kenzie or Aunt Kenzie. Kenzie giggles. "Sorry I just can't believe Justin actually agreed to show me that video. You guys are so funny." My mom stretches an arm around me. "It runs in the family, doesn't it Justin?" I look down at Kasey. "Yes." My mouth drops open. "She says no and yes to the wrong thing, I don't get it." I joke.

"Can me and Auntie Kenzie speak alone?" My mom says. "Not even-" Mom and Kenzie cuts me off. "Not even you." I laugh. "Ok. Let's go children."

"I'm not a children." Ava says, following me up to my bedroom as the others do the same.

Kenzie's P.O.V.

"Is Justin doing Ok? Has he stopped.. You know." She's referring to his anger problem. "He's doing better. Whenever he's angry he'll go for a walk or go to the gym. He's doing much better."

"That's good. Did he tell you?" I shake my head. "Tell me what?"

(OK so I'm gonna try to make this short and sweet. Instead of long and sour. That makes no sense but anyway. The picture is what Kasey looks like and the vide is what they all watched. And if we get this to 5+ comments of what I'm asking then I'll either do a double update tomorrow or a long chapter. Ok so what I want you guys to comment is what you think Justin has to tell her. At least 3 of those but if we get to 5+ of those then either double update or long chapter tomorrow. Srry for any mistakes, bye)

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